The Spirit Level
The Spirit Level
The Spirit Level Podcast Episode#32
Join Mel & Mr M, for the final episode of this season, before they take a well earned break!!!
In CRYSTAL CORNER, the featured crystal is SUNSTONE.
There are some more of you listener questions, from Amy in Dundee, Kirsten in Chesterfield and Yvonne in Perth, Australia, who are asking questions about a person's soul, crystal grids and obstacles in doing mediumship.
In MR M's MENAGERIE, THE AKASHIC RECORDS are being discussed.
In TIME FOR TAROT, the 8's are our featured cards.
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Thanks for listening, LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL, and we will be back with Season 2 of The Spirit Level Podcast on Sunday 3rd October 2021.
00:00 Mel – INTRO
Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.
00:31 Mel – WELCOME
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the last in the current series of the Spirit Level Podcast. How are you? Ok I hope and as I announced last week this week episode is the last in the current series before Mr. M and I have a long-deserved rest.
And yes, we've managed to book a little trip away and I simply can't wait, so The Spirit Level will be closed for spiritual maintenance until October the third. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank our contributors, our new friends, and old, who have helped us in this last series. So, it's a big thank you to Terry Bernstein, Maria Atherley, Amanda Parnell, Catherine Lundin, Tara Taylor, Chris Jacobs, Amy Williams, Scott Gazzoli, Nicole De Haas and Sean in Belfast. And if you've no idea who I'm talking about, you can have a trawl back through the episodes of this first series, which are all still available, so you can still get your spooky fix whilst we're away and thank you all for your continued support and please feel free to continue to get in touch with your questions any content, ideas and feedback. We want the show to go from strength to strength in the next series, so please let us know what's your favourite segment of the show.
Now, in astrological news this week we have the fabled blue moon showing up at 1301 hours on Sunday the 22nd. The second full moon in Aquarius and it's the month of August. So, what does this mean? So, it's the second full moon in August, so there's been two full moons while this full moon is all about releasing, forgiving and moving blockages or obstacles that may have previously stopped your progress.
So, this full moon being in Aquarius rather than showing off Leo, this new energy is a bit cooler. It's a bit more confident and it's a bit more detached, so it's perfect for cutting all those unnecessary connections or ties to people, things, or situations that really no longer serve you, or maybe holding you back or just simply not serving your greatest good. So, release, release, release, forgive and let it go, folks. That's what it's all about.
In this week's episode, coming up in the show this week, SUNSTONE, ooh one of my favourites, is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. There will be some more of your listeners questions and if you'd like your question to feature as a three-card tarot reading then please get in touch with us. In MR M'S MENAGERIE, THE AKASHIC RECORDS are being discussed, interesting. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, GARLIC is on the menu and in TIME FOR TAROT, THE EIGHTS are our featured cards.
So, here we go.
So, in the last episode of CRYSTAL CORNER, we met MOONSTONE and this week we're going to meet her counterpart, her opposite SUNSTONE.
I love SUNSTONE. Its energy is bright, positive and glowing. It is just like a ray of sunshine in your pocket. It's orange in color. It's very warm and has a skitish energy in the feel of it. It's also very regenerating.
It's great for chronic illness of any kind as it brings vitality and a more positive outlook to the user. SUNSTONE can reverse any feeling of failure or loss and is linked directly to the forces of prosperity, luck and positive abundance.
It really has a joyous go getting feel to it. It's another great crystal for people who work in areas or arenas where there is a lot of negativity, grief or shadow zones where people may try and leech off your energy. SUNSTONE protects against that and stops people attaching to your aura and your energies and also helps you maintain appropriate boundaries and saying no when others may be putting pressure on you to do things that you don't want to do. It supports recovery from depression, malaise, seasonal affective disorder, which is the winter blues, any procrastination, self-confidence, fear and general aches and pains. SUNSTONE is a lovely chunk of joy to possess and cherish, absolutely one of my favorites.
Have a look at the samples that we have available at the CRYSTAL CORNER online store or have our look at our little video on the Facebook Group for a meet and greet with SUNSTONE.
Mel - Now it's time for your questions.
MR M - Thank you Mel and hello again everyone. There are three listener questions Mel this week.
Mel - OK?
MR M - The first is from Amy in Dundee, who asks. What is your soul, and can it be measured?
Mel - Oh interesting one. Thank you, Amy. Uhm, your soul is the immortal bit of you. Your energy that is transferable. Transmutable moves through, dimensions, moves through different bodies and timelines, and it's the part of you that continues on, not the physical bit that we shed.
And can it be measured? Well, that is an interesting one, because it can. There are several experiments that have been done at the point of death and the point of somebody passing when the body has been weighed. And I can't tell you how much it weighs, but if you have a look up on the Internet, if you Google it, I think it's something like nought point, nought point 11 of a gramme but it is measurable and it's quantifiable and it seems to be something that can be repeated. So, there you go. Thank you for that one. It's an interesting one.
MR M - Yes, thank you. Amy, very interesting. I didn't realise it could be measured.
Mel - It's been weighed.
MR M - Goodness me. Right, our second question this week comes from Kirsten in Chesterfield who asks. Does the type of material you use for a crystal grid have any effect on the crystal power?
Mel - It will not have any effect on the actual individual crystal power. Whether the actual effects of the crystals will be magnified by the material that the grids made out of, I'm not entirely sure that it would, though I'll be honest, I'm not entirely sure, but ultimately, I would think not, so it's not going to affect the actual crystals energy coz that output is happening all the time. The energy and the energy from the grid comes from the placement of the crystals together and those crystals working in harmony and increasing the power that way.
MR M - Thanks Mel. Do you have a preferred crystal grid medium if that makes sense, material?
Mel - No, I mean the one that I've got, the lovely John Atherley gave me and Maria. Thank you very much, and that's a that's a wooden one, but I don't think it really matters what it's made out of. You can download them on the Internet. You can have them in paper form, and I think I've also put some on the website. If you're interested, you can download somewhere.
MR M - Thanks Mel and our final question this week and the final one of the season, comes all the way from Perth, Western Australia and it's from Yvonne. So, thank you Yvonne. She asks what is the biggest obstacle you have overcome in doing your mediumship work?
Mel - Wow, there's so many obstacles to overcome Yvonne, thank you for getting in touch and I would. I think there’s two. The biggest one is confidence, but the major one is trusting the information that you're getting through, and I will give you an example of this from my own personal background, and I was training. It was a development circle and I kept overthinking everything at that point.
And you do. We try to intellectualize or get your human brain around what Spirit is sending through, and I kept getting Scooby-Doo. You know the theme tune.
MR M – Scooby Doo?
Mel - To Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo and the song was just the theme tune Scooby Dooby Doo where are you just kept going? It won't go. And I was just thinking it can't be right. It can't be right and in the end, I just said it. I said it to the to the reader, the sitter that I was reading for and the look on this lady’s face because that's what she used to watch with her grandparent and they watched it together and they loved it, but they didn't like Scrappy because nobody did.
So that was a really important wow moment. And instead of trusting that I kind of tried to intellectualize it and didn't trust what I was getting through, but it was, it was bang on, so if you're practicing, if you're developing or you get something through that is as specific as that, say it, say it, you'll be surprised it's come through for a reason.
MR M - Super staff Mel. Thank you. I quite like Scrappy Doo, you know.
Mel - You don't. Nobody likes Scrappy.
MR M - Yeah, I did, puppy puppy power. Yeah, I liked it anyway. Thanks again Mel. And a big thank you to Amy, Kirsten and Yvonne for getting in touch with us.
If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a three-card tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, whether it be suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch, then here is how to do so.
Thank you to everyone who has got in touch with us. There are a number of ways you can do so.
On Facebook, on the group's search for The Spirit Level.
On Twitter, search for thespiritlevel.co.uk. We have a Twitter handle which is @thespiritlevelU, which is a capital U.
On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or thespiritlevel.co.uk
Or you can click on the Speak pipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge.
In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge, at www.thespiritlevel.co.uk we look forward to hearing from you.
Welcome to MR M’s MENAGERIE.
Hello everyone, and thank you for joining me this week, where I will be taking a look at a topic that until a few weeks ago, I had never heard of. Regular listeners to the podcast may recall that in episode 30, Mel answered a listener question from Simon in Leeds who was asking about karma and fate. In Mel’s reply, she mentioned THE AKASHIC RECORDS. Now, up until that moment, like I said, I had never heard of these records, so I went away and did some reading up, and from doing so, I thought it might make a good topic for this section of the show.
So, let's start at the beginning, with the name itself. Akashic, is derived from the ancient Sanskrit word ‘AKASHA,’ which means sky, space or the ether. The records are sometimes referred to as ‘THE BOOK OF LIFE.’ Sanskrit, as I’m sure many of you know is the sacred language of Hinduism, the language used in classical Hindu philosophy and found in historical texts of Buddhism and Jainism.
Now, I think it is fair to say, that at the outset, what THE AKASHIC RECORDS are purported to be, is a little bit mind blowing. In essence, those who believe in these records will say that they are a repository of all universal events, emotions, thoughts, intentions and words, EVER to have taken place, in the past, present and indeed future by ALL forms of life, not just human. I did say it was mind blowing!!!
Just think about that for a second or two. ALL of our thoughts, deeds and actions, are recorded in a compendium. So, there are a few fundamental questions that we need to explore.
Firstly, who is doing the recording. Well, to answer this question, we first need to ask ourselves when did the term AKASHIC RECORDS, first come into the popular domain.
It seems to have first been mentioned by followers of a religion called Theosophy, which came into prominence in the late 19th century in the United Sates. This religion was founded by a Russian immigrant, Helena Blavatsky, and much of the religion is based upon her writings. Blavatsky stated that there was an ancient and indeed secretive brotherhood, made up of individuals who had attained great wisdom and supernatural powers. These individuals she stated were known as THE MASTERS, monks who were found in the country of Tibet. Blavatsky stated that these Masters were able to record, through their supernatural and spiritual awareness, all of our thoughts, deeds, actions etc, and that these records could be accessed in the Akasha, a spiritual realm outside our earthly existence, the ether if you like, and that these Masters, were on earth to record our each and every action, not just in this current life, but in past and future ones.
Blavatsky, who had visited these monks, stated that through their teachings to her, she believed that there was a single divine absolute, and that Theosophy was founded with the aim of teaching human’s how to achieve spiritual emancipation. A fundamental Tennant of Theosophy is that the human soul undergoes a reincarnation after death, and that karmic forces will be brought to bear upon this transformation. Still with me?
It’s heavy stuff I know, but when I started reading about these records, you know what struck me? The trilogy of THE MATRIX films. In those films, humanity is controlled by a machine race, with everyday existence and surroundings manipulated and crafted by someone called THE ARCHITECT. People choosing to follow this existence go merrily upon their way. However, those who become awakened, see and experience a totally different reality. So, Is THE MATRIX as far-fetched as many would believe?
So, everything we do, have done and will do is being recorded. All our actions leave a trace, that can be identified and followed. But what would be the purpose of keeping such records. Well, for many believers in THE AKASHIC RECORDS it is to gain a self-understanding, with the primary goal for human beings to gain soul growth from understanding the use and direction of our free will in how we express our drives, goals and energies. These records allow us to reflect, modify and adapt in other lives, when we are able to access them, for the betterment of ourselves and humanity. The famous 20th century clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, nicknamed THE SLEEPING PROPHET, claimed to be able to get into such a meditative state, that he was able to access THE AKASHIC RECORDS. Cayce firmly believed that the subconscious mind held the ability for humanity to experience and travel if you like to any realm or dimension in time, to be able to perform astral projection. He developed a large following, and is heavily cited by many modern-day researchers, scientists and advocates, as one of the founding fathers in New Age thinking. One of Cayce’s most famous statements is the following -:
When we choose to live actively, self-aware, we acknowledge our relationship with the Creator, and consequently we approach our potential for the expression of our creativity and will.
THE AKASHIC RECORDS to those who believe in them, are a running photograph if you like, of an individual's achievements. But who is this Creator? Many, many religions, both currently and in the past, referred to a divine being, a creator being. The Creator as we would see it nowadays, would be looked upon as a single entity. But in respect of THE AKASHIC RECORDS, the creator is not named or identified, he/she/they/it are just present.
So, for those of you listening to this rolling your eyes and thinking what a load of rubbish, there are similarities and parallels to modern day scientific thinking. Take String Theory for example. String theory is one of the most famous ideas in modern physics, but it is also one of the most confusing. At its heart is the idea that the fundamental particles we observe are not point-like dots, but rather tiny strings that are so small that our best instruments cannot tell that they are not points. It also predicts that there are extra dimensions to space, beyond the obvious length, breadth and depth, but we do not experience them because they are bunched up in tiny spaces. Or how about Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics is the study of nature at the subatomic level, a level we cannot fully understand or appreciate. The theory is that there are a number of parallel universes that exist side by side, and for EVERY action that we take, there are an infinite number of universes that co-0exist at EXACTLY the same time, in which we did not make that action or choice.
Because we cannot understand it, does it mean it cannot or doesn’t exist? Now these 2 theories are well recorded, with many eminent and respected advocates. Are these advocates clearly barking mad or is there something beyond our comprehension and understanding that would lead us to believe that something like THE AKASHIC RECORDS exist.
Finally, here is something to consider. Many ancient cultures and religions refer to a ‘BOOK OF LIFE’. In this book, allegedly, all of humanities actions and deeds will be judged, and those people responsible will be judged according to their deeds and actions. We take the actions we take because of a choice we make, but what informs our choice? Whether you believe of the existence of THE AKASHIC RECORDS or not, it doesn’t seem beyond the realms of possibility that if we had the chance to do things over again, we would always make the same choices or actions. So that brings me to the end of this episode, and indeed the last MR M’s MENAGERIE of this current season.
I have really enjoyed bringing you the topics we have covered, from the prophecies of NOSTRADAMUS, ANCIENT ASTRONAUT THEORY, the mystery of THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE, THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT, THE PYRAMIDS OF GIZA, THE SKULL & BONES SOCIETY, quite an eclectic and varied mix.
I would like to thank all of you who have been in touch with regard to this part of the show and thank you for your kind words and suggestions. We hope that when season 2 of the podcast returns, this will remain a feature. Let us know if you would like it to remain, and in addition, although we will be away for a few weeks, please get in touch with suggestions for topics you would like to be discussed. You can email us at the address of thespiritlevel22@gmail.com, or you can send us a voicemail, by clicking on the SpeakPipe link contained in the episode notes.
So, until next time, thank you for joining me. Hopefully, I will be back with a new episode on Sunday 3rd October, but for now it's back to Mel for the rest of the show.
Welcome to this week's HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS. We're still in the kitchen this week folks and this week we're talking about GARLIC. We all know, and probably have some GARLIC in some variety in our kitchen, and I bet you can guess at least one of its magical uses. No.... vampires? Well, you'd be right. GARLIC is often used for banishing spells; probably, hence it's linked to Count Drac, but what you may be interested to know is its other magical and medicinal properties.
GARLIC is the ancient performance enhancer, and it was used by the ancient Greeks in the very first Olympic Games to enhance sporting performance.
Healing wise, it's scientifically proven to reduce inflammation and lessen the risk of osteoarthritis. It boosts immune function because it's antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-parasitic. It improves cardiovascular health and circulation because it prevents clotting. It stops arterial plaque. It improves blood lipids, and it helps with high blood pressure. It's toxic to 14 kinds of cancer, including brain, breast, lung, gastric and pancreatic.
And on top of all this, it's just absolutely delish. Who couldn't resist the smell of fresh garlic bread?
So, here's a lovely little love spell to attract someone special.
Get two cloves of GARLIC, puncture them, one on top of the other so they're held together with one steel nail and wrap this little GARLIC sandwich with red thread or ribbon. A clove on top represents the spellcaster, the one on the bottom, the object of the affections.
Hide the charm with the clove representing you, still on the top and in a dark place until the person starts to demonstrate affections towards you, or you simply don't want it anymore. It does happen. You find out they’re a pain. If it sprouts roots, this is very auspicious.
Good luck and that's GARLIC my friends.
23:57 Mel - TIME FOR TAROT
So welcome to TIME FOR TAROT. This week, folks, we're going to be having a look at the 8’s. So, we'll start with the EIGHT OF WANDS. Now, this is called the arrows of love card. So, there is news coming and it's usually positive and it's usually about emotional stuff. But it is about speed. It's action, it's swift change, air travel. Boss may be taking advantage. Need to say no more often, but generally its news come in.
In reverse, its delays, its frustrations and it's about taking and holding off from action in that particular time.
The EIGHT OF CUPS in the upright position. This cards all about going in search of what's missing. The person feels there is something missing in the situation or at that time, and they want to go off in search of that, so it's escapism. It's disappointment. It's feeling stagnant and it's wanting and feeling the need to move forward.
In reverse, it means hopelessness, aimlessly drifting about with no direction and walking away from situations. So that's the EIGHT OF CUPS.
The EIGHT OF SWORDS. Now this sword is all about isolation, but it's self-imposed restrictions. This is mental blocks and emotional blocks that the querent is putting on themselves. They're living in the past. They're not moving forward, and they're blind to the issues and solutions around them. So, it's not something that's happening. It's what's happening on the inside with this card.
In reverse, it means that they are actually open to new ideas and new methods and want to release from inhibiting notions.
So, the EIGHT OF PENTACLES. This card's all about hard work. It's about apprenticeship. It's about learning your craft, quality, creativity and making money from your own personal skills and so from that it's also like the self-employment card. So, this person might want to be their own boss, may want to start their own business, but doing something or earning money from a skill that they already have.
In reverse the EIGHT OF PENTACLES means perfectionism and a lack of focus or ambition.
So that's the 8’s this week. Join me next week when we'll have a look at the 7’s.
26:41 Mel – CLOSING
Well, that’s it for this week folks, and the end of the first season of The Spirit Level Podcast. Both myself and MR M have really enjoyed bringing you an episode each and every Sunday since the 14th of January 2021. We hope you have enjoyed listening to the episodes and the content.
We hope that as the weeks have gone on, we have got better. It’s been a steep learning curve for both of us, but as I said, it is something that we both have really enjoyed.
We are both really grateful for all your lovely messages of support and for all the listener questions that have been sent in.
A big thank you, to all our guests that have featured on the show. We have made some good friends as a result and will continue to try and get guests to come on the show when we resume.
We have tried to have people on from all walks of life, with different fields of expertise, and we hope that this approach has led to you learning about topics that may be new to you.
In addition, we have been really pleased to bring you weekly content on crystals in CRYSTAL CORNER and tarot cards in TIME FOR TAROT, which as the weeks progressed, led to the addition of a new item, HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS.
MR M, has gone from the production chair to fronting his new addition to the episodes, MR M’s MENAGERIE, which he has really enjoyed doing, with some diverse and mysterious topics, and from the feedback we have received, it looks like a feature we will keep in the show.
There are so many people we have to thank for enabling us to get the podcast out each week. We cannot mention everyone, but without the technical help and support of our hosts BUZZSPROUT, we would never have got the podcast off the ground. In addition, the help, advice and assistance we have received from folks at AUPHONIC & AUDACITY have been invaluable.
Finally, we know and understand that the last 18 months or so have been incredibly difficult for all of you. In and amongst all that has been going on, you have still managed to give the podcast a listen. Thank you so much to each and every one of you for taking the time to listen to us. To date, people in 25 countries have downloaded the podcast, and we have over 2600 downloads worldwide. To many in the podcasting world, those figures don’t mean much, but to both of us, producing episodes from our loft in Oughtibridge, Sheffield, it means so much.
So, hopefully with the COVID Pandemic slowly getting better for everyone and enabling us to try and return to some form of normality, both myself and MR M hope you are all keeping safe and well and will continue to do so.
So, until we return on Sunday 3rd October 2021, please look after each other, and love and light to you all.