The Spirit Level

The Spirit Level Podcast Season 2 Episode #1

Season 2 Episode 1

Join Mel &  Mr M, who return from their break refreshed and raring to go !!! In this the first episode of a brand new season of the podcast, Mel gives a brief overview of what has been happening during her time away from the mic, including a visit to a fabulous family owned business in Puerto Del Carmen, Lanzarote, ARTeguise . In addition, the podcast has also now reached 3000 total downloads worldwide!!!  Mel also lets listeners know about some decisions made with regard to the  show moving forward.

Coming up in the show this week -:
(04:11) RED JASPER is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(06:30) There will be some more of your listener questions, and if you would like your question to feature as a 3 card Tarot reading, then please get in touch with us. 
(12:08) In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR are being discussed.
(21:33) In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, PINE is our featured item.
(23:18) And in TIME FOR TAROT, THE 7’s are our featured cards.

Coming up in the show next week -:
SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your listener questions.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, ROSES are our featured item.
And in TIME FOR TAROT, THE 6’s are our featured cards.

Please rate and review us if you can, for Android users please visit
For Apple users please visit, and don't forget to visit the website, details of how to book a reading with Mel, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses on offer,  browse the online shop, for crystals, specialist crystal packs, power bracelet and scented candles, or just to get in touch, which you can do via a number of ways, including via the link below, which is free to use, no download required, and you may well feature on the show if you do
Thanks for listening and LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL.

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00:00 Mel – INTRO 

Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.  

00:30 Mel – WELCOME 

Hello, hello, hello!! We’re back!!! Back for Series Two of the Spirit Level podcast whilst both Mr M and I have had a much-needed rest and recoup –we are set and raring to go for this next season of 12 episodes. Thank you for your continued support whilst we have been off air and wowsers, wowsers – we actually reached the milestone of 3000 downloads – thank you thank you thank you – it’s been really amazing to see that even though we have had a break – people are still enjoying our labour of love!  

Back to the break we’ve just had. We had an amazing visit to our favourite Island of Lanzarote and got lots of sunshine, lots of rest and met some lovely, lovely people – including a beautiful and very talented family. Here’s the story – Mr M and I went for a wee wander and whilst at the mall at the Old town end of Puerto Del Carmen – I was just drawn to the far corner of the mall just to the left on the ground level.  

Tucked right in the corner was an absolute gem – if you excuse the pun – of a crystal and jewellery shop. I think the energy just pulled me in – Honest!! 

Right up my Strasse I can tell you – beautiful handcrafted, really different stuff. Lots of shiny, shiny things. So, we got talking to the lovely young lady there and found out it was a family affair started by her father and now continued by her and her boyfriend, who was very handsome and her also very handsome brother! In fact, they were all gorgeous! But for the life of me I can’t remember their names!!  

Old age and daftness I’m afraid but we had a lovely chat about all thing's crystal, and I promised her a shout out on the show so as promised a massive Hello and Thank you to everyone at Arteguise in Teguise, Porto Del Carmen and Playa Blanca - I still love my gorgeous earrings – Mr M treated me to some beautiful Olivino Silver earrings – Olivino or as we know it Peridot is the local gemstone – absolutely gorgeous. 

Find them at if you want a look, we’ll put the details on the episode notes.  

Now on to what’s coming up in the show.  

Coming up in the show this week -: 

RED JASPER is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. 

There will be some more of your listener questions, and if you would like your question to feature as a 3 card Tarot reading, then please get in touch with us.  

In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR are being discussed.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, PINE is our featured item.
And in TIME FOR TAROT, THE 7’s are our featured cards. 

So, here we go. 


Welcome to CRYSTAL CORNER. Now we've talked about a lot of crystals that are allrounders and with met loads, but this week we're going to be looking at a very specific crystal for a specific purpose. 

Now JASPER in itself is a very versatile crystal and comes in a wide variety of colours and each colour has its own job of work as well as carrying the actual qualities of JASPER itself, so it's another good value crystal to have in your toolbox, and that's how RED JASPER feels, actually like a proper worker crystal. Now RED JASPER itself has a definite area of work and it's based around the lower chakra of energy. 

As well as promoting calm and dispelling worry, RED JASPER is specifically all about sexuality and fertility. I use it in both the fertility packs and libido packs at the CRYSTAL CORNER store. 

It's not an aggressive energy at all. It feels very gentle and loving, and it's an enhancing stone so promotes sexual loving, compatibility and performance. 

So back in the 80s and the 90s there was a famous American sex therapist called Doctor Ruth. She was this or is this very tiny, lovely little lady who knew absolutely everything there was to know about sex, intimacy, marriage, love, relationships and was completely unabashed and totally uninhibited and this was like the first time that these things were talked about on TV. And that's what RED JASPER feels like, she's the doctor Ruth of the Crystal World, so any energy work required around fertility, procreation, and sex. This is my go-to Crystal. 

It's great in crystal grids too for this specific purpose. 

As ever, we have some on the CRYSTAL CORNER store and I'll show you some on the Facebook group, the Spirit level. 

Take a look and if you'd like to own some and put some in your cherished personal collection then we'll be happy to help. 


Mel - Now it's time for listeners questions. What we got this week, Mr M? 

Mr M - Thank you Mel and hello again, everyone.  Good to be back. Three listener questions this week Mel. 

Mel - OK. 

Mr M - The first is from Hal in Gravesend, who asks -: When you do a tarot reading, do you stick to the same type of card spread? 

Mel - Well, there are spreads that I personally prefer. Celtic cross is probably the one I use the most because it gives you an aspect of every kind of part of a situation, but there are specific relationship spreads. There's like a 12 months spread. I generally ask the person who's having the reading what it, what it is that they want me to concentrate on. If it was one particular area or whatever comes up, or whether they want me to look at the year ahead or whatever, but generally there are spreads that I do prefer, and Celtic cross is one of them. 

Mr M - OK, good, thank you Mel. Our second question this week comes from Sharon in Blackburn, who asks -: What is the best way to cleanse your aura? 

Mel - Oh gosh, right? Well, there's, there's loads of meditations that you can use on YouTube if you have a look at cleansing your aura meditations on there and they will guide you through how you can use lights and how you can use even violet flame light, which is particularly strong and very, very good. If you look at Melanie Beckler stuff on YouTube she is excellent and there are various ways.  You can use crystals, you can use visualisation, which is what I'm talking about. You can use salt baths. Himalayan salt baths are particularly good at cleansing your aura. Anything like that really. 

That's a physical thing, but you've got to still visualise that you know a negativity is coming off for you even if you're doing a physical thing like having a bath. But generally, the Meditations work really, really well. Have a look at Melanie Beckler. She's particularly good in my opinion. 

Mr M - Thank you Mel, and our final question this week comes from Vanessa in Harlow, who asks -: You've mentioned in previous podcasts that next year we'll see a big shift in spiritual consciousness worldwide. What type of things are you expecting to happen? 

Mel - Well, we're already seeing it. We've seen it this year. We've seen it where people are standing up now and they're not having things foisted on them by governments or by organisations or situations. 

And we've also seen a backlash against the banks and kind of anything that is the system. If you like Russell Brand, he talks about it a lot on his YouTube videos, if you're interested in this kind of shifts of energy and shifts of consciousness, he's doing some really good work at the moment on his podcast and also on his videos on YouTube, they're really, really interesting, and Russell explains things really, really well. Better than me, but he's a seasoned broadcaster. 

But yeah, there are some massive shifts in consciousness and so what people are realising now is that we don't have to put up with what is the norm. What is the status quo? Just because it's always happened this way doesn't mean that it has to continue this way, coz it's not working. These systems aren't working for everybody. 

There is a massive inequality. Again, in the system itself, against a lot of people, and people are starting to realise that now that's how I think things will continue. 

I think environmentally as well people are realising that change has got to happen a lot quicker than it has been and we are all involved in that as well, so that's going to be quite key too, I think. So just watch for that. I think there's going to be certain people who start stepping forward now. Certainly, in the next year I feel that people like Greta Thunberg on the environmental side. There's going to be other figureheads that start to make themselves known next year, they'll start coming to the fore and that's when we're going to start seeing a bit more leadership and a little bit more cohesion in the demonstrations and the things that are happening against the status quo. So, watch and wait. But it's definitely happening. 

Mr M - Thank you Mel, and a big thank you to Hal, Sharon and Vanessa for getting in touch with us. 

Mel - Thank you. 

Mr M - If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a three-card tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, whether it be suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch, then here is how to do so. 

Mel - Thank you to everyone who has got in touch with us. There are a number of ways you can do so. 

On Facebook, on the group's search for The Spirit Level.  

On Twitter, search for We have a Twitter handle which is @thespiritlevelU, which is a capital U.  

On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or  

Or you can click on the Speak pipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge.  

In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge, at we look forward to hearing from you.  



Welcome to MR M’s MENAGERIE. 

Hello everyone and thank you for joining me this week. It is good to be back, and I hope you are all keeping well. Today’s topic under discussion is one that has fascinated me for years. I hope you will enjoy hearing about it. Today, I will be taking a look at THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR

I’m sure many of you are familiar with the name, and indeed may well know a lot about them. They have, since their inception been surrounded by an air of mysticism. That mysticism has been brought further into the public domain, by books and films. So, who are  

Well as to the who, they were initially a military order founded in 1118 by a French Knight, Hughes De Payens, who along with a small number of relatives and acquaintances, were founded to protect pilgrims from the footpads, thief's, robbers and vagabonds that littered the pilgrim trail to Jerusalem. 

Some 12 years earlier in 1099, Jerusalem was captured from the Muslims, who had been in power there for centuries. The 1st Crusade was launched at the behest of the then Pope, URBAN II, who painted a picture of a foul and godless race of people, preventing Christian Pilgrims from visiting the holy city of Jerusalem. This could not have been further from the truth however, as The Muslims who reigned over Jerusalem, recognized the benefit of allowing Christian and other denominations into the city as it increased trade. Far from being a godless and foul race of people, the ruling Muslims encouraged the building of places of worship and monasteries. However, as a result of this, Jerusalem became a very wealthy city, and the opportunities for trade and the free exchange of ideas, art, politics, engineering, mathematics and agriculture, did not sit right with the Catholic Church, who felt that over time, Christianity would be phased out, and Islamic teachings and doctrine would become the norm. As a result, a call to arms was made by Pope Urban, and thousands of Knights embarked on the 1st Crusade, eventually overthrowing the ruling Muslims in 1099, and establishing a garrison in Jerusalem. 

With Christianity restored to the Holy City, the Pilgrim trail to Jerusalem from Western Europe became a well-trodden one, and the order set up by Hughes De Payens, made their headquarters on the sacred Temple Mount, from where the order gets its name, with the blessing of the then ruler of Jerusalem, Baldwin II. 

Whilst there were some amongst the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that viewed THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR with a good deal of mistrust and skepticism, they did have their supporters, and went from strength to strength, building a strong foothold in Jerusalem, and carrying out their avowed duties to protect the ever-growing number of pilgrims coming into the city. Such was their success, that in 1139, Pope Innocent II, issued a Papal Bull, a charter or decree that gave THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, special rights and privileges. Chief amongst them was that THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR were exempt from paying taxes.  They were allowed to build their own oratories and places of worship, but most significantly, they answered to no-one but the Pope, who viewed the Order as his private army. 

As a result of the Papal Bull, THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR gained enormous financial influence in the city of Jerusalem, and in the surrounding areas. They set up banks and financial institutions, and wielded enormous power and influence over the region. THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR had a strict code of conduct and became a welcome and favoured sight to pilgrims making their way to Jerusalem, with their recognizable uniform of a white habit with a single red cross. 

As their influence and financial prosperity increased over the years, THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR became a primary bank and lender to many European noblemen and monarchs, enabling them to further expand into Western Europe. Not only were THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR skilled at financial matters, but they were also highly trained and skilled warriors, who often defended the city of Jerusalem from the frequent attacks of the Islamic armies. They were also excellent builders and craftsmen and constructed many castles, forts and battlements along the pilgrim trail. 

In the late 12th century, Muslim armies retook Jerusalem and turned the tide of the Crusades, forcing the Knights Templar to relocate several times. In 1291, the last remnants of THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR left The Holy Land, returning to Europe. Having been the protectors of Jerusalem and The Holy Land for almost 2 centuries, by the early 1300’s, THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR were mostly reduced to having their headquarters in Paris. Support for their activities over the years had certainly waned from many religious and political leaders, who remained suspicious of THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR’S power and influence in respect of financial matters. 

Having their headquarters in Paris, led to conflict with the then French King, Philip IV, who had been denied a loan by THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. With the continued backing of The Pope, King Philip was powerless to act, and set out to destabilize and wipe out the order. 

As a result, King Philip, ordered that on Friday 13th October 1307, all TEMPLAR KNIGHTS were to be arrested, which included the Grand Master at the time, Jacques De Molay. Many KNIGHTS were tortured, and forced into false confessions about, heresy, devil-worship, financial irregularities, homosexuality and perverse practices. Their lands and properties were confiscated by the crown, and subsequently many KNIGHTS were executed, following King Philips plea to the then Pope, Clement V to have the Order dissolved. The sudden and decisive act by King Philip on that day in 1307, led to the end of THE TEMPLARS. 

Or did it? Whilst most historians agree that THE TEMPLARS were rounded up, tortured and executed, there are a number of historians and academics who believe that a number of THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR managed to escape, and effectively carry on existing as an underground order, and that they still do today. Currently, there are several organizations, worldwide that style themselves on THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, that people can join, with a view to bringing about, cultural and philanthropic change. These organizations are primarily concerned with upholding the values and traditions of the original KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. 

There are some historians and academics, who claim that THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, on settling on The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, came across and have since guarded religious artifacts and relics, including The Turin Shroud, The Holy Grail, The Ark of the Covenant, and pieces from the cross used in the crucifixion of Jesus. 

Then, there are those that believe that many of THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR did indeed escape, and make their way further west, to the Americas. Now if that sounds far-fetched, I urge you to watch the Curse of Oak Island TV show, aired on The History Channel. Clear evidence of TEMPLAR visitation to this island which lies of the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada can be found. 

In addition, there have been many books and films written and produced telling exotic stories about THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. More recent books and films, focus on the secret operations of THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. One such popular novel and film, is that depicted in the adaptation of Dan Brown’s book, THE DA VINCI CODE, which presents the theory that THE TEMPLARS were and actively involved in preserving the bloodline of Jesus Christ, which exists to this day. This idea was expanded on earlier in the seminal book THE HOLY BLOOD AND THE HOLY GRAIL by Michael Balgent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, and I would urge anyone with an interest in THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR to read this book. THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR also feature in the Indiana Jones movie, Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade, as keepers of The Holy Grail. 

One of the lasting mysteries regarding THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, surrounds their wealth. On the dissolving of their order and the arrest of many of their members, some of their properties were confiscated, but a great deal of THE TEMPLAR wealth has never been discovered. Where is it? Who if anyone has control of it, and what is it being used for? 

Well, that brings me to the end of this week's edition. I hope you enjoyed hearing a bit about THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. There are many, many books, films and documentaries on the subject, so if this little piece has whetted your appetite for more information on the subject, then there is a wealth of information available to you. 

Thank you for joining me this week, and next week we will be taking a look at THE MAYAN CIVILIZATION, so until then, its back to Mel for the rest of the show. 


Welcome to this week's HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS and for a change to the kitchen we’re out in the garden this week and this week, we're all about PINE. Usually associated with Yule and Christmas time, PINE is a very useful plant for all kinds of magical purposes. 

Scent wise, PINE can be used for clearing and creating mental focus, so it's useful for meditation practice. 

Magical wise, PINE works particularly well in any dragon magic practices and brings a strong protection to any space, while also imbuing a lovely sense of welcome and hospitality. Put my teeth in again. I wonder if this came with the Vikings then. 

Use PINE oil as a wash to protect and purify the home and PINE CONES are particularly useful in any fertility and healing spells, so here's a little PINE house blessing for you. 

In a fireproof container, light some charcoal and sprinkle some PINE NEEDLES on top of the charcoal. Then get a PINE CONE. Pass the cone through the smoke made by the needles and then keep the PINE CONE on your hearth at home to attract blessings and peace to your home.  

And that's PINE folks. 

23:18 Mel - TIME FOR TAROT 

Welcome to this weeks' TIME FOR TAROT. We're having a look at the 7’s this week, and as usual, we're going to start with the WANDS

So, the SEVEN OF WANDS in the upright position is all about challenge, competition, perseverance, missed opportunities for promotion, and a bit of a tunnel vision about work. But it's all about striving forward and reaching goals.  

In reverse, it means the exact opposite. Giving up, feeling overwhelmed and being overly protected. 

Onto the SEVEN OF CUPS. Now the SEVEN OF CUPS is a bit of a fantasy card. It's all about wishful thinking, pipe dreams if you like, and choices and wishes that might not necessarily be for the better good of the person who you're reading for. Love, it has love, but it's a hard journey so things are stagnating a bit and they need a bit more action and motion. 

In reverse it means temptation, illusion, and diversionary tactics. So, trying to get out of stuff basically. 

So, onto the SEVEN OF SWORDS. Now this is an interesting one. I call this card the once bitten twice shy card, so there's been betrayal, duplicity and somebody getting away with something. Not to happen again. So, once bitten, twice shy, refusing to be hurt again, doesn't want to go there and trying to come from a more protected position. 

In reverse, the SEVEN OF SWORDS is about mental challenges and breaking free from old programming. 

So, finally we have the SEVEN OF PENTACLES.  The SEVEN OF PENTACLES is all about vision, and it's about reaping the rewards of hard work. Its investment, profit. It can also mean that they've got money, but they're bored. They don't know what to do with it, so they're seeking new ideas they’re wanting to channel new adventures if you like, but it's around money and it's about security.  

In the reverse it means a lack of long-term vision and limited reward. So, that’s the 7’s. Next week we'll be looking at the 6’s. 

25:47 Mel – CLOSING 

Well, that’s it for this week folks. 

Coming up in the show next week. SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. There will be some more of your listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE MAYAN CIVILIZATION is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, ROSES are our featured item and in TIME FOR TAROT, THE 6’s are our featured cards. 

A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and for the technical help and advice from the folks at AUDACITY & AUPHONIC. 

A big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.  

A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.   

Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.   

Please visit the website where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you and don't forget you can also send us a voicemail by clicking on the Speak Pipe link in the episode notes or via the podcast page on the website. It’s free of charge and no download required.    

So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.