The Spirit Level

The Spirit Level Podcast Season 2 Episode #6

Season 2 Episode 6

(00:30) Join Mel & MR M for another episode, in which Mel outlines some changes that are happening Astrologically this month, and how you can make the most of the changes that are taking place, particularly with the New Super Moon on 4th November and the Full Moon Eclipse  on the 19th November.

Mel also lets listeners know about a comment she received from a listener regarding crystals and crystal bracelets and how they helped her in a recent situation.

Coming up in this week’s show -:
(04:34) DIAMOND is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(07:03) There will be some more of your listener questions, which this week feature questions from Mark in Harrogate, Caroline in Leicester & Lorraine in Edinburgh who ask about Numerology, Tarot spreads & Chakra's.
(13:43) In MR M's MENAGERIE, STONEHENGE is being discussed.
(28:21) And in TIME FOR TAROT, THE 2’s are our featured cards. 

(31:30) Coming up in next week’s show -:
HOWLITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In MR M’s MENAGERIE, AREA 51 is being discussed.
 In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have a ritual for helping with EXAMS AND TESTS.
And in TIME FOR TAROT, we move onto TAROT SPREADS.

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Thanks for listening and LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL.

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00:00 Mel – INTRO 

Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some, or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.  

00:30 Mel – WELCOME 

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the Spirit Level Podcast. As I hinted in the last episode, we are heading into a very, very active part of the year. So, are you ready?? The next few weeks are going to affect all signs and so here’s a quick low down of what is happening Astrologically and how you can harness these energies and work with them to assist your higher purpose.  

So, on Thursday the 4th of Nov we have a Super New Moon in Scorpio. If you have been feeling stuck in a rut or stagnant in a situation, this Super New Moon’s energies can provide a lightning strike kind of energy to get things moving again. Sudden changes and total turnabouts are all very possible at this time, whether you want it or not!  

If you are manifesting, this is the time to start taking positive steps and actions to actually bring these manifestations into being. You can’t just think it, you have to DO something, even if it is a small thing to move forward. 

Then we have a FULL MOON ECLIPSE in Taurus on the 19th, again another time for change. Also, this full moon is about security both material and personal feeling about security and finances. So, it’s a good time to check in with how you feel about these areas. And don’t forget, money is just energy and if you understand this and not get too caught up in feel lack, you can attract the energy towards you instead of actually manifesting the lack or worry we often feel. Easier said than done I know but it is true. So that’s what energies are around at the moment, I hope that has been useful to direct your intentions this week. 

Finally, I have had a lovely message from a listener and friend I wanted to share with you and yes, I have asked her permission! Clare wrote: 

“Hi Mel, I just wanted to write to you to let you both know I enjoy hearing your podcast.” 

Aw thanks Clare… 

“The other week, I went for my booster jab. I wore my crystal bracelets to support me venturing there and support me going by myself to someplace new. The bracelets helped immensely. I’m starting to understand how crystals help energy in general, thanks for your knowledge. Love and light Clare” 

Aw, thank you for that Clare and I’m so grateful that you have found your crystals to be helpful and supportive. They are amazing in what they do aren’t they? And it’s so subtle and loving, I simply could not imagine life without their energy, and I use them every single day. So, if you could use any advice or help with finding the right crystals for you, your situation, or any health issues, please feel free to get in touch and I will happily assist you because I want nothing but the best for you my darlings and to help spread the word about these amazing energy buddies.  

Coming up in this week's show -: 

DIAMOND is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In MR M’s MENAGERIE, STONEHENGE is being discussed.
And in TIME FOR TAROT, THE 2’s are our featured cards. 


As Dame Shirley sang, Diamonds are forever, enough of that and most people have access to and have touched this timeless gem at some point or another. But it's only Carbon, the most common element on the planet. So, why have we always held this fascination with DIAMONDS

Well, perhaps it's because it has always been a sign and symbol of power, abundance, love and purity, hence the association with marriage and love relationships, however DIAMOND is one of the most prized healing stones of the Indian Vedic medical tradition. 

DIAMOND is seen as a master healing crystal like QUARTZ, which amplifies the healing effects of other healing crystals. Transformative in action, DIAMOND can heal auric holes which may be leaking energy, so if you’ve got a hole in your aura or there's an energy gap and you’re leaking energy, DIAMOND can help heal that. 

It also manifests abundance, but it helps with all aspects of manifestation itself, due to its amplification capabilities. The shining light of the DIAMOND is also transformative, and it cuts through to the heart of an issue, shining light and positivity on any situation. 

This clarity also supports the physical sight, so any vision issues, such as glaucoma, DIAMOND can help with.  As we're all aware, DIAMOND is very hard due to the nature of its crystalline structure, and this may be why it's also linked to the character traits of fortitude, fearlessness and invincibility imbuing the wearer with these traits as well of course, of absolute fabulousness. 

So that's DIAMOND folks. The traditional gem of engagements and commitments of the heart. I personally bucked that trend as I liked larger gemstones and so in order not to break the bank and remortgage the house, my engagement ring is a four-carat blue TOPAZ symbolizing loyalty, honesty, eternal romance, and friendship if you're interested. 


Mel - And now it's time for your questions. What have we got this week Mr M? 

MR M - Thank you Mel. Hello again everyone, three questions again for you this week, Mel. 

Mel - OK. 

MR M - Our first question comes from Mark in Harrogate who asks -: I have been catching up with previous episodes and I heard you mentioned numerology. How do you use numbers in a reading? 

Mel - Well, there's two kinds of readings that I do, there's Tarot readings, and there's obviously Spiritual mediumistic readings, so I use numbers in different ways dependent on the reading. With regards to a Tarot reading, the cards are numbered and the numbers themselves can have meaning and just add an extra layer to the information that is coming on in the reading. 

So, if you're getting lots of twos, or you're getting lots of threes, then you can add the meaning of those numbers into the reading that you're given. So, it just adds another layer of information. 

With regards to Spiritualists and Mediumistic reading, I will be given numbers by Spirit, and those numbers will either have a significance to the person that is sitting, so it'll be the house number, or it'll be a number of a birthday, or it'll be an anniversary or something like that. It has a different meaning they don't usually give me numbers numerologically for meaning in a in a mediumship reading so it is quite different. 

MR M - Thanks Mel, our second question. I love this question. Our second question comes from Caroline in Leicester, who asks -: Is there such a thing as a perfect card spread in Tarot? Something like a Royal Flush in poker? I've only had one Royal Flush, you know. 

Mel - Oh, really. 

MR M - Yeah it was in Las Vegas. I was playing at the Bellagio and I was over there on holiday. Won nothing. Everybody folded. I was in the Big Blind and I flopped. Unbelievably had Ace King of Spades in my hand and it came down 10 Jack Queen of Spades and every bugger folded. Nothing. 

So just repeating that question, is there such a thing as a perfect card spreading tarot? Something like a Royal Flush. 

Mel - There are some of the really positive Major Arcana cards that are that are up there. That would, definitely, I say, would constitute a Royal Flush. I would say something like the Sun, the Star and the 10 of cups, or nine of cups? Something like that. They're all like positive, yes, really joyous cards, but there's no Royal Flush, as in there would be in poker, but there are very positive cards that you could pull out that would in a reading just indicate everything was going to be peachy keen. 

MR M – Good stuff Mel, thank you. Our final question comes from Lorraine in Edinburgh, who asks -: You have mentioned Chakras quite a bit in previous shows. Now she goes on to say, are they fixed points in your body, or do they move? 

Mel -: That's an interesting question. They are fixed points in your body and they are located in specific areas of your physical unspiritual body. So for example, the Sacral Chakra is at the lower part of your spine, so the pelvic area.  We've got Solar Plexus ones. That's the yellow. That's pretty much where your diaphragm is. Your Heart Chakra is where you'd imagine it to be in the centre of your chest.  So, yes, they are fixed. There are extra chakras that I would think could possibly move. I would have to ask Maria, our beloved sound bath lady and energy guru, if they are movable.
There is the Earth star, which is supposedly what connects us to Gaia to Mother Earth, That's approximately one or two feet below you underneath the earth, and then there's the heaven, you know, the sky stars the galactic stars that are above your head, that  connect you to the universe. I will ask Maria about that and get back to you, but the the ones that are located physically in your body do not move, they are there and that's where they reside. 

MR M - I understand that Mel. This is going to sound a bit dippy, but during the course of research that I've done, and I've listened to you, I hear of Chakra alignment or realignment. Surely that means that something has moved?

Mel - It's not that they've moved. It sat there out of balance. They move, they swirl around. It's a vortex. It's a vortex of energy, and if they are blocked, or if there's an emotional problem or even a physical problem, the energy can get stopped. Or it can slow down, or it can become slow. 

Oh gosh, so when somebody talks about balancing that energy or realigning it, it means that they get it to move in the speed, and the rapidity that it should be at to make you feel better and so that the energy is flowing properly but doesn't actually physically move in from where it is. You solar plexus Chakra cannot go to your head., and your crown chakra can't move down to your stomach. You know it doesn't mean that kind of movement. 

MR M - Yeah, got your Mel. Thank you and really well explained. OK, thank you and thanks to Mark Caroline and Lorraine for getting in touch with us. 

MR M - If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a 3 card tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, whether it be suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch. Then here is how to do so. 

Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us. You can get in touch with us via email and the address is  

On Facebook, on the group's search for The Spirit Level.  

On Twitter, search for We have a Twitter handle which is @thespiritlevelU, which is a capital U.  

On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or  

Or you can click on the Speak pipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge.  

In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge, at we look forward to hearing from you.  13:19 MR M’s MENAGERIE 

13:43 Welcome to MR M’s MENAGERIE. 

Hello again everyone and welcome to this week’s episode, where I will be discussing one of the most recognizable monuments in England, STONEHENGE

I’m sure that many of you listening here in the UK will be familiar with STONEHENGE, but for our many overseas listeners who may not have heard of it before, here is what it is.  

STONEHENGE is a prehistoric monument located 2 miles west of the village of Amesbury, on Salisbury Plain in the county of Wiltshire, about 87 miles to the west of London. The monument consists of a total of 93 rocks or stones. There is an outer ring of vertical Sarsen standing stones, sandstone blocks arranged in a circle shape. Each of these stones are about 13 feet high and about 7 feet wide. Each stone weighs around 25 tonnes. The stones are topped by a lintel stone. 

Inside this circle is a smaller ring of bluestones, and inside these are 2 further Sarsen stones with a lintel. The whole monument is set within earthworks and is orientated towards the sunrise on the Summer Solstice. Archaeologists who have studied the site for many years are confident that STONEHENGE was constructed between 3000 & 2000 BC. 

There are no historical documented records for the purpose of STONEHENGE, but there is wide speculation that its location could have been used as a burial place, as part of a prehistoric calendar, or as places of worship and or sacrifice. What is known is that the construction of STONEHENGE at the time it was constructed defies the known technology of the time, and it has and will continue to attract academics, scientists and archaeologists to the site, to evaluate, study and propose theories as to its purpose. 

So, lets first take a look at the stones used in the construction of STONEHENGE, starting with the outer ring of stones. These are Sarsen stones as I mentioned earlier. They are large sandstone blocks, that are found in the Salisbury Plain area, and were no doubt quarried somewhere in the local area. 

The smaller bluestones contained within the outer ring however, well this is where things start to become a bit mysterious. Bluestones are not common to the area around Salisbury Plain. In fact, the bluestones used at STONEHENGE have been identified as having been quarried in the Preseli Hills, some 150 miles to the west in modern day Pembrokeshire, Wales. 

With the stones identified, some of the questions that immediately spring to mind are -: 

What tools were used to quarry the stones? How were the stones transported? How were they put into place?  

Well, let’s start with the tools that were possibly used. Evidence has been found at the site of hammer like tools made of stone, flint axes, deer antler picks, sarsen tools, and a variety of tools made from stone, bone and wood. The use of metals had not been discovered at this point in time, which makes the quarrying of these enormous stones even more markable. 

The Sarsen stones were most likely quarried locally to STONEHENGE, but there was no road network in place, no defined thoroughfare has been discovered, so how were these heavy stones transported? Well, like many ancient monuments across the world, we have no definitive answer, although it is widely believed that once the stones were quarried, a great many people would have been required to utilise rope and wooden rollers greased with animal fat to enable these great rocks to be moved. As a theory this works, and indeed, as a further support to this, in 1995, a team of 100 people successfully transported a 40-tonne stone block on a wooden sleigh, using rope and rollers, up to the STONEHENGE site from nearby Marlborough Downs, some 18 miles away. Now that as a possible theory is fine, but the transportation of the bluestones, from their natural environment some 150 miles away beggars belief.  

We also have absolutely no idea how once the stones got to STONEHENGE, they were moved into position. If STONEHENGE were to be constructed today, using modern machinery and techniques, it would still require an enormous logistical effort, with heavy plant machinery, cranes, heavy goods vehicles and specialist lifting equipment to be utilised. None of those things were around in 3000 BC!!! So, how were they put into position? The most common explanation is that it required a vast workforce to carry it out. Sheer brute strength, with the use of some sort of A-Frame to lift the stones and allow them to be placed in their correct position. Others state that STONEHENGE is just another example of sound being utilised to move heavy objects. No evidence of this has been found at STONEHENGE, but I’m not discounting it entirely. 

So, what was the purpose of STONEHENGE? As I mentioned earlier in this piece, we simply do not know, but it is highly likely from the number of bone fragments found, both animal and human, that STONEHENGE was used as some sort of worship/sacrificial place. Due to the fact that we do not have any documented historical information about its purpose, as you would expect there have been a number of theories put forward as to its purpose. 

In more recent times, STONEHENGE has attracted those who practice New Age religions and Druidism, those followers believing that STONEHENGE is a significant site in their religious practices, which is further enhanced by the celebrating of the Summer Solstice at the site. Just a quick word about Druidism. It is a recognised religion, and stems from the old Celtic word for a priest, magician or soothsayer. Now, if you are like me, the only Druids that I know about are ‘GETAFIX’, the druid character in the Asterix cartoon and book series, which I love by the way, and ‘MERLIN’, the magician in the tales of King Arthur, then it is only right that we should take the time to explore what those who class themselves as Druids believe in.  

Well, Druidism is a nature-based religion that has many elements in common with New Age and Wicca, but with a focus on ancestry and nature. It has no official dogma or sacred Scripture and, therefore, can take many forms. Druidism practices tolerance of many different philosophical and spiritual traditions and teaches that no one system of thought is truer than any other. Rather, it depends on the individual and the “path” that he or she has chosen. Within the Druid movement, there are “Bards” who were the ones who kept the oral traditions alive. They had to learn stories and underwent intensive training for many years. There were the Ovates who were the healers, and the Druids who were the philosophers and teachers. 

The main elements of Druidic beliefs are as follows -: 

  1. The sacredness of all life: A philosophy that deals with the sacredness and divinity of all life in which all life is equal in value. Therefore, humanity is on the same level of importance as plants and animals. 
  2. The Otherworld: A place of existence beyond our physical senses. It is a place we are supposed to go to when we die but can be visited with the help of meditation, altered states of consciousness, visualizations, chanting, hypnosis, and shamanic trances. 
  3. Reincarnation: Ancient Druidic practices taught a type of reincarnation in which the soul went to “The Otherworld” between incarnations, which could be in human or animal forms. Most modern Druids hold to this as well. 
  4. Nature: It reconnects us with nature, our ancestors, and ourselves, by “working with plants, trees, animals, stones, and ancestral stories.” 
  5. Healing: It brings healing using holistic means for both body and spirit. 
  6. Journey: Life is a journey from one stage to another; birth, marriage, children, death, etc. 
  7. Potential: Developing one’s potential for the development of our creative, psychic, intellectual, and intuitive abilities. 
  8. Magic:  Where ideas are brought into manifestation and divination is used to predict the future. 


Druids do not practice human sacrifice, as is often falsely reported, but they do celebrate eight festivals that are based upon the seasons. They celebrate summer and winter solstices which are the longest and shortest days of the year respectively. They celebrate the equinoxes in the fall and spring when the days and nights are equally long. The other festivals were based on tradition and related to farming such as sending the cattle out to pasture, beginning of the harvest, etc. Druidism is a growing religious movement here in the UK, and STONEHENGE is at its cultural and spiritual heart. 


STONEHENGE remains a cultural and technological mystery. I have visited it a few times, and regular listeners will know that in no way shape or form do I class myself as a Spiritual person,  but having been to STONEHENGE and marvelled at the sheer size of the stones and been able to walk round and about the site, you do feel a definite sense of calm and an energy around the place that feels as if you could touch it. It really is well worth a visit.  

So, to our ancient ancestors, whoever they may be who constructed STONEHENGE, you created an awe inspiring and long-lasting monument, that continues to amaze, baffle, confuse and wonder those who visit it. Maybe one day we will be able to understand how you built it and for what purpose. 

Well, that brings me to the end of this episode. I hope you enjoyed it. Next time on Mr M’s Menagerie, I will be looking at AREA51, I hope you will join me then. Until next time, thank you for listening, and it's now back to Mel for the rest of the show. 



I hope you are joining me this week in doing a little abundance ritual and have your green candle, some dressing oil, abundance herbs such as Basil or Sage and a pen or pin. So, if you’re ready to start we will begin. 

First, we have to get to Dressing the candle and this is about really putting your energy into the candle you are using, and this is amplified if you use a special or specific oil for the outcome you are hoping to achieve.  

To dress and charge the candle – hold in in your hands and really focus your intent onto the candle, then with an old pen or a pin, be careful please. Carve the word or intent onto the body of the wax candle. Once this is done, then you anoint it with oil and if you wish, sprinkle with herbs linked to the outcome or glitter to personalise the candle for your use.  

Now you can use any kind of natural kitchen oil, olive etc, but you can make your own specially charged oil to super charge that intent. There are plenty of recipes for anointing oils online so have a look! To build up an energy anoint the candle from the end towards the wick to banish or reduce. Anoint from the wick to the non-wick end – as the flame burns down the energy will dissipate. 

So having charged and carved the body of candle we focus on the intent and if you wish to verbalize this intent do so and then light the candle, this then sends the energy or wish out and up into the Universe. Trust that your wish has been heard and then really “feel” how you would feel if the result had already arrived. Then let the candle burn out of its own accord. Please, please, please be safe with naked flames and do not leave it unattended.  

I will film this little ritual and add it to the Spirit Level Facebook group, so if you would like to watch me doing the process described then please join me there. I hope you enjoyed and please let me know how you get on. If you want to super charge the effects, then take notice of the Moon cycle and work with the Moon’s energies – a basic plan is waxing for gaining and waning for dissipating so work with the New Moon to the Full Moon for abundance attraction.  


28:21 Mel - TIME FOR TAROT 

Welcome to this weeks' TIME FOR TAROT and we're very nearly at the end of our Minor Arcana journey. We've got the 2’s to go and we'll start with the TWO OF WANDS. Now, the TWO OF WANDS is all about planning its planning for the future. Decisions that need to be made, discovery and progress and its opportunities around to better the situation that the spread is about, or which is coming through in the spread. 

In reverse. It means a fear of the unknown and a lack of planning. 

Onto the TWO OF CUPS. I love this card. TWO OF CUPS is lovely. It's unified love. It's a meeting of minds, souls and soulmates. It's attraction and it's, it's a mutual relationship that's completely balanced. It's talking about skills and using each other's skills to better the partnership, which is why I love this card. 

In reverse, it can mean the opposite. Means, breakups and imbalance in a relationship and a total lack of harmony. 

The TWO OF SWORDS now this comes up quite a lot. This is the indecision card, so this often indicates that the querent has choices to make and doesn't know which way to go. It's can't see the wood for the trees kind of thing and wants a bit more information and needs some more facts and being blocked and not being able to move forward until these facts have been found or truths have been faced. 

In reverse, it means total indecision completely overloaded and total confusion. 

Finally, we have the TWO OF PENTACLES. Now this is about finding balance. It's also about multitasking, being adaptable, time management and being able to prioritize. So be careful if you're juggling money issues as well, it can indicate that somebody juggling too much and robbing Peter to pay Paul. 

In reverse it means disorganization and financial disruption.  

So that's all of the Minor Arcana done now, and it just it seems like ages when we first started. 

So, what we're going to do in the coming weeks is we're going to start with some very basic spreads and how we can pull this information together, how we can use our intuition to tease out the layers and give a solid, understandable reading to, to a querent. 

So, if you have your tarot cards or you've purchased some tarot cards, as I've said before, I think for beginners the RIDER WAITE is the best way to go because they are simple and there's a lot that can be get got out of the illustrations alone, particularly intuition wise. 

So, grab your cards, follow along with me next week. We’ll be doing some basic spreads, and we'll go from there. I'm really excited. 

 31:30 Mel – CLOSING 

Well, that’s it for this week folks. Coming up in next week’s show -: 

HOWLITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In MR M’s MENAGERIE, AREA 51 is being discussed.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have a ritual for helping with EXAMS AND TESTS.
And in TIME FOR TAROT, we move onto TAROT SPREADS.  

A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and for the technical help and advice from the folks at AUDACITY & AUPHONIC. 

A big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.  

A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.   

Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.   

Please visit the website where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you and don't forget you can also send us a voicemail by clicking on the Speak Pipe link in the episode notes or via the podcast page on the website. It’s free of charge and no download required.    

So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.