The Spirit Level

The Spirit Level Podcast Season 2 Episode #9

Melanie Mahmood Season 2 Episode 9

(00:30) Join Mel and MR M for another episode., in which Mel gives an update on some family issues. Mel also advises that this is the time of the year to set your intentions, and suggests a Vision Board/Book as a good way of manifesting your intent. She also gives details of some upcoming collaborations.

Coming up in this week’s episode -:
(03:31) JET is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(05:46) There will be some more of your listener questions, which this week feature questions from Libby in Austin, Texas & Maureen in Sittingbourne in Kent, who ask Mel about manmade crystals and the benefits of Yoga.
(10:18) In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE ILLUMINATI are being discussed.
(17:29)  In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some rituals for keeping your HOME ENVIRONMENT HAPPY.
(22:08) In TIME FOR TAROT, we move onto A 5 CARD TAROT SPREAD.

(26:44) Coming up in next week’s show -:
LARIMAR is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
 In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some rituals for finding LOST OBJECTS.

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Thanks for listening and LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL.

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00:00 Mel – INTRO 

Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some, or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.  

00:30 Mel – WELCOME 

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast – episode 9. 

Well, we are well over halfway through season 2 – can you believe it and we have planned it so that this current season ends just before Yuletide / Christmas, so we can have a wee break over the festive period, which is much needed I can tell you, by us both.  

As you will be aware my Stepfather has been very ill with Cancer over the past year and is, battling on bless him but Mr M’s Mum is now very unwell and, in the hospital, so we have quite a bit on at the moment. So, we are sending much love and healing to them both and we are ready for a much-needed rest and hopefully - covid lockdown dependent, a chance to catch up with friends and family. We have already been contacted by some very lovely and very interesting people, who have expressed an interest in being on the next season shows, so I will bring you more information on that as this develops. It’s all very exciting. 

Before we start the show proper, here’s a quick low down on the energies around at the moment and how these may be affecting you and how you can them use them for your own greater good. Well, it’s the quiet in between bit between the two lunar eclipses this week. 

Now this is the time to start shedding all and anything or situation you have outgrown, and this will be blindingly obvious to you what these things may be but not necessarily as easy said than done – I know I get it! And letting go does not necessarily mean forgiveness either but it can just be a conscious decision to let the energy go. Not being mad, not being upset just being done with it. Honestly you will feel that weight lift – I promise! 

Now also the time you can really start to visualize what you want the future to look and feel like. In fact, doing a vision board would be really good at this time. I have a vision book – I do- and it has ideas and pictures and vibes that help me get in the manifestation zone and I will be having a go through that book this week and adding/ tweaking some bits. DREAM BIG FOLKS

Now, coming up in this week’s episode we have… 

JET as the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE ILLUMINATI are being discussed.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some rituals for keeping your HOME ENVIRONMENT HAPPY.
And in TIME FOR TAROT, we move onto A 5 CARD TAROT SPREAD. 



This week folks, we are going to one of our favorite seaside towns. Folks from the UK may be aware of JET, but our overseas friends may not. So, basically, JET is petrified coal and mainly comes from our famous and much-loved seaside town of Whitby, which was the landing port for Bram Stoker's Count Dracula, home of the UK Goth and Steampunk, scene and home to our much-loved friends Moira and Liam. Hi guys!! 

When it's highly polished it makes beautiful jewelry, and it was very popular in the Victorian era especially for mourning jewelry, but it's been used for eons as a magical Talisman against dark energies. For protection, the ancient Greeks wore it to seek the goddess Cibele's favour, whilst fishermen wore it to protect them whilst out at sea. 

JET has a measurable electrical charge and is linked to the star sign, Capricorn, and the base and heart chakras, but being of the Earth herself, JET feels very heavy and grounding. Perhaps this is why it's said to stabilize mood swings, help with epilepsy, and alleviate depression as it transmutes the negative into the positive. 

JET is said to protect against violence and illness and also protects businesses, so put some in the wealth corner of your business or in the till to protect your finances. 

The energy feels very controlled, stayed and old. It feels as it would, you would imagine if Victorian were prim and proper, but a bit Mary Poppins, so a little bit of pop there, but quite staid and, you know, authoritarian. 

So that's JET folks. I don't actually have any in my collection, but we'll be visiting Whitby again soon, so perhaps Mr M will treat me. 


Mel - Now it's time for my favorite part of the show, which is your questions, coz I genuinely don't have a clue what I'm going to get asked, he doesn't tell me beforehand, so I like a challenge, what have we got this week Mr M? 

MR M - Thank you Mel. Hello again everybody and genuinely she doesn't know what's going to crop up, so it's quite good watching her reaction. Just the two questions this week Mel. 

Mel – 2 okay.  

MR M - The first comes from Libby in Austin, Texas, all the way from the good old US of A. Many thanks Libby, and she asks -: At a recent spiritual fair I went to there was a vendor selling Bismuth and Goldstone crystals. I hope I've said that right .... 

Mel – Bismuth, bismuth yeah. 

MR M – Right.  I had never heard of these crystals, so got talking to the seller and he told me that they were man-made. Will they still have any beneficial healing properties or characteristics with them not being natural? 

Mel - Oh, that's a really good question, Libby, thank you for getting in touch coz I think it's a really good question to explore. Now there are lots of man-made crystals actually, and they do have energies and benefits of their own. 

Everything has energy. Everything has its own vibration, whether it's man-made or natural, and in fact one of my favorite stones, OPALITE is man-made, and it's really, really powerful. You can ask anybody who's used it. It's got a very strong vibration, so I personally don't think it makes any difference whatsoever, because everything has its own energy in its own energy signature. It doesn't make it any stronger, it doesn't make it different, although now I think about it, some of the really strong and very, very high vibrational crystals are the natural ones, like SELENITE & MALACHITE

But no, they do have their uses and they have their place and if you need that particular vibration at that time then it will work for you. 

MR M - Good stuff Mel thank you. Our second question comes from Maureen in Sittingbourne Kent, who asks -: Other than the physical benefits of yoga, what specifically are the spiritual benefits? 

Mel - Oh, that's a good question as well. Thank you for that. Right, well, obviously the physical benefits are, or you get way more flexibility and it loosens up all your joints and I know that from our lovely friend Stevie Smith at Qi living and his teachings. 

But yoga also works with the chakras and as you know, the chakras are our energy pathways and they activate the movements, can help activate those energy centres and get them moving in a, in a more fluid and more efficient way. 

So, not only does it help you physically, it helps you spiritually and gets your energy and your Qi moving, and that in itself has its own physical and emotional and spiritual benefits. 

If you've ever done a yoga class, that wonderful feeling of peace and calm and serenity at the end of it is your Qi moving again, so it's a fantastic form of exercise on every level, spiritual, physical and emotional. 

MR M - Lovely stuff Mel. Thank you and our thanks to Libby and Maureen for getting in touch with us. If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a three-card tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, whether it be suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch, then here is how to do so. 

Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. 

There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us. 

You can get in touch with us via email and the address is 

On Facebook, on the groups, search for The Spirit Level. 

On Twitter search for 

We have a Twitter handle which is @ thespiritlevelU which is a capital U 

On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or 

Or you can click on the SpeakPipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail. 

Free of charge. 

In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge. At we look forward to hearing from you. 



Welcome to Mr M’s Menagerie. 

Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s show where I will be discussing THE ILLUMINATI. Now, I’m sure many of you listening will no doubt be able to say that you have heard of THE ILLUMINATI. But I am pretty confident that like me, most of you came by this knowledge only after either reading or seeing the film adaptation of the Dan Brown novel, ANGELS & DEMONS, which portrayed THE ILLUMINATI as being involved in a massive conspiracy involving the Catholic church. 

Brown’s novel is a tale of intrigue and corruption, set amidst the backdrop of THE VATICAN and the doctrine and beliefs of the Catholic Church. As a story, it plays out much like the plot of his other successful novel, THE DA VINCI CODE. But did Brown just make up THE ILLUMINATI, or do they as a group exist. 

Well, like many supposed secret organisations, there is factual evidence of their existence. So, let’s start with what we do know.  The term ILLUMINATI refer to the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret society founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a German law professor. Weishaupt was a highly intelligent and charismatic person. He strongly believed that society in the late 18th century had to change, and that change could only be brought about by the removal of the influence of the Church in societal matters. In this he was not alone, as there was a philosophical and intellectual movement in Europe at the time to bring about and effect change. The movement and the various offshoots from it, came under the general term of THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT. Those who believed and followed this path put forward a range of ideas which were centered on the value of human happiness, the pursuit of knowledge by means of reason and the evidence of the senses. Followers promoted ideals such as progress, toleration, liberty, fraternity, constitutional government, and most importantly, the separation of Church and state. 

Weishaupt fervently believed in these ideals and wanted to promote and inspire these ideals amongst the elite classes. However, the ideas in the ENLIGHTENMENT movement, particularly those of individual liberty, religious tolerance, opposition to an absolute monarchy and challenging the authority and fixed dogma of the Church, brought such individuals into conflict with the established elite in society at the time, namely the monarchy and the church. 

Weishaupt, was not to be put off however, and his group grew, slowly at first, but after a few years, numbered some 2500 people across Europe. To combat the Church and the established order of the time, Weishaupt devised several secret rituals and codenames for members of the ILLUMINATI. He had a paranoia of the Church, and often tried to recruit and indeed infiltrate other societies and organisations of the time to bolster his following. Groups such as the Freemasons came under his scrutiny, and it is probably the underhand and secretive way that Weishaupt undertook these tasks that gave rise to the notion that THE ILLUMINATI were hellbent of toppling the establishment, by any means possible. Now, the establishment were not about to let a German Law Professor and a relatively small band of followers upset the apple cart and in 1785 Crown Prince Theodore of Bavaria, outlawed THE ILLUMINATI, and to all intents and purposes that is where THE ILLUMINATI end, or so history tells us. But there are many who believe that THE ILLUMINATI, far from being a society that disappeared, continued to exist, and still do, to this day. Many people cite THE ILLUMINATI being directly responsible for the American Revolution of 1786 and the French Revolution of 1789. Weishaupt had gathered many followers, many who were powerful and prominent in the worlds of business, finance, law, and politics. Men who were, due to their positions and belief in ILLUMINATI ideals, able to coax and manipulate change at the highest levels. Their infiltration of the Freemasons being once such claim cited, and General George Washington the first President of The United States was a prominent Freemason and believer of Government run according to the will of the people and not by absolutism. 

The simple fact is that THE ILLUMINATI have become something of a modern-day coverall for all things conspiratorial. Their name is brought up when there is talk of a global conspiracy involving shadowy high-ranking officials in Governments and leaders in finance and politics. The ideal of a New World Order, instigated and controlled by THE ILLUMINATI, continues to attract global conspiracy theorists. But is it so far-fetched?   

The FREEMASONS have been around for centuries, and their membership stretches across the globe. Whilst they promote philanthropic values, their customs and rituals remain largely secret, and there have been and continue to be many well-known and influential people who are FREEMASONS. Is it too much of a stretch to believe that FREEMASONARY has in the past played a part in global politics? If you believe that individuals of an organization as large as the FREEMASONS can change. alter, manipulate and promote their ideals on the world in a secretive and orchestrated manner, then it is entirely possible that THE ILLUMINATI still exist in some form or another and continue to operate outside of the public domain, for the benefit of their members, and with the purpose of destabilizing hostile governments, manipulating currency fluctuations, being involved in business takeovers and all the time, promoting the values first expounded by Weishaupt some 250 years ago. 

It is not beyond the realms of possibility that THE ILLUMINATI, far from being disbanded in the late 1780’s, continued to exist, prosper and expand, and like many other secret organizations, inspired offshoots that are in place today.  

Well, that brings me to the end of this episode, I hope you enjoyed it. In the next episode of MR M’s MENAGERIE, I will be looking at THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE, so until next time, thank you for joining me, and it’s now back to Mel for the rest of the show. 



Where and what are we if we don’t have a happy, safe, and secure home. Absolutely nowhere I can assure you. So, having some magic up you sleeve when things may be a bit wobbly on the home front is not a bad thing at all. So, if tempers are short or things are not peaceful and loving on the home front, here are three quick, easy and relatively simply ways for smoothing out any spikey energies and maintaining peace and harmony in your bolthole. 

First and foremost, Basil, the fresh variety. Cheap and easily available from the local supermarche. Get a few pots of the growing, live kind and put them around the house, particularly around the main entrance and in the kitchen. If any of the plants start to whither or spoil, replace them as the withering could have the exact opposite effect as to what you are trying to achieve. Use it in your cooking too. Basil attracts love and money so the more the merrier, eh? 

Now for a little candle ritual and this one is particularly useful for dispelling sadness and oppression from an atmosphere. First get a white candle and whilst holding it, think about all the sorrows that the house and its inhabitants are experiencing and the causes of these sorrows. 

Secondly, write these sorrows down on a piece of white paper in RED ink and then anoint the page with honey and fold it up. Anyway, will do. 

Light the candle and use the candle’s flame to burn the paper. Be careful now we don’t want any accidents to add to the woes – and saying something along these lines: 

“I give my / our sorrows to the flames. 

The Spirit of Fire eats my grief and pain.  

So, mote it be.” 

Then let the candle burn down fully, so use a small candle so you don’t have to hang around too long. 

Finally, here’s a little family unity ritual which is useful if there has been a rift of any kind and you want ties to be restored.  

Take a small hair cutting from every member of the family and put them all together in a leaf, any leaf will do, and roll the leaf towards you. Fasten the leaf with the hair of the mother or father, whomever is seen as the unifying force of the family and bury the leaf and the hair clippings under a tree. Unity done.  

Hope you enjoyed that and find it useful in the future – next week we will have a look at rituals for finding lost things.  

22:08 Mel - TIME FOR TAROT 

Five Card Spreads

Now last episode we had a look at types of 3 card spreads and this episode I am going to introduce you to more extended spreads which provide more information and are more in depth and rounded readings. Similarly, to the 3 card spreads – 5 card spreads can be adapted to situations and when you get more familiar and comfortable with this type of reading you can adapt them to your own style of reading.  

The most used and familiar 5 card spread for a general reading on a specific area of life- is the HORSESHOE SPREAD. 

Starting from left to right and going in a horseshoe shape to the right. 

Card 1 represents the current situation  

Card 2 represents what is before you 

Card 3 represents the heart of the matter 

Card 4 represents the short-term future 

Card 5 represents the long-term future 

Now the Horseshoe spread can be extended to a 7-card spread - in this case the cards would be as follows: 

Card 1: The past 

Card 2: The Present 

Card 3: The Future 

Card 4: The querant’s attitude towards the question raised 

Card 5: Other influences 

Card 6: Any obstacles  

Card 7: Likely Outcome 

This shows exactly how the spreads can be adapted to the question, the time available and the level of depth you may require. As you build on your confidence and your relationship with the cards you use, all these basic spreads can be adapted as you feel fits with you and your style. Nothing is set in stone – it’s what works for you.  

So, let’s do an example of the 5-card spread together - so you can see how you can interpret into a reading with a message…. 

Let’s imagine we have a querant who is having a work environment issues and does not know what is going on and what’s the best way to deal with the situation.  

Card 1: Six of Cups- the current situation – Nostalgia for good times past – so probably no longer happening and feelings have changed. 

Card 2: Page of Cups- what is before you – emotionally charged situation due to emotional conflict – this may be with self or work colleagues. 

Card 3: The Moon -the heart of the matter – Trust instincts on the situation but facing fears and looking after your soul 

Card 4: Death -the short- term future – it’s the end of a chapter and time to start a new phase. 

Card 5: Seven of Cups -the long-term future – lots of choice and lots of dreams to chase. 

So, putting all this together and getting a vibe for the whole reading – I would be saying something like: 

 “You’re feeling nostalgic for what was and not what you’re experiencing now – things have changed and how you feel has changed. I feel this is causing you emotional upset and conflict, but you must trust your gut instincts on this matter and face any doubts or fears you may have because where you are currently is simply not where you want or need to be.  

It’s time for a change and change is coming as there is the definite end of a chapter here and it’s time to move on to a new phase and a new beginning. You have lots of opportunities coming, some you may be aware of and some you may not be yet, but you have lots of hopes and dreams which is very positive. Any move or changes you wish to make will have a positive outcome because you are following your soul’s journey and soul’s desires.” 

This is a very basic reading of the cards and you can add to this any feelings that may come up on a psychic level too and if drawn to do so – you may notice something in the actual picture on the cards which may have a significance when you drill down into it – this is where the psychic skills come to the fore and this is how you begin to develop your own style and means of layering meaning to you r readings. There is not right or wrong really – all depends entirely on your interpretation at that time with that querant. Even the same card will have a different meaning or feeling in different readings. Again- it’s all down to trusting your cards and trusting your instincts. That’s it for basic 5 card spreads – next episode, I will explore specific 5 card spreads you may find useful for specific issues. Join me next time for a 5 card Mental Health Spread, a Fork in the Road – time to make a choice spread and the Talk with myself Spread. 


26:44 Mel – CLOSING 

Well, that’s it for this week folks. Coming up in next week’s show -: 

LARIMAR is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some rituals for finding LOST OBJECTS.

A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and for the technical help and advice from the folks at AUDACITY & AUPHONIC. 

A big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.  

A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.   

Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.   

Please visit the website where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you and don't forget you can also send us a voicemail by clicking on the Speak Pipe link in the episode notes or via the podcast page on the website. It’s free of charge and no download required.    

So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.