The Spirit Level

The Spirit Level Podcast Season 2 Episode #10

Season 2 Episode 10

(00:30) After missing last week due to COVID, join Mel and MR M for this episode in which Mel outlines what to expect after the Super New Moon that happened on 4th December. which energetically is really exciting. It was in Sagittarius, and Venus going into retrograde, which only happens every 18 months. 

Mel advises that the New Moon is all about striving & adventure, and also about smashing through limitations and dreaming big. In addition, now is the time to work out who and what you really value and to adjust your life accordingly,

Coming up in this week’s show -:
(05:08) LARIMAR is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(08:29) There will be some more of your listener questions, which this week feature questions from Joanne in Brighton and Helen in Chorley who ask about sleep issues and how to increase your Spiritual awareness.
(12:56) In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE is being discussed.
(22:51) In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some rituals for finding LOST OBJECTS.

(35:07) Coming up in next week’s show -:
AMBER is featured in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we will be taking a look at some LOVE SPELLS.

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00:00 Mel – INTRO 

Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some, or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.  

00:30 Mel – WELCOME 

Hello, hello, hello and we're back. I'm sorry that we missed the episode last week, but if you've been following us on Facebook, you'll know why. So, if you haven't followed us on the Facebook group at the Spirit Level, then let me explain what's gone off. So, the weekend before last, we had storm Arwen come and visit us and the village was completely blocked and we didn't just have snow, we had fallen trees on both sides of the village, so we were pretty much completely stuck and so we couldn't get out to Whitby to see our dear friends The Fagin’s that's Moira, Liam and the boys, and to say that we were gutted is an absolute understatement because we hadn't seen our friends for such a long time, what with COVID lockdowns and everything, and so we couldn't get, but everything happens for a reason, does it not? 

And it was actually the case that Mr. M wasn't feeling particularly well, and to be honest with you, neither was I. So, I just thought it was a cold. We kept testing with the lateral flow, kept coming back negative and then on Monday we got a text message from a friend of ours saying that she'd tested positive, and we'd been with that friend the Friday before. 

So, I did a test. Yep, came straight up positive. Mr M did a test. He came up positive too, so we went and confirmed that with the PCR tests and as such we've been on lockdown ever since. And we're still in the middle of it. But thankfully, touch wood we seem to have turned a bit of a corner now and we're starting to feel a bit better. I still can't taste anything. I can't smell anything, but I tell you what's really, really helped with me certainly coz I I seem to have had the worst of the two lots of symptoms is acupuncture. So, I got to a point where I broke the needles out and I have to say, within 10 to15 minutes I did start to feel better. So, I've been treating myself every day. 

I've got needles stuck in my nose every morning. Looking like the cats' whiskers just to try and get some sense of smell and taste back, but I'm working on it. I'm working on it, so thank you to everybody who sent their best wishes, their love, their offers of help, their offers of healing, the healing that's been sent much, much, much appreciated and I'm sorry that we missed last week but we were really, really quite poorly. In fact, we spent quite a few days in bed where we just didn't move at all. 

So, if you're going through it, you have our absolute sympathy. You have our love and our healing right back at you because it's not very nice at all. We are fortunate that we're coming out of it, so please look after yourselves. It's rife at the moment. Keep wearing your masks and please, please, please take care of yourselves wherever you are. 

Stay safe, stay warm and I hope that you've got power because we've got another storm coming this week. So, please stock up and just take care of you and yours. 

So, we missed the Super New Moon on the 4th of December, which energetically is really exciting. It was in Sagittarius, and we had Venus going into retrograde, which only happens every 18 months. So, it was quite an unusual situation last week. 

The new Moon in Sagittarius is about striving and adventure. So, if you're planning a wild trip next year, physical, actual or metaphorical, this eclipse that we've just had will support you in that. 

It's also about smashing through limitations and dreaming big. So now is the time to be really set in your 2022 intentions. Write them down and make a solid plan. 

With Venus retrograde, this is also the time to really work out what and who you really value, and more importantly who really values you, so it's planned to adjust your life any conditions accordingly. 

So, forgive and forget and move on folks. So, coming up in the show this week we have LARIMAR as the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some rituals for finding LOST OBJECTS.

So, if you’re ready, here we go. 



I'm excited about the crystal this week, folks, because I'm going to be honest here, I've only ever had a hold of this gemstone once. The reason being is that like KUNZITE and NUUMMITE, it's really, really expensive and quite rare. 

For what you get, we don't stock it in Crystal Corner the store, but if you would like to own some, I do have access to a supplier via my specialist gem shop, so drop me an email and I'll see what I can do for you. 

It only comes in very small pieces, but it's very, very high in vibration and like NUUMMITE, which you can only get from Greenland, you can only get this crystal from one place, and that's the Dominican Republic and that it is LARIMAR

It's a light jade like green in colour and it comes rough or in tumbled form, and it has a very skittish feel to the energy. Whilst it's powerful, make no mistake, as it's capable of removing negativity and even attached entities if required, it's deeply nurturing and healing, and it restores strength both to the physical and the spirit body. It's great for anybody who's undertaking extensive spiritual work. 

I could really have done with this in mediumship training when every fiber of your physical and spiritual being is absolutely exhausted. 

LARIMAR harmonizes the body and soul and connects it to new vibrations and effortlessly enables access to deep meditative states and supports through periods of unsettling change, so it enables you to go with the flow as it brings calmness and stability. 

It's a complete antidote to emotional extremes. LARIMAR can heal old emotional wounds, particularly relationship, karma or heartfelt traumas. 

LARIMAR is particularly useful for manifesting and drawing soul mate energies toward you, and it has a childlike feel to that kind of connections. It radiates absolute love, which may be why it's useful, so stopping self-sabotaging behaviors and self-imposed limitations that don't serve your higher sole purpose. 

It connects strongly with Earth energy so great for any Gaia energy work and connection with the divine feminine as well. 

It's environmentally healing, and LARIMAR is actually linked to reflexology, and it can pinpoint disease and disharmony in the meridians and then it helps clear it. 

So, if you're a reflexologist, LARIMAR is your crystal. So, that's the lovely and extremely potent LARIMAR folks, not a common one at all this one and not one for everyday use? 

I'd call it a connoisseur crystal to be honest, but it's interesting to find new and exciting crystals. One for the list Mr M. 


Mel - And now it's time for your questions, what we got this week, darling? 

MR M - Thank you Mel. Hello again everyone. This week two questions for you. Our first question comes from Joanne in Brighton, who asks -: I have woken up three times in the past week at exactly the same time 2:37 AM. I don't know why I have woken, but each time I have I get the feeling that there is someone in the room. It's not a sinister feeling and doesn't make me feel uncomfortable, but it is starting to make me feel a bit anxious. Do you have any idea as to why this is happening? 

Mel – Hello, right yeah OK it can be a bit disconcerting, but have a look at the Angel number 237 and see if there's not an answer there for you. If you have a look online on Google, then if you put Angel number 237 and it should come up with something. 

With regards to there being a presence in the room, it feels to me like it is a spirit presence, but it could be that it's just your consciousness at the moment that's trying to get your attention. Often when we are asleep, that's when our unconscious mind can have more of an effect on our conscious brain. So don't overthink it. If it's not sinister and it doesn't feel bad, then it's obviously somebody trying to get your attention for some reason, and unless there is a particular connotation, or attachment to that time then I would be looking at whether there is an Angel message there. I hope that helps you and it hope that gives you some peace. Get back to me if there's anything else that springs up. 

MR M - Thank you, Mel. Our second question comes from Helen in Chorley who asks -: Are there things or practises you can do to increase your spiritual awareness? 

Mel - Hi Helen, yes there are and there are many, many daily spiritual practises that you can take on that will increase your spiritual awareness. It depends on exactly which part you're wanting to expand and develop, but all in all, the best one to do is either meditation or sitting in the power which you've obviously heard me speak about before. 

Meditation is going within and checking in with yourself and centering and grounding and working on your own personal energy. 

Sitting in the power is when you go and sit in the power of the universe and expand out. So, they are both really, really important practises to do, one more particularly to do with psychic abilities, which is the meditation and the other more to do with spirit connection, so that's the external connection to the spirit realm that's sitting in the power. 

There are plenty of other daily spiritual practises. Kyle Gray’s got a really good book, can't remember what it's called off the top of my head, but it's about raising your energy and it's about, going through different practises every single day of the year and you follow it through with him. I really recommend that one. I'll get MR M to put the details on the episode notes, it's Kyle Gray Energy book anyway, so I'll dig out that title for you. 

MR M - Thank you Mel and thank you to Joanne and Helen for getting in touch. If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a 3 card tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter including suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch, then here is how to do so. 

Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. 

There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us. 

You can get in touch with us via email and the address is 

On Facebook, on the groups, search for The Spirit Level. 

On Twitter search for 

We have a Twitter handle which is @ thespiritlevelU which is a capital U 

On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or 

Or you can click on the SpeakPipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge. 

In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge at we look forward to hearing from you. 



Welcome to MR M’s MENAGERIE. 

Hello again everyone, and welcome to this week’s episode. Today, I’m going to discuss a subject that until recently I had not heard of. I came across it by chance whilst researching content for the recent episode on Area 51.  

So, today I am going to talk about THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE. Unlike many of the topics I have discussed in this series, there is actual documentary and photographic evidence of THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE, however, as you would expect, the powers that be, and by that, I mean global governments and space agencies, NASA included, tell us that it doesn’t exist.  

Let’s start, by going back to the early 1900’s, and the great scientist, theorist and inventor NICOLA TESLA. TESLA, in my opinion was a genius. He was so far ahead of his time, with his inventions and theories. There are far too many to talk about in this episode, but amongst his works and research, were the use of Alternating Current, Kirlian Photography, the electric motor, radio waves and transmission technology, wireless communication, radio and remote control, and limitless free energy utilising his Tesla coil.  

TESLA was a great believer in the power of radio waves, and it was during experiments with radio waves and electromagnetic disturbances, that in 1899, at a purpose-built tower and laboratory in Colorado, that TESLA announced that he had detected a signal that originated from somewhere other than earth. TESLA had detected a radio signal that could not have been man made. His subsequent publication of his findings and his assertion that he had intercepted a signal from an alien civilization were met with derision and mocking, but most modern-day researchers agree that in all probability, TESLA did indeed ‘have contact’ with some sort of satellite, in all probability THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE.  

As advances were made in the field of radio waves and electromagnetic disturbance measurements, astronomers and scientists around the world continued to receive strange radio signals. These signals were reported throughout the 1930’s and 1940’s, with no real solid explanation given as to their origin. 

Reports of an unknown object in the sky being seen by scientists and astronomers continued to be made, and things became a lot more interesting in 1957, with the launch of the Russian Satellite, SPUTNIK I. This was the first mad made satellite to achieve an orbit around the earth, and its orbit was a low elliptical orbit. 

Later the same year, Russia launched another satellite, SPUTNIK II. Dr. Luis Corralos, who worked for the Communications Ministry in Venezuela, and who was taking pictures of SPUTNIK II, as it passed over Caracas, photographed, what is believed to be the first ever picture of THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE. 

In 1960, an American satellite showed an object orbiting the earth. This object was in a Polar orbit at the time, something that neither the Americans nor Russians were able to do when putting one of their satellites into space. The object was much larger that the satellites that had been launched previously, and it was certainly true that neither the Russians nor Americans had the rocket technology at the time to launch such a large object into space. 

In 1963 US astronaut GORDON COOPER was launched into space on May 15, 1963, aboard the Faith 7 spacecraft, for what turned out to be the last of the Project Mercury missions. Because his spacecraft would orbit over nearly every part of Earth from 33 degrees north to 33 degrees south, a total of 28 ships, 171 aircraft, and 18,000 servicemen were assigned to support the mission. COOPER orbited the Earth 22 times and logged more time in space than all five previous Mercury astronauts combined, a total of 34 hours, 19 minutes, and 49 seconds. Whilst there is no doubt that COOPER was a pioneer, and forerunner to later manned space missions, it was what COOPER reported during the flight that was interesting. As he was orbiting, he reported seeing a glowing green light ahead of his capsule. COOPER reported that the light appeared to be keeping its distance relative to his capsule. At the time of his transmission, his capsule was being tracked by a ground station in Australia, and from records and reports at the time, the tracking station did indeed pick up another object close to COOPER’s capsule. When COOPER returned to earth, he was not allowed to discuss what he saw, and the official report from NASA regarding what he stated he witnessed, was passed off as him suffering hallucinations as a result of an excess of Carbon Dioxide in the capsule cabin. Throughout the rest of his career, and for the rest of his life COOPER maintained what he saw and reported was accurate and he became a vehement opponent to US Government cover ups regarding UFO’s and other unexplained activity. The possible existence of an alien satellite was now firmly in the public domain, and COOPER’s account of the object gave rise to the name of the object he saw as THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE

Further reports in the intervening years of an object orbiting the earth that was not man made continued to surface, and with advancements in radar technology and increased telescopic enhancements, many people around the world continued to assert that THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE existed. There were even claims made that radio signals recorded by a Norwegian scientist in the 1920’s had been decoded, and from this it was cited that the satellite emanated from the star Epsilon Bootis. This claim was made by the Scottish astronomer and science fiction writer Duncan Lunan. The story was even reported in Time magazine. Lunan later withdrew his Epsilon Bootis theory, presenting proofs against it and clarifying why he was brought to formulate it in the first place, but he later revoked his withdrawal. 

So, so far, the existence of THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE remained a tantalizing mystery, but things were about to become a lot more interesting. In 1987, the shuttle Endeavour launched on a mission to carry out repairs to the International Space Station. During this mission, the crew photographed 5 images of what appeared to be a satellite orbiting the earth. Nothing strange there, as by that time there were numerous satellites in orbit around the earth, however what made these images surprising was the shape of the satellite. It is clearly captured, and shows a black object almost rectangular in shape, with the top of the rectangle merging to a point. No satellites of this configuration were known to be in orbit. 

Once the pictures were published, NASA published a report that the ‘object’ was nothing more than a thermal blanket that had become detached during a spacewalk, whilst crew of the Endeavour were conducting repairs to the International Space Station. Now, to me, the loss of a thermal blanket to an object in space sounds like a serious issue, and there was no word from NASA as to whether they had a spare blanket to use to effect repairs. NASA simply dismissed the notion that the crew of Endeavour had photographed THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE. 

Further sightings have taken place since 1987, but there is still no official confirmation from NASA or any other space or Government agency that THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE exists.  

On a side note, and for those who love a good conspiracy theory, there is a suggestion that the tomb of the Mayan king Pakal, clearly depicts THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE. The image is of Pakal inside an object that does indeed bear striking similarities to the images captured by the Space Shuttle crew, lending weight to those who believe that THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE has been around for thousands of years and was known about by our ancient ancestors. 

Whether you believe in THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE or not, I think it is fair to say that there is a possibility that we have been subject to scrutiny over a number of years from an alien race. If that is the case, then it seems more than plausible that some form of surveillance would be undertaken, so why not a satellite orbiting the earth. 

Well, that brings me to the end of this episode. I hope you enjoyed it. I will put a link in the episode notes showing an image of what the space shuttle captured, as well as a depiction of Pakal’s tomb engraving. 

On the next episode of MR M’s MENAGERIE, I will be taking a look at THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM, so until then, thank you for joining me, and it’s now back to Mel for the rest of the show. 



I am often called upon to help with finding lost items, usually it’s passports! Sometimes I can “see” with my psychic eye where they are, but it usually takes some other detective work to locate them, and I do have some success. So, I thought I would provide you with some of the techniques and things I do when I cannot find something, or I fear that something is lost.  

My first go to is St Anthony, who is the Patron Saint of all lost things. There are absolutely loads and loads of prayers to St Anthony you can use but a quick and immediate one is this: 

“Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony look around – something is lost and must be found.”  

Do not forget to offer thanks and a donation in his name, should he bless you and help you. That’s really important and respectful folks so don’t forget, or he may not help you again! 

Some state this simple invocation is enough but sometimes, depending on the situation, a little more effort may be required.  

In this case you will be using your own magical powers. I like this one because it is simple and requires no special tools except perhaps imagination, patience, and the absolute belief that what is lost will be returned to you.  

The Silver Cord Spell starts with you visualising the lost object in as much detail as possible. Now visualise a silver cord of energy, coming from your naval and being attached at the other end to the lost item. Then imagine the cord “reeling” in the lost item and bringing it back to you. Feel how you would feel if the item had been returned to you. This feeling will manifest the item back into your sphere, usually within a couple of days.  

Finally, here’s a useful one for lost keys, the absolute bane of my life is keys and the location of them so this feels a bit like the day job but having found this little ritual, I will definitely be trying this one out myself in future. 

Based around St Zita a 13th Century Italian housemaid and the Patron Saint of housemaids, servants and keys. Born in 1272 in Lucca, her humble story is that she served one prominent Italian Family the Fratinelli’s and was treated pretty badly by the other staff and saw this work as her penance but her real life’s purpose was to serve the poor and homeless.  

Zita was frequently in trouble with her bosses because she kept giving away their clothing and food to the poor. Don’t you just love her! This ritual is humble like St Zita herself and requires no elaborate offerings, simple state: 

“Zita, Zita, 

I’ve lost my key! 

Look around please 

And bring it to me.” 

Should she grace you with assistance then don’t forget to make a donation to her favourite cause, the homeless.  

I hope you find these little rituals useful and do let me know if you use them and they work for you! 

Next week we have a look at a little bit of the history of and find a few simple love spells. 


26:29 Mel - TIME FOR TAROT 

Welcome to this weeks’ Time for Tarot and as promised we are going to be having a look at some specialist 5 card spreads for specific scenarios. Firstly -I thought we would have a look at the Mental Health Spread.  

Card 1: Current Mental Health mindset 

Card 2: What is clouding perception 

Card 3: Guidance on handling outside influences 

Card 4: Guidance on handling internal influences 

Card 5: How to improve happiness day by day. 

You never really know what mental health state someone may be in if you are giving a reading- especially if you do not know the sitter personally, so tread very carefully and sensitively whenever you are asked to read for someone - anyone. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again because it is very important, a good reading is like a good counselling session, where the client or querant leaves your session with a positive feeling, a clearer idea of what is happening and how they feel about it, with hopefully a clearer sense of how to proceed. I even check that this is the case after every reading. 

And don’t forget, even apparently negative cards can have a positive spin – take the Death card – never usually means physical death itself – it’s usually the end of a situation or chapter – which may be a very welcome thing to hear – especially if the situation is a bad one. 

It is important to note at this point that the cards may warn you against the reading entirely if it is not appropriate - I have experienced this personally – when the cards just did not make any sense at all, and I simply could not get a message together at all – it transpired that the person did not really want the reading (it was a charity event) and the cards knew this!  I’ve also had it in mediumship readings where Spirit has informed me that the person is not to be read for – Always, always, be honest and have the integrity to explain what has happened and why you will not read for them. I have never had an issue with this, and it has gained me the reputation of being honest and trustworthy as opposed to not being so it’s for the best in the long run trust me! 

So, my advice as always is to be honest – if you do not feel it – don’t do it!  

The next spread I want to show you this week is the Fork in the Road Spread. Another 5- card spread but instead of a Horseshoe shape it’s slightly different.  

The Fork in the Road spread can be useful when you or your sitter is having to decide between two options. This spread can assist in showing what may happen in each scenario – giving you and the sitter an idea of the energies at play. So, Card 1 is the querant’s card and the journey they are on, and this card is placed centrally in the spread.  

Card 2 is slightly below card 1 and to the left – this represents Option 1. 

Card 3 is to the left of Card 2 and represents the likely outcome of Option 1 facing the querant. 

Card 4 is below and to the right of Card 1- representing Option Two. 

Card 5 is to the right of Card 4 and represents the likely outcome of Option 2. 

As you may have already guessed – you could easily extend this if there are more than two options facing the Querant – so simply add another two card or however, many will suit that question.  

There are numerous Tarot spreads for answering questions for other folk but next week I will be looking at Tarot Spreads which in my opinion are a little more difficult because they are spreads used to read for oneself – I’ll explain why these are more difficult next time on Time for Tarot. 


Reading for oneself spreads

Welcome back to Time for Tarot and as I explained last episode, I want to have a look at some Tarot spreads that you can use to read - not for others but for yourself. All spreads can be used for reading yourself but now a word about reading the cards for yourself in general. 

A lot easier said than done basically and I’ll tell you why- it’s all about perspective and impartiality. It’s not very easy to be impartial and honest when reading the cards for yourself – assumptions are much easier to make – I’ve done it myself trust me! I’ve interpreted the cards one way when it turned out it was actually the other – so if I need a reading – I will often go to someone else as I know then that the reading will be clearer and more impartial than any reading, I could do for myself – not that I’m not brutally honest with myself – I totally am- but it’s not the same as hearing the information from someone who knows absolutely nothing about me or my situation.  

That’s why I also prefer to read for total strangers than folks I know – I know then that I am not putting any unconscious bias on anything and the reading it totally pure.  Despite this I do often read for myself just to get an idea of any energies around a situation I may need some guidance on so here are some spreads for that purpose. 

Here’s a lovely little quick spread which I call the Talk with Myself Spread

It’s a 5-card spread and works into a small cross shape with Card 1 at the bottom of the cross – Card 2 above Card 1 – Card 3 the left arm of the cross – Card 4 the top of the cross and finally card 5 the right arm of the cross. 

Card 1: “How is my internal talk affecting my ability to be honest with myself? 

Card 2: “What am I hiding from myself out of fear or guilt?” 

Card 3: “What healing can I access to help me overcome this?” 

Card 4: “What do I need to let go off to help my higher self?” 

Card 5: “What do I need to embrace and nurture right now?” 

As you can see this can be an in-depth and personal reading that really drills down into your self-perception and as such can require that brutal honesty I mentioned earlier!  

Now before I leave you to reflect on these self -reflection spreads - there are several spreads that you can use to speak to your future self or receive messages from your past self – these can be quite interesting and can give insight into your spiritual journey and how far you have come on every level really, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. They are not what I would regard as general readings these types of spread but can be useful if someone or you are feeling stuck or stagnant in a situation. They can uplift and provide a positive overview or clarification on the journey forward.  

Both the past and future self - spreads are quite simple 5 card spreads and are as follows: 

Talk with my future self-Spread: 

Card 1: Represent the current self 

Card 2: My future self will thank me for…. 

Card 3: My future self tells me to focus on…. 

Card 4: My future self tells me to cut off……. 

Card 5: Advice from my future self is…… 


And very similarly the message from my Past Self spread is: 

Card 1: Card to represent my past self 

Card 2: What my past self has to say to me…., 

Card 3: Why my past self wants to share this with me now…. 

Card 4: What can I learn from my past self…. 

Card 5: How can I show love to my past self…… 

I hope that has given you a flavour of how spreads can be used not just for general readings but to really shine a light on those aspects and corners of ourselves we may not always want to address but doing the shadow work, as we call it, on the spiritual path is vital to our growth on every level. And this is how tools such as the Tarot can assist us in that work. If you would like a written copy of all the spreads I have discussed in Time of Tarot – my beloved Husband Mr M- always offers a transcript of the whole show- every episode – so feel free to download this and use it to help you in your practice. Join me in the next episode where I will be looking at the spread, I use the most when reading for clients because it gives me a great overview of the client’s current situation and is great for starting a reading and then adding other spreads as and if they are needed – often they simply aren’t because it’s such a great all-encompassing spread – join me next episode for the Celtic Cross. 

35:07 Mel – CLOSING 

Well, that’s it for this week folks. Coming up in next week’s show -: 

AMBER is featured in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some rituals for LOVE SPELLS.

A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and for the technical help and advice from the folks at AUDACITY & AUPHONIC. 

A big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.  

A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.   

Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.   

Please visit the website where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you and don't forget you can also send us a voicemail by clicking on the Speak Pipe link in the episode notes or via the podcast page on the website. It’s free of charge and no download required.    

So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.