The Spirit Level

The Spirit Level Podcast Season 2 Episode #5

Season 2 Episode 5

(00:30) Join Mel & Mr M for another episode, in which Mel gives us all a little pep talk about what things we can do if Lockdown is reintroduced.  In a positive vein, Mel advises people to just 'go for it', whatever that may be, but most importantly, take the time to be with loved ones if able.
In addition, in a busy astronomical month, Mel gives details about the movement of the Sun as it  relates to the planets, and some of the things to watch out for during the month as a result, which includes an eclipse on the 19th of November, which portents to some sort of shake up in the wider world.

Coming up in this week's show -:
(03:53) BLACK KYANITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(05:55) There will be some more of your listener questions, which this week feature questions from Helen in Chepstow, Diane in Taunton and Martine in Florida, who ask Mel about the difference between ghosts and spirits, salt lamps and angel numbers.
(11:19) In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE LOST CITY OF ATLANTIS is being discussed.
(27:38) And in TIME FOR TAROT, THE 3’s are our featured cards.

(29:54) Coming up in next week’s show -:
DIAMOND is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
MR M is taking a break from his menagerie duties, and in its place, we have a guest interview with Psychic Medium Paul BANNISTER.
And in TIME FOR TAROT, THE 2’s are our featured cards.  

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Thanks for listening and LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL.

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00:00 Mel – INTRO 

Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.  

00:30 Mel – WELCOME 

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the Spirit Level Podcast. How are you all doing folks, the nights are drawing in and there’s renewed talk about lockdowns and restrictions again – how is that sitting with you all? Well, I for one have plans!! I’m definitely a “doer” and am very action orientated and in the last two lockdowns- we set up this very podcast and the Spirit Level Store as a fully-fledged online business.  

So, what positive spin can I put on this one for you folks??? Well, it’s just that really – start making some exciting plans - Always wanted to write that blockbusting novel – well now’s your chance. Always wanted to learn how to Knit, crochet, cross stitch, potter or all of the above – crack on say I. Or you can really delve in deep to the spiritual life to feed you heart and soul or simply just really value the time with the loved ones we can have contact with, go for refreshing walks in nature and nurture those loving connections.  

In other news we are soon into November and Astrologically speaking it’s Scorpio season my darlings so happy birthday to my lovely sexy Scorpio’s – so this month we may be experiencing some challenging energies as the Sun will be square Saturn, which means we may all be a bit sensitive to criticism, perceived or imagined so watch those sensitivities folks and take a deep breath! 

When the Sun then opposes Uranus on the 4th, those negativities should get smashed to smithereens so it may be prudent to keep your powder dry until then and expect some swift forward motion, it may be a bit more subtle than that but probably not!  

The Sun trines Neptune on the 11th and Jupiter on the 15th which is a very different vibe energy wise and much more expansive so think and imagine big – great days for creative projects these ones.  

We have more eclipses this month too – 19th is the first eclipse in Taurus which is also near the North Node or “devil star” which is being talked and somewhat feared I have to say – so expect some sort of shake up in the wider world and world events around the 19th.  

That’s the Astrological forecast folks for the coming few weeks. Forewarned is forearmed as they say and now on with the show..... 

Coming up in this week's show -: 

BLACK KYANITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we move onto rituals and practices. 
And in TIME FOR TAROT, THE 3’s are our featured cards. 


Another of my favourites, this one. I love it because it's a very, very powerful energy absorbing crystal. It's BLACK KYANITE

If you are a particularly sensitive person like me, and you work in an environment that zaps you of your energy, or you've got somebody who you work with who’s a particular energy vampire, BLACK KYANITE is the stone for you, and I say stone instead of crystal because it looks more like a rock than a crystal or a gem, it's flinty and sharp physically and perhaps this is why it's useful in cutting ties emotionally and physically, and it cuts through to the truth of a situation if clarity is needed. 

So, meditate with BLACK KYANITE to see the truth and the crux of an issue. A multi-dimensional stone it can be utilized to connect to higher frequencies and see into future possibilities and future options, so it's good if you've got to make a decision that has various options to it, you can see which will be more useful. 

Very powerful, healing wise it's great for all round and overall physical health, but also assists with absorbing and dissipating negative emotions such as anger and stress, so as such it supports the adrenal glands and the thyroid which are particularly sensitive to long term exposure to the stress hormones. 

This stone never needs clearing or cleansing because it is such a good natural cleanser itself, so that's BLACK KYANITE folks, another metaphysical tool for your spiritual toolbox. 


Mel - And now it's time for your questions. It's listeners question time what we got this week. Mr M? 

MR M - Thank you Mel. Hello again everyone. Three questions again this week. 

Mel – Ooh 3 ok. 

MR M - Our first question comes from Helen in Chepstow who asks -: What is the difference, if any, between a ghost and a spirit? 

Mel - That's about semantics, isn't it really? Because it depends on how you view them. I mean the Spirit for me; a Spirit is the soul of a person that has moved on that can travel between the dimensions and this world and the next and can get messages across. A ghost is it can be one of several things actually. A ghost can be a recording that's imprinted on a particular environment. 

So, we're talking about your grey ladies in the castles where it's a stone tape theory kind of situation where it's imprinted on the environment and if the circumstances are right, it will replay so like a recording. 

Or they are Spirits that haven't moved on for whatever reason. Charlie Peace springs to mind again where he's stuck where he is because he doesn't want to move on because he knows he's got to, uh, answer to what he did while he was here. 

That kind of thing or fear of judgement. So yeah, that's the difference. But again, spirits can make themselves known and seen and felt just in the same way that ghosts have, but ghosts I would say are generally the visual, the classic apparition kind of scenario which takes a lot of energy, but again, there's different variations of that. Does that make sense? 

MR M - Yeah it does Mel thank you. Our second question comes from Diane in Taunton, who asks -: At a recent psychic fair I went to I saw a salt lamp. I have never seen one before. All the ones on display were beautiful. Do they have any healing or spiritual benefits? 

Mel - Oh, they do, and we have one at home and it took me ages to find it as well because I wanted a particular shape. Ours is as an egg shape and it's beautiful and that's, that's first and foremost the reason why I have it. I really like it. It's really pretty. 

It's made of Himalayan salt, which is pink, and it is said to emit sort of like ions that cleanse the air. So, take all environmental pollution out and sort of like charge the air with positivity. 

The cats love it. You have to be very careful with cats. Ours are very good. They don't lick the salt lamp coz it is made of salt, and it has the light inside of it and it's the light that creates the warmth which then radiates the energy. 

My cats are pretty good, but if you do have cats, be careful with them with salt lamps because it's poisonous to them, so just one to be aware of. 

But they come in all shapes and sizes. Mines a nice smooth egg shape. They come in rough form. They're just really, really pretty, and so if that's the spirituality of it, then thumbs up from me. 

MR M – OK Mel, well thank you. Our final question this week comes from Martine in Florida who asks -: What are Angel numbers? 

Mel - Oh hi Martine, thank you for that question and it's quite a pertinent one, because today I've been seeing several Angel numbers. 

Angel numbers are numbers that you'd notice reoccur all the time, so you'll turn round, and you'll see 1111 on your alarm clock or your watch or whatever, or you'll be doing something and you'll notice it's 1212, or you'll see, you keep seeing numbers that keep cropping up. If you notice that these are Angel numbers. 

These are Spirit messages that are trying to get through to you that they're giving you the prod. Have a look at them look on Google or whatever search engine you’re using and look up those particular numbers and they will give you the message you need at that time. 

And yeah, you'll see them. I see them a lot on number plates on car registration plates. They crop up quite a lot as well. 

MR M – Where does it stem from then Mel, Angel numbers? Where does it come from? 

Mel - It comes from Angel connection, really, so it's been channelled through from the realm of the Divine realm, and they've been handed down, so you just look those numbers up, and it gives you the message. 

MR M – Super stuff not heard of those before but thank you. Thanks Mel. And our thanks to Helen, Diane and Martine for getting in touch with us. 

If you would like to send Miller question or have your question features A3 card tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, whether it be suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch, then here is how to do so. 

Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us. You can get in touch with us via email and the address is  

On Facebook, on the group's search for The Spirit Level.  

On Twitter, search for We have a Twitter handle which is @thespiritlevelU, which is a capital U.  

On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or  

Or you can click on the Speak pipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge.  

In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge, at we look forward to hearing from you.  



Welcome to MR M’s MENAGRIE. Hello again everyone and welcome to this week’s episode, where I will be discussing the fabled city of ATLANTIS. For centuries, ATLANTIS has been the subject of speculation, conjecture and wonder. 

The origins of Atlantis are steeped in legend. According to the ancient Greek legends, ATLANTIS was inhabited by an advanced technological race of people. They inhabited an island, believed to be located in the Atlantic Ocean, past the fabled Pillars of Hercules, which are believed to be a reference to the Straits of Gibraltar at the entrance to The Mediterranean Sea. Although ATLANTIS was believed to be an island, its size was equivalent to the land mass of Asian Minor (modern day Turkey) and Libya, so it was a very large land mass. 

Legend has it, that the people of ATLANTIS being technologically advanced, waged an ongoing war with territories nearby, growing ever more powerful. As a result of their continued aggression, and with the people of Atlantis growing increasingly vain, creating a lawless and hedonistic society, the ancient Greek Gods, led by Zeus, sunk Atlantis as a punishment for their behaviour. This took place some 9000 years ago. 

Nothing is recorded in any civilization’s ancient records before ATLANTIS is mentioned in the writings of the ancient Greek philosopher, and one of the most important writers in world history, Plato. Plato’s writings have and continue to form the basis for the concept of philosophy. He wrote on a variety of subjects which included, ethics, politics, logic, metaphysics, mathematics, aesthetics, theology and cosmology. His firm belief was that man should live by three basic tenants, those being Justice, Beauty and Equality. 

Having been a student of Socrates and a teacher to Aristotle, the impact of Plato’s writings at the time of publication and subsequently cannot be understated. In 360 BC, we see the first documented reference to Atlantis, where it appears in 2 of his published works. In these publications, entitled Timaeus & Critias, Plato described ATLANTIS as a bountiful and plentiful island, brimming with natural resources. However, Plato goes on to say that due to the vanity, greed, arrogance and corruption displayed by the people of Atlantis, as mentioned earlier, the city and all inhabitants were submerged beneath the Atlantic Ocean. It is widely accepted that Plato in writing and mentioning Atlantis, was trying to write some sort of moral fable to the people of Greece, to warn them of the consequences of their behaviour. As an advanced civilization at the time, the ancient Greek culture was becoming more hedonistic, more intent on conquering neighbouring lands, more selfish and insular with regard to other people, traditions and customs. Plato set out a way of living that if followed, would ensure the people of Greece would lead long and prosperous lives. Plato maintained that ATLANTIS had existed for thousands of years before his birth, but as stated earlier, it is only in Plato’s writings that ATLANTIS is first mentioned. 

So, did ATLANTIS exist, or was it just a figment of Plato's imagination, a fable to ensure the populous of his time conducted themselves appropriately, so as not to befall the same fate as the fabled city. Well, there are no records of ATLANTIS. There are many theories as to where a city as described by Plato could have been located, and as you would expect, speculation as to its location has it spanning the globe, from The Atlantic Ocean, The Caribbean, Bolivia, Turkey and even Antartica. But if we take Plato’s writings as a guide, the island of ATLANTIS is mentioned as being just past the modern-day Straits of Gibraltar, leading to the Atlantic Ocean. Well, this part of the Mediterranean Sea, has been well documented for centuries, with accurate maps from many ancient civilizations. None have a vast island documented. If we, for the sake of argument extend Plato’s assertion as to the location of ATLANTIS, and travel west from the Straits of Gibraltar, the major land mass we arrive at, is not really a land mass at all, it is a series of islands some 870 west of Lisbon, The Azores. These islands have been known about and documented for many, many years, so it is highly unlikely that they are the fabled ATLANTIS. How about further west? Well, the eagle eared listeners amongst you, will remember that I mentioned ATLANTIS when talking about the Bermuda Triangle in Season 1 Episode #28 of the podcast and cited it as a popular theory that the island lay submerged within the triangle, and due to this, it was the causal effect for the disappearance of many planes and ships. Whilst the Atlantic Ocean and the area covered by the triangle is vast and extremely deep, no evidence of a submerged island has been found, despite extensive investigations.  

Now, as with any legend, there are any number of weird and wonderful things attached to it, which over the years, seem to have either gained popularity or indeed garnered support from academics and scientists. There are far too many for me to go into, but here are some of the more popular ones that I came across whilst doing research for this episode. In no particular order they are -: 

1.The inhabitants of ATLANTIS were a race of super beings, being extra-terrestrial in origin, having come to earth some 50,000 years ago from Lyrian star system. This system does exist, and is a small constellation bordered by the constellations of Draco, Hercules and Cygnus. There are those that believe that the Lyrians were involved in the creation of humanity and their ancestors live on to this day. 

2. Then there is the popular theory that the inhabitants of ATLANTIS continue to exist deep beneath the sea, where they have continued their technological advancement, and as a race of people are waiting for the day to reappear, bringing with them a new era of enlightenment for human consciousness. 

3.The people of ATLANTIS could control the weather and channel energy from time and space, enabling them to travel throughout the known universe. Their continued presence and use of these abilities are contributing factors to our increased global warming and freak weather conditions. 

4. Finally, that ATLANTIS did not disappear as Plato wrote, but that as a race of people the inhabitants of ATLANTIS chose to shield themselves from the rest of humanity, waiting for the day when as a race, we were technologically advanced to be of interest to them. 

So, like any good legend we simply do not know, or have any supportive evidence to suggest that the island of ATLANTIS ever existed. But that has not stopped the legend being a very lucrative cash earner for those in the media, with numerous books, films and television series depicting the people of ATLANTIS, as a superior, benevolent race of people, technologically and spiritually advanced, here to help and assist us when the time comes. 

Just as a footnote. Plato wrote about a civilization, brought to its knees and ultimately obliterated due to its behaviour, lack of tolerance to others, its greed and selfishness. The world in which we inhabit today doesn’t seem so far removed from the fabled ATLANTIS. I wonder what fate awaits us. Plato was a very wise man indeed. 

Well, that brings me to the end of this episode. I hope you enjoyed it. Next time on Mr M’s Menagerie, I will be taking a look at one of the most recognizable and ancient monuments in England, STONEHENGE, so I hope you will join me then. Until next time, thank you for listening, and it's now back to Mel for the rest of the show. 



Welcome to Household Hocus Pocus 

I’ve decided to expand this section a bit – I know from the feedback you’ve been very kind to send us, that you love this section but what I want to do is take it up a notch and instead of just concentrating of individual elements or ingredients you can use in energy or spell work – I think we’re ready to graduate up to actual rituals for different purposes. Don’t forget folks - it’s all just about intention – if you can dream it, you can do, and this type of ritual works on several levels – 

It focuses your intention – so you can concentrate on attracting or in some cases repelling creating energies that will help you manifest what you want. 

It pulls in the specific types of energy which will assist you in what you are wanting to achieve. 

But don’t forget – the universal law -what you put out you get back – so keep it nice folks or it’ll come back to bite you! Might not be straight away but it will – believe me!  

So, I thought we would start with a ritual you are all familiar with and one I can absolutely guarantee you have all completed once – if not many times. “Have I?” yes you absolutely have my darlings – ever made a wish and blown out the candles on your birthday cake??? That’s basic candle magic my darlings.  

I like candle magic for several reasons, it’s very simple, clear and uses colour and I like that because it’s easy and there’s only a bit of mess!! And if you use small candles, it doesn’t take very long or cost any great amount of money. So, here’s a very basic run down of candle magical rituals. 

First and foremost, let's talk candles. You can use any kind of candle really, but we use different colours for different actions or reasons and whilst you can use dipped candles – where the basic candle is white but has been dipped to the required colour - for strong intention support and to really “get “the right energy – I would advise you use solid coloured wax candles.  

Now for some rituals you are required to let the candle fully burn down or out – in other words do not blow it out – so unless you want to watch a candle burn for 8 hours+ I advise using smaller candles or even tealights can be used for some rituals. 

But first a bit about “Dressing a candle” which is a bit more difficult to do if you use tealight – but the smaller stick like candles work great with this. 

Dressing a candle is about really putting your energy into the candle you are using, and this is amplified if you use a special or specific oil for the outcome you are hoping to achieve. To dress and charge the candle – hold in in your hands and really focus your intent onto the candle, then with a knife – be careful please – or I find an old pen useful for this purpose – carve the name or intent onto the body of the wax candle then you anoint it with oil and if you wish, sprinkle with herbs linked to the outcome or glitter to personalise the candle for your use. You can use any kind of natural kitchen oil – olive etc but you can make your own specially charged oil to super charge that intent. There are plenty of recipes for anointing oils online so have a look! To build up an energy, anoint the candle from the end towards the wick – to banish or reduce – anoint from the wick to the non-wick end – as the flame burns down the energy will dissipate.  

Now to the meanings of the colours: 

Black – Fertility, healing and great for banishing and reversing spells also good for Dark Moon work. 

Blue- Protection from the evil eye 

Brown – Grounding and stabilising – good for justice work 

Green – Healing, especially broken hearts but green is the colour of money – so prosperity rituals growth and again fertility. 

Pink- Love & Relationships – good for children also 

Red – Love sex romance luck fertility healing and protection 

White – Initiation – purity lunar cycle rituals and can be used in lieu of any other colour if you can’t source the colour you need. 

Yellow – Power prosperity, love and romance.  

So having got the right colour, charged and carved the body of candle we focus on the intent and if you wish to verbalise this intent do so and then light the candle – this then sends the energy or wish out and up into the Universe. Trust that your wish has been heard and feel how you would feel if the result arrived. Let the candle burn out of its own accord.  

So that’s the basics of candle magic – next week I will explain a basic prosperity ritual using candle magic to you can follow step by step. If you want to join in – you will need a small green candle – some olive oil or Patchouli oil of you have it, a pin and some prosperity herbs – Spearmint, Lemongrass, Sage or Basil. Get them together and we’ll join together next week. 

27:38 Mel - TIME FOR TAROT 

Welcome to this weeks' TIME FOR TAROT and we're looking at the 3’s this week and so as ever we start with the WANDS. The THREE OF WANDS is all about preparation. It's about thinking, planning, expansion and enterprise. It can also mean somebody finding a job a bit boring at the minute and needs some new direction for work to expand. 

The THREE OF CUPS is celebration. I love this card. It's all about friendship, and it's particularly about female support, network, community and family. 

The THREE OF SWORDS is about grief. It's about rejection, and it's about old heartache, sorrow and painful separation issues of the past which are affecting the present situation. And it can also mean bereavement. If you have a look at the RIDER WAITE CARD, it's, it's a heart with three swords through it. It looks quite gruesome, but if you have a look at the picture itself, there's no blood coming out of that heart. So, this is old stuff. This is old wounds that haven't healed or still being carried by the querent or the situation. 

Finally, we have THE THREE OF PENTACLES. Now this is all about teamwork. It's about collaboration, learning, building solid foundations, and getting new skills. It's a good with money card as well, and the Querent will have savings, they're good with finances. 

In reverse, it means the exact opposite. There's a lack of teamwork. There's no building, there's no new skills, and there's a disregard for those skills in the 1st place. So that's the 3’s folks. Join me next week for the 2’s

29:54 Mel – CLOSING 

Well, that’s it for this week folks. Coming up in next week’s show -: 

DIAMOND is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
MR M is taking a break from his menagerie duties, and in its place, we have a guest interview with Psychic Medium Paul BANNISTER.
And in TIME FOR TAROT, THE 2’s are our featured cards.  

A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and for the technical help and advice from the folks at AUDACITY & AUPHONIC. 

A big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.  

A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.   

Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.   

Please visit the website where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you and don't forget you can also send us a voicemail by clicking on the Speak Pipe link in the episode notes or via the podcast page on the website. It’s free of charge and no download required.    

So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.