The Spirit Level

The Spirit Level Podcast Season 2 Episode #8

Melanie Mahmood Season 2 Episode 8

(00:30) Join Mel & MR M for another episode, in which Mel gives an update to what people can experience during the upcoming partial lunar eclipse. Mel also asks you, our dear listeners for your suggestions for topics to discuss in Season get your thinking caps on, and get in touch!!!

Coming up in this week's show -:
(03:14) JASPER is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(05:02) There will be some more of your listener questions, which this week feature questions from  Denise in Hull, Gail in Preston & Mick in Nottingham who ask about Cupping Therapy, Mel's choice of crystal & Oracle cards.
(11:58) In MR M’s MENAGERIE, AREA 51 is being discussed.
(21:43)  In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some rituals for helping with CLEANSING A NEW HOME.
(27:55) And in TIME FOR TAROT, we move onto A 3 CARD TAROT SPREAD.

(31:38) Coming up on next week's show -:
JET is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE ILLUMINATI are being discussed.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some rituals for keeping your HOME ENVIRONMENT HAPPY.
And in TIME FOR TAROT, we move onto A 5 CARD TAROT SPREAD.

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Thanks for listening and LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL.

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00:00 Mel – INTRO 

Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some, or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.  

00:30 Mel – WELCOME 

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to this week’s episode of the Spirit Level Podcast. So, at the time of recording, we are in the week of the 15th of November 2021, and we have a partial Lunar Eclipse on the 19th.  

So, what do the universal energies have for us this week. Well- the themes this week are all around digging deep and having to face some personal demons in order to move forward – so there may be some personal angst this week which may require you to step back and power down to deal with it because something is coming to breaking point and the need to ground yourself and check in before these necessary changes are made. Don’t feel bad or beat yourself up if you need this rest – rest is not a luxury folks it’s a necessity.  

I am always banging on about self-care and I was the first one to neglect this area to my own detriment and I cannot tell you how many times I’ve made myself poorly by burning my energy out. So, I am starting to understand now that in order to do what I do and the work of a lightworker – I simply HAVE to rest and protect my energy reserves so I don’t want you to go through the same and flake yourselves out – so if you needed any excuse – your homework this week is to have some you time around the 19th! Drop me a line if you are finding these energy forecasts useful and want them keeping in for the next season – we are also thinking about new content for the next season and we’re thinking about doing an Astrological sign section – different signs and different characteristics, the crystal and tarot cards related. Something you’d be interested in or not? Let us know and drop us an email or a voice mail message. Now on with the show and coming up in this week’s show…. 

JASPER is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In MR M’s MENAGERIE, AREA 51 is being discussed.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some rituals for helping with CLEANSING A NEW HOME.
And in TIME FOR TAROT, we move onto A 3 CARD TAROT SPREAD. 


There are many, many types and colours of JASPER, which all have their specific different uses but for today I wish to introduce you to plain old, good old Jasper itself as it’s a really useful and wide-ranging crystal to have at your disposal.  

Known as the Supreme Nurturer stone JASPER is very supportive in times of stress, and it unifies all aspects of life. So, if things feel a bit out of your control and it’s stressing you out – Jasper can help! 

It also provides protection as it is very absorbent and soaks up negativity like a sponge and provides you with the courage to face problems head on and to get to grips with difficult situations or people.  

JASPER encourages honesty both with yourself and others and provides determination by supporting organizational skills - enabling projects to be seen through to conclusion and generally transforming thoughts into actions. It’s a get up and go - let’s do it kind of energy.  

Physically wise- JASPER helps in situations where there has been chronic illness or prolonged periods of feeling unwell. It also helps with digestive and circulatory conditions as well as fertility treatment. 

So that’s JASPER folks- the go to crystal to get if your get up and go has got up and gone!  


Mel - Now it's time for one of my favourite sections. It's your questions, so what have we got this week Mr M? 

MR M - Thank you Mel, hello again everyone, three questions again this week, Mel.  

Mel – Oh, okay 

MR M - Our first question comes from Denise in Hull, who asks -: A friend of mine has recently undergone ‘CUPPING’ therapy for treatment of her acne. Have you used it before, and do you know what it does exactly? 

Mel - Hi Denise, yes, I do, and it's become very popular. You'll see it a lot when the Olympics is on because the swimmers use it quite a bit. 

Cupping is part of acupuncture. It's part of Chinese traditional medicine, and it's where you use a suction cup, sometimes it's glass and you use a heat source to create a vacuum, which you then stick on your skin, and then you move the cups around like a really deep, deep tissue massage. That's basically what it feels like. 

It kind of lifts and separates all the layers of the muscle and the fascia of the of the muscle and the tissues of wherever you're treating, whether it's your back, your legs, whatever. 

But it really moves stagnation, so it's fantastic for moving sore muscles you know, like if you've got lactic acid when you're building up and you've been running a lot or you're an athlete, that's why they use it. But it also gets the blood flowing, so it just it treats any minor injuries, so any tears, any pulls, anything like that really, really quickly. 

But it also moves Qi in all the channels, so it does work not just on the muscular level. It works on the channel level, which is deeper, so it just gives you a release really and it's very, very useful. It is used sometimes in skin conditions, because that's where damp is. 

So, in Chinese medicine, acne is damp and so to move the damp you would use cupping to get the Qi moving and to get it out of the top layers of the skin. So that's cupping folks. You can use other methods, they use plastic cups and a suction pump sometimes, but The Old School Way is a glass cup and some I don't know a match or a lighted taper or something like that. 

Gwyneth Paltrow made it quite popular, darling at one point, coz she appeared somewhere with the cupping mark rings on your back. They do leave a mark sometimes, but it didn't last very long. I hope that answered that one. 

MR M – Super stuff Mel, I'm going to have to find the nearest clinic with my ailments. I'm going to be a permanent patient. 

Mel – You've got one darling. It's called your wife. 

MR M - Oh yeah, well done yes, yes, yes, is that free? 

Mel - Might cost you, we’ll see. 

MR M - Right, OK, we'll negotiate. Thank you, Mel. Our second question comes from Gail in Preston, who asks -: I have really enjoyed listening to you describe the crystals in Crystal corner, aw, thank you Gail, that's very kind. If you could only pick one crystal to keep with you forever... 

Mel – Ooohhh 

MR M - ... sharp intake of breath Gail? Which one would it be and why? One would it be and why? 

Mel – Oh, it’s like Desert Island Discs isn't it, but for crystals, wow goodness, let's think, well it would have to be, and it's not my favourite, but I'd have to pick it because it's the master crystal. It's CLEAR QUARTZ. You can't go wrong with it, it does everything, and being a master crystal, it strengthens every element of it. 

So, it would have to be QUARTZ that's not a very long or complicated answer really, but it is because it really does work on every level. It's highly tuned to you. You're its owner and I simply couldn't do without mine. it was actually, the very, very first crystal. I've told the story before, I'm sure, that I ever purchased, and even now it still gives me tingles because it has that much of a physical effect upon me and it's a mother and child crystal I've got as well, so it's the larger crystal with a small one attached to it. Really, really powerful. It changed my spiritual path just by meeting it, so it would have to be that. 

MR M - Fair enough, yeah, good answer. Well, thank you. Our final question this week comes from Mick in Nottingham, who asks -: What are Oracle cards I've never heard of them. Is that right?...... 

Mel – Oh yes, Oracle cards.  

MR M - ….OK, what are Oracle cards and how do they differ from Tarot cards? 

Mel - ‘Ey up our Mick, as they say in Barnsley, thank you for getting in touch. Right. Oracle cards and Tarot cards. They are basically the same thing, just that Tarot has been around for centuries and so we're very averse to it. It's part of our culture, but Tarot cards are Oracle cards, so they're just the name that they have for any deck of cards, that use symbols or symbolism, and it's a tool to reach your higher consciousness. 

So, it's about tapping into your own knowledge and your own consciousness, which is all that Tarot does really. 

You can get Oracle cards of every variety now it's absolutely ridiculous. I mean when I was first starting out you could get about 3, but now there's hundreds of them. You name it, there is a deck of Oracle cards for it. From cats to crystals to dragons, witches, everything, so it's whatever you are drawn to, and whatever you feel comfortable working with. I personally still use the Tarot. It's what I learned with, it's what I'm comfortable with.  

Runes are the same, they’re not cards, but Runes are the same divination, any divination like that, you're just accessing your higher consciousness for answers that can tap into the universal energies better than you can consciously, and that's all that they do. 

So, that was what Oracle cards are. So, pick the ones that you're drawn to, pick the ones that you find attractive, you like the energy of, you won't go far wrong. 

MR M - Great answer. Thank you, Mel and our thanks to Denise, Gail and Mick for getting in touch with us. If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a three-card tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, whether it be suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch. Then here is how to do so. 

Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us. You can get in touch with us via email and the address is  

On Facebook, on the group's search for The Spirit Level.  

On Twitter, search for We have a Twitter handle which is @thespiritlevelU, which is a capital U.  

On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or  

Or you can click on the Speak pipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge.  

In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge, at we look forward to hearing from you.  



Welcome to Mr M’s Menagerie. 

Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s show where I will be taking a sneaky peek at one of the most restricted areas on the planet, the United States Air Force Base at Groom Lake, 85 miles north of Las Vegas, in the desert of Nevada. Whilst you may not be familiar with Groom Lake, I’m sure if I said Area 51, you would certainly be familiar with that name. 

Area 51 is the US Military name for the Nevada Test and Training Range based at Groom Lake. It is extremely well guarded and protected and the airspace above it is restricted, with no aircraft allowed over the site without special clearance from Military Air Traffic Services. 

The idea of a base in the desert was first conceived in the early 1950’s. At the time, the Cold War was at its height, with a stand-off between the United States and The Soviet Union. As tensions between the 2 countries increased, both sides started developing secret weapons, technologies and aircraft to gain an advantage over their perceived enemy. The Central Intelligence Agency of The United States, the CIA, were looking for a site to test the U2 spy plane that was in development. Groom Lake was ideal, being isolated from any large town, it allowed long runways to be made, and afforded a degree of secrecy the CIA were wanting. 

The U2 spy plane as mentioned was developed and tested at Area 51, as well as other secret aircraft projects that led to the development of other aircraft, that included the Lockheed A12, the SR71 Blackbird and the stealth F117 Nighthawk. However, if the CIA were approached to comment on a secret base in the desert, they would deny any such base existed and when pressed on Area 51, would simply state, that the area was used for the trial and testing of new armaments, bombs and missiles. 

By the late 1950’s into the early 1960’s, Area 51 figured frequently in reports by pilots flying close to the area. The frequency and similarity of reports that were filed, clearly indicated that there was some sort of aerial activity going on at the base. Typically, these reports mentioned pilots seeing lights at a high altitude, way above 40,000ft. Often the pilots would report seeing ‘flying discs’ or objects that burned brightly and moved at great speed across the sky. Area 51 was now starting to become known, and the US Government could not allow their work there to become public knowledge. 

As the pilot reports started to become public knowledge, Area 51 and the activities at the base came under scrutiny of the public and journalists and rumours began circulating that Area 51 was a place where recovered Alien aircraft and technologies were being tested. It is not clear how, why or by whom these rumours first started, but they gained traction. The Roswell incident in 1947, where an alleged UFO had crashed and been recovered in the desert of New Mexico then came back into the public consciousness. The US Government in direct response to Roswell stated that the debris recovered was that of a weather balloon, but reports from the time and from persons who were present who later told what they had seen and witnessed gave a very different version, and there were reports that far from being a weather balloon that crashed, the debris was actually that of an alien spacecraft which contained a number of aliens, whose bodies were recovered and studied at an unknown location.  That location was believed to be Area 51. As the years since Roswell moved on, Area 51 became the focus of UFO enthusiasts, conspiracy theorists and investigative journalists. Popular theories about Area 51 continued circulating, which included the base being a repository for crashed alien spacecraft, and that alien crew members recovered from these crashed aircraft were held at Area 51, where they were studied. It was also widely published that scientists at Area 51, were actively working on reverse engineering the alien technology recovered, and that they were developing new weapons and aircraft as a result of their discoveries.  

The existence of Area 51 as a secret base where aliens and alien technology were held and being studied was still denied by the US Government, despite the rise in reported sightings of strange and unidentified aircraft in the vicinity, and it was not until 1989 when a man called Bob Lazar gave a television interview to a local Las Vegas station, in which Lazar made some unsubstantiated claims. In this interview, Lazar claimed that he worked in a secret department located deep underground beneath Area 51. He further stated that there was a vast underground rail network connecting various secret departments to the base. Lazar claimed he and several others were working on an alien spacecraft, and that he had also seen photographs of alien autopsies being carried out. Bizarrely, there are no records of Lazar having worked for the military or indeed the US Government, but he seemed knowledgeable about the workings of Area 51 and the tasks undertaken there. Whilst the account of Lazar was discredited and not acknowledged by the US Government, it further stirred the public imagination, and stirred up the myriad of theories surrounding Area 51 and a government conspiracy in respect of alien interaction, UFO investigations and the work being carried out there. Popular TV series ‘THE X FILES’, expanded the idea of a Government Conspiracy with respect to Alien sightings, engagement and secret technology being devised from alien technology. 

As a result of the Lazar interview, Area 51 once again came to the fore in the public discussion, and I’d probably go as far to say, that by the mid 1990’s, it was the worst kept secret in the US Government. As its notoriety grew, Area 51 began to feature in more diverse media platforms, and in 1996 it was even featured in the Hollywood movie, ‘Independence Day’. 

Whilst the US Government remained tight lipped about Area 51, the US Air Force did announce that since the early 1950’s, Project Bluebook had been instigated to look at reports of unidentified flying objects.  

However, it was not until 2013, that the US Government, and specifically the CIA officially acknowledged the existence of Area 51. Some 4 months after this acknowledgment it was President Obama who was the first US President to publicly mention Area 51. 

So, whilst we now had official mention of Area 51, there was still no mention of what exactly took place there. Several people have come forward over the years claiming that they worked at Area 51 in a variety of capacities. You may or may not be surprised to know that nobody who has come forward has received any official endorsement by the US Government, but amongst the claims made by some of these people are that Area 51 is amongst other things -: 

A facility for the storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft. A repository for the crashed alien spacecraft that crash landed at Roswell. 

An examination and holding facility for the study of captured aliens.    

A facility for the manufacture of advanced aircraft based on recovered alien technology.  

A facility where joint enterprises between human and extra-terrestrials is and has taken place.                                                                                                                                                       

A place where energy weapons are being developed.                                                                  

Extensive and well-equipped laboratories and test facilities that look at time travel, teleportation technologies, weather control and propulsion systems. 

Now, as you would expect, the US Government will neither confirm nor deny any of the things I have just mentioned as taking place at Area 51, but at least they have acknowledged that it is a secret facility. Reports continue to be generated reading strange activities in the sky around Area 51, and surprisingly to me, the US Government has recently released footage of 3 UFO encounters that were observed and recorded by US Military aircraft. 

Area 51 for me could be a home to a great many things. As mere mortals, we, and by that, I mean the public will never be told exactly what goes on at the facility. Is it far-fetched to think that alien spacecraft, beings and technology are present there? Well, I think it is entirely possible, although I only base this on the fact that Governments lie to us, hiding their real intent and motives under the twin banners of National Security & Public Safety. 

Area 51 is a place where secrets are made and kept, of that there is no doubt.  

Well, that brings me to the end of this episode, I hope you enjoyed it. In the next episode of MR M’s MENAGERIE, I will be looking at THE ILLUMINATI, so until next time, thank you for joining me, and it’s now back to Mel for the rest of the show. 


Moving home is an exciting but stressful time – all round, which is probably why I haven’t move for over 25 years! We did try once and despite two attempts - it just wasn’t happening – why? because it wasn’t meant to be and in retrospect and despite spending money, we saw absolutely nothing for and lots of energy – that move would have been disastrous – so a lesson there for trusting the Universe. Anyway, back to the subject of today’s Hocus Pocus – cleansing a new home. You have no idea what energies may have been left as residual in the atmosphere and fabric of the building you are moving into. It’s better to be safe than sorry so I would always recommend a through cleansing of any house or new building you may be moving into to live, work or set up business in.  

Now there are lots and lots of ways you can do this, and some are more involved and need special herbs like White Sage and burning it, which simply may not be possible – especially in a work environment! You will defo get some odd and disapproving looks if you start wandering around the office wafting sage about!!! H&S will not approve!!  

Here are three easy rituals which use easily available substances and herbs that will clear any old residual energies from previous inhabitants and the last one will also continue to protect your home space moving forward. 

The first is a simple floor wash of Basil and Pine Needles. Make an infusion of Basil and Pine needles. Add them to hot water and then add some white vinegar and use this solution to clean the floors and surfaces of your new home. 

This second ritual is Chinese in origin and uses two very strong cleansing magical agents – Rice and Salt. Salt to cleanse and rice as an offering to the protective Earth spirits who will look after the house for you. 

It is best to take a cleansing ritual bath before this ritual, but I think it works just as well without. So, blend some raw – not cooked – white rice with some natural salt – sea salt will be fine. Walk around the perimeter of the house – clockwise - tossing small amounts of rice and salt as you go, around the base of the house – if you cannot do this – like you are a mid-terrace – townhouse or something. Just make a line across the threshold at the back – not the front yet and you’ll see why shortly. After this then do the same in every room of the house. Finally stop is the front door. Toss three handfuls of your salt/rice mix from the inside of the house to the outside. Then repeat but from the outside in. THEN make the protective line across the front door threshold. To seal the goodness in. 

Do not clean this magical mess you have made for 24 hours. When you do clean up you must use a vacuum as the salt and rice will have absorbed all the negative energies which will need disposing off outside of the house and easier to do this when it all in the vacuum bag or dust collector.  

Finally, if you want less active mess – here’s an Angel Invocation - an Angel Cleansing service which just requires a bit of knowledge of what directions are in your house. So where North, South, East, and West face.  

First you must cast a circle – this is done with a sword – a knife will do, wand or other tool- personal I always cast clockwise for this kind of work – but it’s simply imagining a circle of pure protective light – you can go blue in colour if you want particularly protective energy, but white light contains all the colours so covers all the bases. Now this is where you need to know your directions. 

At each of the Cardinal or compass points: 

Invoke the following: 

Raphael to the East 

Michael to the South 

Gabriel to the West  

Uriel to the North. 

You can add or make your invocation as elaborate or as simple as described – whatever works for you – the more personal the better. 

Whilst simple – this ritual invokes extremely powerful and strong energies to cleanse and protect – so be respectful! If you do not know who you are invoking, I would strongly suggest you do a bit of research – the more you understand the more powerful the ritual will be.  

So that’s three for the price of one folks and I hope you get the benefit from these rituals to cleanse and protect your spaces.  

Join me next week for another trip into the magical world. 

27:55 Mel - TIME FOR TAROT 

This episode we are going to have a look at three card spreads and how they can be utilised to get a more in-depth view of a situation and how you can customise any three-card spread for your own purposes. Traditionally the three-card spread indicates the past, present, and future energies of a situation. Dealt from left to right, Card 1 being on the furthest left, Card 2 the Present being in the middle and Card 3 the future – furthest right.  

Now this is how you can customise and here are some examples – other three card spreads you could use are Mind/Body/Spirit, The Situation/The obstacle/The Lesson, Embrace/Accept/Let Go, Dream/Life/Fear, Tomorrow/Next Week /Next Month, Desire/Obstacle/Solution – you see how you can put whatever you wish so you can adapt to your own or the querant’s needs. So, it’s flexible. So, let’s have a look at an example.  

Let’s have a go at the Situation/The Obstacle and The Lesson…. 

So, let’s do a real reading for me and let’s use a work situation I am facing now. The cards drawn are Situation -Card 1 Two of Wands, The Obstacle the Ten of Wands, and the Lesson – The Tower. 

So, the situation is I have a choice to make - two or possibly more paths to choose from and I am unsure as to which path to choose. I do have several paths open to me now with varying degrees of possible risk, but I do know exactly which path I do want to take, and this has helped solidify that choice.  

The Card 2 obstacle position – Ten of Wands indicates a heavy burden currently being carried but can also indicate that there is another way that this burden could be dealt with that is not being seen or tried yet – is there another way? There is another way I could view this current situation and I have several options again -which could help me navigate this period of change. 

Finally, the lesson The Tower – which can mean fear of change or fear of a lack of control, and both are important lessons because change is inevitable and necessary for growth and control is only ever really perceived - no one really has true control over anything have we? I want the change so it’s not that interpretation that applies but the lack of control does as the path I want will require a massive leap of faith and total lack of security at this time but will have to be to achieve what is required. For any spread you are always able to pull additional, clarifying cards and in this spread the clarifying card is The Moon – trusting your intuition and gut feeling.  

So, do not be afraid to tailor a spread – have a play around and use what feels right for you and the situation. Hope you enjoyed the 3 card spreads and next time we will have a look at extending this knowledge to 5 card spreads. 


31:38 Mel – CLOSING 

Well, that’s it for this week folks. Coming up in next week’s show -: 

JET is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE ILLUMINATI are being discussed.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some rituals for keeping your HOME ENVIRONMENT HAPPY.
And in TIME FOR TAROT, we move onto A 5 CARD TAROT SPREAD. 

A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and for the technical help and advice from the folks at AUDACITY & AUPHONIC. 

A big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.  

A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.   

Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.   

Please visit the website where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you and don't forget you can also send us a voicemail by clicking on the Speak Pipe link in the episode notes or via the podcast page on the website. It’s free of charge and no download required.    

So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.