The Spirit Level
The Spirit Level
The Spirit Level Podcast Season 3 Episode #2
(00:30) Join Mel & MR M for this week's episode, in which Mel gives an update as to her recovery from a recent operation, which has meant she is currently off work, but using her time wisely Mel suggests a series on Netflix that she has watched which she recommends for those interested in UFO's and Alien encounters.
Coming in this week's show -:
(03:00) CINNABAR is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(05:00) We lock horns with TAURUS in COSMIC CRUISE.
(09:44) We have 2 listener questions this week, from Jill in Coventry and Rose in Aberdeen, who ask about premonitions and high pitched sounds heard at night.
(13:39) In MR M'S MENAGERIE, BASE 211 & OPERATION HIGHJUMP are being discussed.
(31:39) We welcome Amanda Parnell to the podcast for her first episode on self-care, TAKE CARE OF YOU.
(35:48) In STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have some acupressure points to help with HEADACHES AND NAUSEA, GB20 & YIN TANG.
Coming up in next weeks show -:
SEPTARIAN is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We double up with GEMINI in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, MOHENJO-DARO is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, FAIRY MAGIC & THE FAE FOLK are our focus. In the second episode of MARIA’S MAGICAL SUPER 6, YOGA & MEDITATION are the topics under discussion, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have some points to aid with digestion and sickness, P6 & LI4.
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Thanks for listening and LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL.
00:00 Mel – INTRO
Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some, or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.
00:30 Mel – WELCOME
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to Episode 2 in Season 3 of the Spirit Level podcast. How are you doing? Well, it’s been a funny couple of weeks here in soggy Oughtibridge as I ended up having surgery on my back last Monday, so I’ve been laid up recovering since. Thank you to everyone who has been in touch and sent me lovely healing messages and thank you, thank you, thank you for getting us to the amazing milestone of 4500 downloads of the podcast!! That cheered me up no end I can tell you and we are so very grateful.
Thank you also to everyone who has bought me or Mr M a coffee! Your support helps us keep the show going and is greatly appreciated and if you have enjoyed the show than you too can show you appreciation by clicking the buy us a coffee link, it stops us having to put adverts in the show and spoiling your enjoyment.
So, whilst I have been laid up and not allowed to do very much, I have been catching up with Netflix and wanted to tell you about a great series we watched called “TOP SECRET UFO PROJECTS DECLASSIFIED”. If you are into this arena, it’s very good, as are all the Ancient Aliens series. If you’ve never seen them, they are mind blowing. I genuinely think that we will have proof positive very soon that we are not alone in the Universe and never have been. They have been here for quite some time. As Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters fame sings “The sky is a neighbourhood” and I know he’s right. Watch this space.
So, coming up in this week’s show -:
We have CINNABAR as the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We lock horns with TAURUS in COSMIC CRUISE. There'll be some more of your listener questions. In MR M'S MENAGERIE, BASE 211 & OPERATION HIGHJUMP are being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS we talk about the FEBRUARY SNOWMOON. We welcome Amanda Parnell to the podcast for her series TAKE CARE OF YOU, and in this the first episode, Amanda looks at SELF-CARE, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have some acupressure points to help with HEADACHES AND NAUSEA, points GB20 & YIN TANG.
So, if you’re ready, here we go.
Mr M has picked us another belter this week folks and it’s the Alchemist’s Stone, CINNABAR.
This is very much a crystal rather than a tumbled type stone and its Vermilion coloured crystal also have a touch of Mercury in them, hence the link to alchemy where Mercury was thought to be involved in the magical process of turning base metals into Gold.
So, what’s the alchemy in this crystal. Well, it’s all about change and the “glow up” as it may be referred to in popular culture. So, if you are wanting to increase your personal magnetism or have a change of image, this is the crystal to assist in that process.
CINNABAR can increase your personal power and enhance your outward facing demeanor whilst also giving you the gift of the gab as we would say in Yorkshire. This is achieved via a boost to your verbal and mental fluency.
On an energetic level, CINNABAR promotes the feeling that all is perfect just as it is, and it release all blockages and aligns energy centres. It is also a very strong abundance crystal and great for promoting businesses and prosperity.
Physically it assists with blood based conditions and stabilises weight and promotes fertility but as you may have already guessed by the fact that there is Mercury present, CINNABAR is toxic. So not one to be worn physically next to the skin and most definitely NOT taken as an elixir. So be careful folks!
Welcome to this week’s COSMIC CRUISE, and this week our focus is on TAURUS. TAURUS the bull falls between 21st April and the 21st May and is ruled by Venus the Planet of love and is a Fixed Earth sign. Earth signs are generally very solid, capable and grounded. They tend to like the finer things in life, fine clothes, food and wine as they are very sensual folks. This is on a good day mind, on a bad day Earth types can be stubborn, aggressive and totally inflexible and that love for the finer things? Well, that can quickly flip into greed and avarice, addiction and over-indulgence, if not careful.
But our TAURUS folk are generally very loyal, rock solid and are the best friend you could ever want. They can be stubborn, and pig headed sometimes but they often have amazing stamina both physical and emotional. They will still be there when everyone else has given up and gone home. When there is a job to be done our Taurians will do it and see it through to the bitter end. Same with love. When a Taurian loves someone, they love them with everything they have got, forever. That’s the ruling Venus for you.
Your soul lesson my little Bulls is not to get stuck in the same patterns of behaviour or actions. There are other ways you can do things and to put that heartfelt determination to work for the highest good. Great careers for Taurians are anything to do with the finer things in life, so Chef, Sommelier, restaurant owner, interior designer, fashion but also finance and money, so accountant, banking etc. Famous Taurians include our dearly beloved Queen, Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), that’s the physical strength right there, eh? David Beckham and Adele, luxury all the way I’d say.
Crystal wise, the Taureans Planetary Crystal is AVENTURINE which is magical in its ability to offer clarity and offers hope and essential vitality in facing the future head on.
Tarot wise, TAURUS is represented by THE HIEROPHANT, the 5th Card of the Major Arcana and represents creativity and love of the physical, material world, sensuality, and pleasure as well as establishment, rules and boundaries.
Now onto the 3 card Tarot reading.
OK, so here's your three-card tarot spread for you Taurian's out there for the next three months, so that's February, March, April and the first card that we've pulled is the KING OF PENTACLES.
Now, this could mean you or it could mean the situation that you find yourself in, but the KING OF PENTACLES is all about security, and it's all about money and it's actually being quite canny with your money, so in the next month you're going to have to be using your instincts I think coz THE MOON card is also on this card and that's what's jumping out at me intuitively at the moment. So, if you're in a financial situation, trust your instincts coz they're not far wrong on this situation that's happening in February, don't forget this is a general reading. It's not a specific reading.
So, the month after that, we've got the SEVEN OF WANDS, so that's going into March, and you may feel that you're under attack a little bit in March, or you certainly may feel that you've taken on a little bit more than you can cope with. I want you to be careful about that, because the next card that's come out is the FOUR OF SWORDS, which is going into April if you don't deal with this situation and look after yourself, you're going to find yourself burnt out.
So, a lot of self-care please my little Taurean friends because if you do take on more than you should do, you're going to find yourself poorly and I don't want that to happen for you. So, be careful what you're taking on.
Don't take on more than you can chew. Ask for help if you need it, but if you're feeling like your backs up against the wall a little bit, don't worry, you can get out of this situation if you ask for the right help.
So, that's your three-month reading for Taurus. I hope you enjoyed that.
Mel – And now it's time for listener questions. What we got this week darling?
MR M - Thank you, Mel, hello again everyone. Two questions this week Mel.
Mel – Oh okay
MR M - And the first comes from Jill in Coventry, who asks -:
Are premonitions a display of psychic ability or something else?
Mel - I think most of us have had a premonition of some sort, or just have that feeling that we know how something is going to turn out. So, I think it relates to our natural psychic abilities, you know, we've, we've, all got them psychic abilities come from our ancient ancestors, where, you know, we had to rely on our wits and our feelings for to keep us out of danger, and I think that that's where premonitions come in. You know that gut feeling that something isn't right, or we need to move coz we don’t feel safe.
But if you're talking about premonitions, where it's like a dream that you have. Again, I think that goes to the same thing. I don't think it necessarily means you have mediumistic abilities. As we know mediumistic stuff is different to psychic, so I think the answer to that is it's just our natural defence system kicking in when our psychic self knows that something is not right.
MR M – Okay Mel, thank you. Our second and final question this week comes from Rose in Aberdeen who asks. Ooh I get this you know.
Mel – Go on then.
MR M – Ooh yes.
For the past few months just as I go to sleep, I hear a high-pitched sound. There is nothing in the bedroom to make this sound, and it is constant for about 2 to 3 minutes, changing pitch, getting higher every 20 – 30 seconds before it disappears. Do you have any idea what this could be?
It drives me up the bloody wall.
Mel – Well it’s going to drive you up the wall when I tell you what it is.
MR M – Right.
Mel - Yes, we're having a lot of this at the moment, and that's because the energy is shifting greatly on the whole planet. These are cosmic downloads. These are downloads of information that are coming through. To change our energetic fields and in certain circumstances to raise the energy and vibration of our DNA at a DNA level. This is information that is being downloaded from the cosmos. Can't explain it in any more detail than that. It does go off. It's not like tinnitus. Tinnitus is something completely different, that's a physical damage to the eardrum, but won't go away, whereas this high pitch stuff does go away eventually it doesn't take long. So, whenever I get it, and I do get it frequently, I just say thank you very much and look forward to finding out what that information or knowledge is.
MR M - OK, thank you, Mel. Good to know I’m not losing my marbles. Why are you looking at me like that? No, I have lost my marbles, is that what you’re trying to tell me silently?
Mel - Well, if you have then I have.
MR M – Righty oh, okay, thank you Mel and thanks to Jill & Rose for their questions. If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a three-card Tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, including suggestions for show content guests or just to get in touch, then here is how to do so.
Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us.
You can get in touch with us via email and the address is thespiritlevel22@gmail.com
On Facebook, on the groups, search for The Spirit Level.
On Twitter search for thespiritlevel.co.uk.
We have a Twitter handle which is @ thespiritlevelU which is a capital U
On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or thespiritlevel.co.uk
Or you can click on the SpeakPipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge.
In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge at www.thespiritlevel.co.uk we look forward to hearing from you.
Welcome to MR M’s MENAGERIE. Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s episode, which has 2 subjects under discussion, BASE 211 & OPERATION HIGHJUMP, which may or may not be linked, I’ll leave it up to you to decide.
Now let’s go back initially to the second World War. We are in Nazi Germany in 1939. Hitler is in power and has set out his plan for world domination. Now this much is well known and documented. What is less well known however, is that in addition to the military campaigns that were underway, Hitler had ordered a select group of scientists and archaeologists to engage in a worldwide search for 2 things -; ancient artifacts that would strengthen the idea of Nazi Socialism, and scientific discovery that would lead to advanced weaponry and armaments.
Hitler, and a number of high-ranking Nazi officers were greatly influenced by THE VRIL SOCIETY, a society formed in response to the 1871 science fiction novel The Coming Race. This novel had a fictional race of people, THE ARYANS, who were portrayed as an advanced alien race who had the power to use the energy of the Universe for their own means and was the basis for the society’s belief. In addition, there was also a belief that the earth was in fact hollow, and that THE ARYANS inhabited the interior of the earth.
Members of the Vril Society claimed the story to be true, and furthermore, that they were descendants of the Aryan race. Because of this, they too sought to harness and utilise the energy of the Universe. In order to fully realise their power however, they needed to hunt down and recover ancient relics, and re-learn and utilise long forgotten, ancient technology.
Think about the Indiana Jones films, which although given Hollywood licence, do give some idea of the global scope of the German endeavours. So, this 2-pronged approach ran alongside the various military campaigns.
It was known that the Nazi’s were engaged in anti-gravity research, trying to perfect aircraft that if successful, would undoubtably turn the course of the war in their favour. There are many documented accounts from Allied troops and airman at the time, describing ‘discs’ flying close to enemy engagements. None of the allied powers had the technological means to produce such aircraft type, but we do know from recovered German records of the time, that the Germans had developed prototype anti-gravity aircraft. The slang term ‘FOO FIGHTERS’, was given to these sightings by Allied troops.
As the course of the war turned towards the Allied Powers, reports were received of German activity in the South Atlantic. It was known that immediately prior to the start of WW2, German ships were actively involved in whale hunting in the area, and there is no doubt that if they were to have some sort of strategic base in Antarctica or South America, it would prove devastating to the Allied supply lines, as convoys from the US & South Africa would be able to be attacked by German U-Boats. As the war ended, a lot of German military personnel escaped, and it is well known that a significant number of them re-located to South America. Tied into this is accounts relating to a secret Nazi base, located on Antarctica, where fleeing Nazi’s initially relocated to after the ending of WW2, before an onward journey to countries in South America. This alleged secret base Neuschwabenland or New Swabia is located on the Antarctic continent between 20°E and 10°W in Queen Maud Land. This far away land was explored in great detail by the German Antarctic expedition in 1938 which even came across parts with warm fresh-water, ice-free areas and vegetation, in an area where according to science, everything is frozen. According to geologists who participated in the German expedition, the areas where vegetation was present were due to hot springs or other geothermal sources.
According to a number of rumours, ‘BASE211’ did exist, and if it did, then it must have been (maybe still is) located inside the ice-free mountain range in the Muhlig-Hofmann Mountains of Neuschwabenland. The Germans certainly had the technological expertise in building large underground complexes, so is it far-fetched to think that these rumours might actually be based on facts, and that there was or perhaps still is a secret military base housing personnel and advanced aircraft. However, today many people rush and dismiss the existence of secret bases in Antarctica suggesting there is no evidence to support such claims.
As always, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. But if whilst listening to this, you are thinking to yourself, what a load of rubbish MR M, then I would direct you to a secret Nazi base that was discovered in 2016, in almost pristine condition in Alexandra Land, some 1000km from the North Pole, in Russian controlled waters. This base when found had artifacts, documents and remnants of the Nazi war machine almost perfectly preserved. So, it is entirely possible that the Nazi’s were able to build a secret base in Antarctica, from where they could start to plan and develop strategies and weaponry to assist in the formation of the Fourth Reich.
So, if BASE 211 does not exist, then the circumstances surrounding OPERATION HIGHJUMP, and its prominent Commander are in my opinion even stranger than the rumours of BASE 211.
OPERATION HIGHJUMP, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946-1947, was a United States Navy operation organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and led by Rear Admiral Richard Cruzen. To all intents and purposes, it was an expedition whose primary mission was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV. However, the scale of the expedition raises a number of questions. For example, an exploratory expedition, which was how it was officially documented, would not require over 4000 troops, aircraft carriers, destroyers, submarines & numerous aircraft. This was no more an expedition, but an invasion force. The troops also included British & Norwegian Forces, Australian and New Zealand Forces, as well as Russian Forces. But why?
Well, the why will probably never be answered satisfactorily. But, if we were to speculate, then if as is believed some 250,000 German personnel and some 40 German U-Boats were unaccounted for after the end of WW2, and we know of German interest and sightings in the Antarctic, and confirmed sightings of German military and U Boats, does it raise the bar in terms of the Germans having a secret base in Antarctica, staffed and in working order, which would pose a severe a credible threat to the United States.
On 5 March 1947 the “El Mercurio” newspaper of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article “On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas” which quoted Admiral Byrd in an interview with Lee Van Atta during OPERATION HIGHJUMP. The following is a quote from that interview -:
Admiral Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defence measures against hostile regions. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he “didn’t want to frighten anyone unduly” but that it was “a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.” Now Byrd was an experienced and decorated naval officer. His remarks are astounding in the context of what OPERATION HIGHJUMP was allegedly meant to be doing. Byrd is clearly alluding to something other than an exploratory expedition, and the language used seems to indicate that he was talking from a first-hand point of view. Officially, if asked the US and other Governments involved in OPERATION HIGHJUMP, will and have done to the present-day state nothing other than this being an expedition to test the capability of operating equipment, crew and aircraft in hostile weather conditions.
Over the years, rumours circulated about OPERATION HIGHJUMP, and as fantastical as it sounds, it appears that Admiral Byrd was talking from actual lived events. This quote also raises interest in the use of the phrase flying objects. Why not say planes or aircraft? What is the significance of ‘flying objects? Well, the significance is that Byrd was talking about objects that defied the current convention, and in that case, could only be objects not encountered before.
So, who was the enemy that owned or flew these flying objects? Germany was apparently defeated, and there was no evidence that the new emerging enemy, Russia, had such superior technologies. They were, like the United States, only on the verge of the “rocket age”, and totally dependent upon technology, and expertise captured from Germany at the end of the War. There was no other known threat could account for the United States’ invasion of Antarctica nor for the development of any craft that could “fly from Pole to pole with incredible speeds.”
Rumours began to circulate that even though Germany had been defeated, a selection of military personnel and scientists had fled the fatherland as Allied troops swept across mainland Europe and established themselves at a base on Antarctica from where they continued to develop advanced aircraft based on extra-terrestrial technologies
But, the part of the story that is seldom told, at least in “official” circles, is that Byrd and his forces encountered heavy resistance to their Antarctic venture from “flying saucers” and had to call off the invasion. In fact, Byrd was noted saying that on one of the many reconnaissance flights, that the area described by the German Antarctic expedition in 1938 had in fact been located. If we accept that this is factually correct, then it adds further weight to the possibility that there is a base in Antarctica.
The expedition, was dramatically cut short, following loss of aircraft, ships and troops. These losses were put down to the harsh conditions the expedition was operating in, but if we believe that Byrd encountered a superior fighting force and casualties resulted as a direct consequence of these engagements, then there is certainly some question mark as to what or who they actually encountered. Byrd was later hospitalised and forbidden to speak about what had taken place in the Antarctic.
Also, we need to view OPERATION HIGHJUMP in the context of the time. It is not a surprise that US Forces mounted a major military expedition to Antarctica just a few years after World War Two. The fact that there was an expedition to Antarctica is no big deal, it’s just that OPERATION HIGHJUMP was a huge expedition. It is the size of the expedition that is the issue. If there really wasn’t anything in Antarctica, that constituted a threat to the US, then the numbers, assets and troops involved is disproportionate.
Finally, there is the overall strangeness associated with Antarctica. It has for many years been reported by geological, scientific, and naval research vessels in the vicinity, that strange aerial phenomena have been seen. These reports are not random in nature and are reported by highly skilled and trained individuals from numerous countries. These UFO reports have and continue to be reported, and if you think about it, a base of operations in the Antarctic area for a nation or indeed alien race seems to me to be an ideal location.
In addition, whilst many people know of Antarctica, what is probably not known is that the only way you or I can visit it, is by obtaining a permit to do so, unless you are a scientist on a bona fide research project. The continent is essentially off limits. There are a couple of companies that run expensive cruises down there, and the companies that run those cruises are run by people with ties to Intelligence Agencies. The whole political framework that regulates Antarctica comes from the Antarctica Treaty, which was signed in December 1959 by 12 countries. Now that list of countries contains some heavy weight hitters so to speak, and ones you would expect, but in addition there are also a couple of countries who are not exactly global heavy weights, and their inclusion seems strange to say the least. I can only presume their presence on the list is due to their proximity to Antarctica. So, those countries are Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Russia, United Kingdom, and the United States of America.
What is even more disturbing to me, is that the treaty remains successful and intact to this day. Antarctica is full of natural resources, and the purpose of the treaty was allegedly made to protect those resources and the environment. With countries in the modern-day era failing to agree on Climate change initiatives, how has a treaty concerning an area at the southernmost tip of our planet, that is to all intents and purposes not suitable for habitation, managed to last over 60 years with no dispute whatsoever in relation to Antarctica between the countries involved? Bear in mind that just over a year after the treaty was signed, the US & RUSSIA were at loggerheads and the world watched as The Cuban Missile Crisis unfolded. Strange that these 2 great superpowers were at the brink of nuclear war, but their animosity didn’t extend to dissolving the Antarctic Treaty. Or is it maybe my conspiratorial head working overtime.
Well, that brings me to the end of this episode. I hope you enjoyed it. As I mentioned at the start of this episode, you decide if there is a link between BASE211 & OPERATION HIGHJUMP. Let me know your thoughts. In the next episode I will be discussing Mohenjo-Daro. So, until then, thank you for listening, and now it’s back to Mel for the rest of the show.
Welcome to this week’s Household Hocus Pocus and we are going to have a gander at the FEBRUARY SNOW FULL MOON this week, which reaches its zenith at 1656 hours on Wednesday the 16th of February. Now as many of you know Mr M and I really do not like this time of year, despite it being the month of my Birthday and our Wedding Anniversary.
We try to have something to look forward too, but we generally really struggle with the SAD / Seasonal Affected Disorder at this the darkest month of the Year. So, it is no surprise really that this full Moon is all about deep inner work and reflection as the Earth is still quiet and at rest and nature is still in its hibernation state.
Magically speaking then this is The Full Moon to focus on fresh beginnings, leaving old bad habits that are not for your highest and greatest good, change and ambitions for the coming Spring. Now this Snow Moon falls in the sign of Leo so all you Lions out there this Moon is particularly potent for you and your plans for the next 12 months. Even if you are not a Leo Sun Sign, this Moon is particularly good for any magical offerings related to career, changes of career, promotion and leadership. On the emotional side of matters, this Snow Moon is particularly good for casting to help heal emotional matters and matters of the heart.
Here’s a little ritual to use when you need to cut the emotional cords between you and another. Tie two pieces of black thread together. One piece represents you, the other them.
Cut the tied threads in half severing the energy between you.
Light a black candle to burn the emotional connection and to rid yourself of the energetic connection to your heart. Please be careful and practice fire safety folks and remember to let it burn all the way down to truly severe those emotional ties so you can move on.
Follow this up with a lovely cleansing salt bath to cleanse your auric field and I promise you’ll feel lighter and better.
Next week, join me as we go and meet the FAE FOLK and have a look at FAIRY MAGIC.
Hello and welcome to this week’s self-care session. My name is Amanda Parnell and as a life coach I am passionate about helping people move forward in their life and uncover their true potential. Throughout these sessions I will share practical skills and techniques to support your wellbeing and help you to find new ways to practice self-care. To create a life you love, the journey always starts with you!
In today’s session today we’ll be talking about what SELF-CARE means to you.
Do you believe that self-care is an essential part off your daily routine or just something you go to when things get tough, and you feel like you need a rest?
We often hear the phrase bandied around that we need to look after ourselves and practise self-care, easy, right? Well, self-care is often more difficult than just than taking a day out to recover from a difficult day or a hard week at work. Self-care is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health and often takes some level of discipline and practice!
I learned the hard way how important self-care is for you. I thought I had been doing the same as everyone else. I was working hard in a new job which was taking a lot out of me, and I thought I was coping and although I was keeping everything afloat, I was sinking. I was afraid to let any balls drop in any area of my life and often said yes to people when I knew I should have said no. My physical and mental health were both declining which led to me experience burnout.
I had to take time off from work and revaluate my life. This is where the healing process started, and my real understanding of what self-care truly means.
So how can you understand what your own self care needs are?
First you need to assess where you are in your life right now and ask yourself: What am I doing every day that supports my health and wellbeing?
You then need to ask, what do I need to add in my life to further support this?
To practice self-care, you have to take action. This may be time out in your day to relax or meditate or it could be something physical like a walk in the park or local woods. You could allocate time to tidy a drawer or write in your journal or just check in with a friend for a catch up.
Once you have decided what’s important to you, start small. Ask yourself, what one thing can I add into my diary today that will support my health and wellbeing and that I can achieve. I call this taking pigeon steps, but even small steps are moving you closer to who you want to become.
It is important to recognise how these actions make you feel and how they impact on your wellbeing so keep a note and write down how they made you feel. You may want to do this every day at first to check in and notice what has been helpful. Reflect on how it has made you feel.
I can guarantee once you start adding daily self-care practices into your routine you will see how it positively impacts on your wellbeing. Self-Care is something we should practice every day. It takes time, effort, and discipline but it is essential to help up live an easier life and keep well.
By focusing on self-care, you will ultimately live a healthy and happier life.
Thank you for your company today. If you would like any further information or support in any of the areas discussed, then please feel free to get in touch. All my details can be found on the podcast Episode notes. Join me next time when we will be discussing self-love. Until then, take care of you.
With a lot of us still working from home and most of us having to work at a laptop or VDU screen for most of the day, I often get stress and tension headaches. So, I’m sure you do too, so here are a couple of really easy to locate acupressure points that help with tension headaches. The first is GB 20 which is located at the back of the head. Feel for where the skull meets the neck, right at the hollow underneath the skull, there’s quite a big dip there, well there is on me!
From that midpoint, take the fingers of both hands and move then about one inch or a couple of centimetres out toward the side of the head. You should feel the top of the main muscles to the neck and where they attach to the skull there are two rounded parts of the skull which meet the neck just there and that’s where GB20 sits, right on that join. With your knuckles or finger-tips massage that point as hard as you can manage towards the skull for about 45 seconds and repeat, as necessary. GB20 is great for migraine, flu symptoms, fatigue, eye blurriness and low energy. Try it!
Then we are going to find the extra point known as YIN TANG the Third Eye point, which is located right on the mid-line of the face, between the eyebrows. If you take you fingertip and roll it over this area you will feel a slight dip between the brows and the top of the nose that’s the point. With your thumb or fingertip, massage this point as hard as you can manage comfortably for up to one minute, release and repeat, as necessary. This point is great for calming the mind, improving memory, eye tension and strain, relieving stress, anxiety, and insomnia. YIN TANG also benefits the nose and sinuses.
I hope you try these and let me know how you get on and don’t forget if you have any questions or want to know about a particular point for a particular issue, drop me a line and I’ll let you know.
38:38 Mel – CLOSING
Well, that’s it for this episode folks. Coming up in next week ‘show -:
SEPTARIAN is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We double up with GEMINI in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, MOHENJO-DARO is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, FAIRY MAGIC & THE FAE FOLK are our focus. In the second episode of MARIA’S MAGICAL SUPER 6, YOGA & MEDITATION are the topics under discussion, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have some points to aid with digestion and sickness, P6 & LI4.
If you would like to help support the show, there is a link at the end of the episode notes where you can click on the BUY ME A COFFEE link or click on the heart icon on the podcast website. Your support is and always will be appreciated.
A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and for the technical help and advice from the folks at AUDACITY & AUPHONIC.
A big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.
A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.
Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.
Please visit the website www.thespiritlevel.co.uk where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, specialist crystal packs, power bracelet and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you.
So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.