The Spirit Level

The Spirit Level Podcast Season 3 Episode #11

Season 3 Episode 11

(00:30) Join Mel & MR M for the penultimate episode of the season, where Mel gives some guidance following a very rare Astrological event, last seen in 1856, so not in any living memory, when recently Jupiter and Neptune met in the sign of Pisces all together in the same point in the sky.  Changes are a coming!!!

Coming up in this week's show -:
(04:31)The amalgam crystal SUPER SEVEN is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(06:35) We look at the ebb and flow of AQUARIUS in COSMIC CRUISE.
(11:34) There will be some more of your Listener questions, which this week features a question from Zian in Canterbury who has not been able to connect with passed relatives.
(15:35) In MR M’s MENAGERIE, we chart a course with THE PIRI REIS MAP.
(25:31) In the final episode of MARIA’s MAGICAL SUPER 6, Maria talks about her journey to become a PRIESTESS OF AVALON.
In STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have a number of points to help with weight loss, ST36, SP6, REN12, GV26 & SP10.

(39:33) Coming up in next week's show, the final episode in the season -:
HERKIMER DIAMOND is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We don our budgie smugglers and cozzie’s to take a swim with PISCES in COSMIC CRUISE. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, MR M takes a look back and reviews the past season’s episodes. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, the festival of BELTANE is being discussed. In the final episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda talks about how to remain motivated to achieve your goals, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we look at AURICULAR ACUPRESSURE

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Thanks for listening and LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL.

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00:00 Mel – INTRO 

Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some, or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.  

00:30 Mel – WELCOME 

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the penultimate episode of Season 3 of the Spirit Level podcast. How are you feeling this week?? Have you been noticing anything unusual I wonder, and I will tell you why. This week has seen a very rare Astrological event, last seen in 1856, so not in any living memory. 

The 12th of April which was last Tuesday, Jupiter and Neptune met in the sign of Pisces all together in the same point in the sky.  

So, what does this mean exactly. Well on a macro planet wide scale it could mean the beginning of a cultural reset and total shift in vibe and boy do we need it in my humble opinion. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and Neptune dissolves the old and unnecessary so old hierarchies and systems may begin to crumble requiring expansion of new ideas, concepts and theories.  

Jupiter is also the planet of luck, fortunes and blessings abundant so start thinking with unashamed abandon and optimism and see what Jupiter can attract for you, think big folks.  

With Jupiter in Pisces, which is the sign associated with dreams, illusions and creativity, it may be that some of your illusions may have been shattered on a personal / micro level this week and what no longer serves your higher and greater good becomes totally clear, this certainly happened to me this week and a massive energy shift has been felt for the last couple of days and probably well into next week also, so don’t be surprised if emotions are running a little warm either. I would strongly suggest not rushing to make any major potentially life altering decisions until well into next week. I’m definitely taking my own advice on this one. 

On to Neptune – Pisces Ruler at that too, so there is an air of magical potential in the air and conscious and unconscious barriers can and will be broken through and expanded into at this time both mentally and spiritually. For any fellow sensitives out there listening you may have a new or renewed connection to spirit at this time or even totally new psychic skills appear, how exciting! This is an excellent time to set new intentions especially if you are on the spiritual path and wanting to expand your consciousness. Think beyond folks. On the flip side, be wary of deceptions and exaggerations at this time, all may not be what it seems, if in doubt say no for now and let some star dust settles before you make up your mind once and for all. 

So that’s the astrological news this week and do let me know how this week has affected you. 

Now on with the show. 

The amalgam crystal SUPER SEVEN is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We look at the ebb and flow of AQUARIUS in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, we chart a course with THE PIRI REIS MAP. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, FIRE MAGIC is being discussed. In the final episode of MARIA’s MAGICAL SUPER 6, Maria talks about her journey to become a PRIESTESS OF AVALON, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT we have a number of points to help with weight loss, ST36, SP6, REN12, GV26 & SP10

So, if you’re ready, here we go. 



We meet the highest and most powerful amalgam crystal known to us on Earth this week and it is the SUPER SEVEN, The Melody Stone. A spiritual powerhouse of a crystal SUPER SEVEN is a mix of QUARTZ a Master crystal in its own right) SMOKEY QUARTZ, AMETHYST, RUTILE, GOETHITE, CACOXENITE AND LEPIDOCROSITE, seven in total, hence the SUPER SEVEN name. So, as well as having all the qualities of the associated crystals, as we know the sum is always greater that its parts and this crystal is no exception.  

Said to have been manifested to assist the ascension of humankind to the next level of consciousness, SUPER SEVEN super boosts metaphysical abilities and opens the Chakras and portal of consciousness aligning to the highest possible energy vibrations and brings the soul back to the source and direct communication with the divine.  

This crystal is so powerful it is said that energy beings actually reside with them so they are to be treated with utmost respect and care and they are powerful multidimensional beings that are capable of great healing on every level and at every point in time, so this would suggest that it would be very useful in healing past and even karmic trauma.  

I have never been lucky enough to meet a super seven crystal, but I will put it out there and if it was meant to be, I will have the opportunity. I’ll keep you posted! 


06:35 Mel - COSMIC CRUISE 

Welcome to this week’s COSMIC CRUISE, and this week our focus is on AQUARIUS. Aquarius the water bearer falls between the 21st of January and the 18th of February and despite the name having aqua/water in the title, it is actually an air sign ruled by Uranus the planet of unpredictability. Aquarians are the true visionaries of the zodiac. Eccentric and magnificent inventors, genius, out of the box thinkers and self-reliant, rebellious humanitarians, they are always one step ahead of the herd as they can see what us mere mortals cannot. They see possibilities and paths through where others just see barriers. But on the flip side, they hate being pigeon-holed and desperately hate being told what to do, which can lead to them being impatient, pessimistic and angry thus making them unpredictable, aloof and cold. Their focus can be pulled away from what is important and so they can be neglectful of themselves and others.  

So, the Aquarian soul lesson is to get in touch with your emotions and shine your light of love onto yourself as well as others but not to fall between or to get too bogged down in what other people think. Great careers for Aquarians are anything that involves them being self-employed, they hate being told what to do that much it just works better for them to be their own boss. Anything to do with social justice or humanitarian work. Any technical experimental work, IT, engineering or programming. Famous Aquarian’s are Thomas Edison – prolific inventor, the genius Galileo, Rosa Parks famously did not do as she was told! Charles Darwin – explorer and naturist and Oprah Winfrey, who broke every ceiling there is.  

The planetary crystal for aquarians is TURQUOISE, the native Indian sky god stone. It provides protection from negativity and connection to the higher vibrational, spirit and star realms. A provider of peace, harmony and prosperity especially to the home.  

The Tarot card for Aquarius is THE STAR, the card of hope and eternal optimism. The Aquarius spiritual nature can manifest the souls wishes and desires, so be careful what you wish for! You are capable of convincing others that their dreams can come true too, which is a wonderful gift to possess. 

Now onto the 3 card Tarot reading. 

OK, so we're onto the three-card tarot forecast for Aquarius and for the rest of April. We have got the FOUR OF WANDS, so there's a there's an event happening in April, so, end of April towards the beginning of May, there is some achievement that is being celebrated and there's a lot of fertility around this particular card, so it may be news of a birth. It may be news of a marriage, but it's all centred around the home so it could be news of a new move, new house move something along those lines. So, some good news coming.  

Going into May, we have the ACE OF SWORDS, now the ACE OF SWORDS, Aquarius is all about communication. Communicating your truth and cutting through things to get to the centre of the matter. So, if there's something gnarly going on, something a bit complicated, you will have the skills in the month of May to cut through all the unnecessary, cut through all the garbage and get straight to the point. 

So going into June, we have got the KING OF SWORDS. So, you are going to be in your magnificence come that time. People are going to be seeking out your advice because of these skills that you have at this particular time. So, use your powers wisely Aquarius, because you have the opportunity to really affect some change around the people and events around you at this time, just remain true to yourself, remain true to your morals and give the guidance that comes from your heart. You won't go far wrong and that's your three-card tarot reading Aquarius. 


Mel - Now it's time for listener questions. What do we have this week darling? 

MR M - Thank you, Mel, hello again everyone. So, we reach the final listener question of the season Mel, and this is one I have been keeping hold of. It comes from Zian in Canterbury who asks -: 

Since the end of 2020, I have lost both sets of grandparents, my mum and dad and one of my sisters. I have been to 3 mediums since the passing of my sister, and not one of them has ever mentioned any of my departed relatives. I came across your podcast via a friend, so thought I would see if you could help me in some way to understand what is happening. My family are of Chinese heritage, and I was wondering whether this had something to do with my relatives not being able to come through to me or was a reason why the mediums could not reach them. I know this sounds so stupid, but in Chinese culture, the concept of death and spirit is much different to the western world. Is there anything that you can suggest that would help me reach my deceased’s relatives. 

Mel - Hello Zian, I'm so sorry you've suffered all that loss at this time. Bless you, I'm sending you a big spiritual hug. Several parts of this question, I think darling, am I right? Because I can only speak from my experience, and I've read for people from all over the world from all sorts of different cultures and backgrounds where English is not even their first language and it's not prevented that spirit from coming forward and proving the continued existence of that soul after their physical death, and that is basically what we're here to try and show and provide comfort for people who have had that loss.  

There could be a lot of reasons why your relatives aren't being picked up on at this particular time. It may be that it's just not time for them to do so. So, it requires an awful, awful lot of energy and know how actually from the other side to get messages through, and especially if they are newly passed over. Sometimes they come through really quickly, other times it takes some time and often they have to have some assistance from either a spirit guide or from another relative who has been over a bit longer and knows the ropes, so to speak. So don't be discouraged. Spirit will send you messages through or signs through, if you need them.  

Ask for them. But keep trying. I'm sure that at some point somebody will be able to get that message through. It's a bit like a telephone exchange. Those lines have to be created but keep sending thoughts out. Keep sending whatever prayers or wishes you want to send out, and I'm sure and I promise you that some contact will be made at some point, and I wish you every luck and every happiness in the future. 

MR M - Thank you, Mel, and thank you to Zian for her question. If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a 3 card Tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, including suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch, then here is how to do so. 

Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us. 

You can get in touch with us via email and the address is 

On Facebook, on the groups, search for The Spirit Level. 

On Twitter search for 

We have a Twitter handle which is @ thespiritlevelU which is a capital U 

On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or 

Or you can click on the SpeakPipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge. 

In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge at we look forward to hearing from you. 


15:35 MR M - MR M’s MENAGERIE 

Welcome to MR M’s MENAGERIE. Hello again everyone, and welcome to this week’s episode. Now I have always had a fascination with maps. As far back as I can remember, I have always wondered how the maps were made. In modern day times, it is easily explainable, with the use and applications of satellite imagery and computer enhancements, you can from the comfort of your living room, zoom in with incredible accuracy to any part of the world. You can view the imagery as a satellite view, terrain view, street view, the possibilities are endless, but it wasn’t always this way, and this is where my fascination with maps stems from. You see, I understand that the maps produced today are highly accurate, compiled using pinpoint imagery and to exact scales. The indentations of the coastlines, the tracks of rivers, the scale and scope of mountain ranges, roads, train tracks and the like are depicted with such accuracy, that anyone picking up a map, or viewing it via a mobile device can be confident that what is being displayed is what is actually there. We are very fortunate to have this available to us. 

But what about in ancient times. Our ancestors didn’t have access to satellite technology, cameras or sophisticated measuring devices, and yet there is a history and tradition of seafaring and the production of maps, that despite the rudimentary tools and technology available to them, produced maps that were highly detailed and accurate.  

There are many ancient maps that have been discovered, but the topic of today’s episode is a map, that due to its age, and what it depicts, poses some very interesting questions. Today, THE PIRI REIS MAP is our focus. 

The PIRI REIS MAP is a world map, that was compiled by the Ottoman admiral, navigator, geographer and cartographer Piri Reis. The map was published in 1513 and shows the western coasts of Europe and North Africa, the coast of Brazil, the Caribbean, the Southern American continent and numerous islands in the Atlantic and possibly Japan. About 1/3 of the map survives today, and it is currently in the library of THE TOPKAPI PALACE in Istanbul, Turkey. For many centuries, the map lay untouched and discarded amongst the trappings of THE TOPKAPI PALACE but was discovered by chance in 1929. 

The historical importance of this map lies in its demonstration of the extent of the exploration of THE NEW WORLD up to about 1510. Reis claimed to have used numerous other maps available to him at the time to compile his map, which he stated included maps from Arabia, India and Portugal, as well as a map made and used by Christopher Columbus. The PIRI REIS MAP was part of a larger piece of work undertaken by REIS, that culminated in his ‘Book of Navigation’ that gave detailed information on early navigational techniques, as well as relatively accurate charts, describing important ports and cities in the Mediterranean. 

By the early 16th century, there were many highly accurate maps and charts of the Mediterranean, and indeed westwards from the Straits of Gibraltar. The numerous islands in The Atlantic Ocean were documented and their depicted location was pretty accurate to the mainland of Africa. The Azores and Canary Islands were known about, and many seafaring nations were able to make use of the maps available to ensure they reached their destination. 

What makes THE PIRI REIS MAP so interesting, is that clearly depicted of the southernmost tip of the continent of South America is a large landmass, what we would now call the continent of Antartica. 

And here is why THE PIRI REIS MAP holds such a fascination. You see, the continent of Antartica was first set foot on in the 1820’s, some 300 years after REIS’s map was published. There had been many anecdotal tales of a vast land to the south of the tip of South America, but it had not been discovered or indeed documented. Many nations by the early 16th and 17th centuries had begun to sail around the southern tip of Africa, but their route did not take them close to modern day Antartica. So how was Antartica depicted on Reis’s map? 

The simple answer is that no-one has an answer to that!!! Reis was a superb navigator and cartographer, but he certainly didn’t set sail on a voyage that discovered Antartica. He gleaned the information he needed from already published maps, but none of these had a depiction of Antartica on them, and certainly none had a landmass south of the South American continent depicted on them.  

Reis was either incredibly astute or had access to some as yet undiscovered map that he drew his conclusions from. Who provided him with this information is not known, but THE PIRI REIS MAP is a piece of cartographic history that defies modern day explanation. 

Many historians and naval experts do not credit Reis’s depiction of Antartica, stating that the scale is wrong and that having not navigated to the area, he could not possibly have known of the existence of the continent. I will agree that the scale of the depiction of Antartica may well be wrong, but it doesn’t alter the fact that is shown quite clearly on Reis’s map, and no-one in academia or otherwise has been able to explain how it came to be depicted, and do you know what, in our modern day world where the answer to most questions is at the reach of our fingertips, I quite like the idea that this still remains a mystery. 

Well that brings me to the end of this episode, I hope you enjoyed it. Please get in touch and let me know your thoughts on THE PIRI REIS MAP, or any of the other topics covered in these episodes. Next week, I will be doing a season recap, looking back at the topics covered. So, until then, thank you for listening, and it’s now back to Mel, for the rest of the show. 



Welcome to this week’s Household Hocus Pocus and today we are going to have a look at what is probably the oldest form of magic FIRE MAGIC.  

There are various forms of fire magic, the first is Pyromancy. Now apparently according to my family’s mythology, my Great Grandma Kate was particularly good at this and reading the tea leaves so it's in the blood with me for certain.  

PYROMANCY is the ancient art of scrying the flames of the fire, seeing scenes or symbols to divine events, past, present and future. It can depend on the types of wood being burned and often specific herbs were used in combination, which can provide great results. It’s simply a matter of using the flames as focus for the conscious mind to then allow the unconscious mind to surface and get to work. 

Fire itself has been used forever by every culture to cleanse, purify as well as burn and destroy and these are basically the magical functions of fire magic. Any magical workings that require strength, power, purification, protection and removal are greatly assisted by the addition of some fire magic.  

Want to burn some particularly painful memories and remove their emotional attachment to your soul? The write them down on paper and before burning them in the flames focus on the intention of removing their attachment to you. Then let the flames do their work. This I think has to be the oldest form of magical ritual there is really and also one I think most people may have used at one time or another consciously or unconsciously.  

Finally, a slightly more refined version of open fire magic is candle magic. Candle Magic is useful as you can embellish the candle via colour, decoration and dressing it with magical oils to imbue it with layers and layers of intention for your needs. As always, a word of warning when using fire as a fire itself or candles please be careful! It's all well and good requesting financial abundance to only then get it from the house insurance because the candle has burnt the house down!  

Don’t forget, do not blow the candle out, this blows the magic away but let it burn down or pinch the flame out.  

That’s ancient fire magic folks use it with care. Next week we will be celebrating the festival of BELTANE, join me then. 


25:31 Maria - MARIA’S MAGICAL SUPER 6 

When Mel and Rash asked me to make a contribution to their amazing Podcast, it seemed like perfect timing to share my spiritual journey over the last 6 years. October 2016, was when it all began for me – 6 years ago!  As 2022 is a ‘6’ year numerologically – represented in the Tarot by The Lovers – a card signifying collaborations and partnerships – it seemed fitting to look back over the knowledge and practices I have immersed myself in, to get to where I am now. I share this with you lovely listeners, in the hope that it may provide inspiration and some practical examples of how an ordinary wife and mum of 3 can change their life from the mundane to the magical. 

So, this 6th episode brings me very much up to date with my spiritual and evolutionary journey. As with all of the trainings and immersions I have undertaken over the last 6 years, the story of how it came about is nothing short of magical! 

Back in early October 2021 I went to visit my amazing kinesiologist in Anlaby – Phil Clubley! Kinesiology for me is like an energetic MOT. When I do my healing work, I am obviously in an energy exchange with my clients. As a Generator in my Human Design (see the 3rd Episode I did on Gene Keys), one thing I know about myself is that I do take on other people’s energies and transmute them. There is always energetic ‘residue’ and build up, and over time I too need a ‘clear out’ - a bit like descaling the kettle!! Kinesiology helps me to do this and gets me back in alignment…  

So, during my appointment, it was becoming clear that Glastonbury/Avalon was a strong theme. Phil pulled an oracle card showing Glastonbury Tor and then part way through the treatment I started saying the words “I am a Priestess of Avalon, I am a Priestess of Avalon”. The message was loud and clear. A visit to my good friend and Priestess Astrologer Hannah Trowell clarified that yes, there was indeed a training pathway called Priestess of Avalon – and the next intake was Samhain weekend (3 weeks away!). As Goddess would have it, I was already booked to be in Glastonbury that weekend, on a healing retreat…. I had been journeying back and forth to Glastonbury since August 2020. So, I applied and was accepted! She was obviously calling me and who was I not to pay attention?! 

This is a big commitment. Every 6 weeks from Samhain weekend through to Autumn Equinox, we gather 8 times at Goddess Hall in Glastonbury for a weekend of immersive training, learning and healing. Working with the energies of The Lady of Avalon – Morgen la Fey and all of her facets and faces, we are learning how to reconnect with the land, the seasons and cycles of nature, elemental energies and our own inner dimensions and capabilities. We are learning and immersing ourselves in Goddess archetypes who represent different aspects of the Wheel of the Year, and very much interwoven with the ancient traditions of this beautiful Isle of Bridannia on which we live. We are doing more shadow work (it's never done!), healing old wounds and behaviour patterns, getting even closer to who we incarnated to be in this lifetime. 

Exciting times!!!  

I have already started sharing a lot of these teachings in my healing and sound circles here in Sheffield. I have created a beautiful, intimate space at home, which as it turns out, is actually a Goddess Temple! The energies there are strong, so working with intention here either in a 1:1 or in a small group is very powerful. I am able to weave in cacao magic, as well as meditation, breathwork and sound to create unique healing experiences for all who attend. I feel truly and deeply blessed to do this work. 

In May this year, I hold space for my first Women’s Healing Retreat in Glastonbury Avalon. This feels like a million light years away from 6 years ago when I was a newly self-employed HR Consultant! But I believe my story is living proof that with commitment and support – turning a muggle life into a magical one is possible. 

I have many, many people to be eternally grateful for, who have enabled, supported and shared their wisdom and knowledge with me over the last 6 years – not least my amazing husband John. His support and faith in me, has been unending and I certainly wouldn’t have come this far, this quickly has it not been for him. Thank you - John, I love you so much. 

I have had the privilege of learning from and working with some amazing teachers and students – many of which have become close friends. Know that all of your input and commitment has made a huge difference in my life. I am eternally grateful. 

I have also been introduced to and met some amazing magical people on this journey – 2 of them being Mel and Mr M! Thank you both so much for allowing me to share my stories on your wonderful podcast. I’m in awe of what you have birthed and look forward to many future collaborations with you both! 

And finally… 

I hope that this story of my experiences has helped you the listener in some way to inspire you on your own healing and spiritual journey. If you feel called, please do reach out via the usual podcast contacts – I would love to hear from you! Thank you so much for listening. 



Welcome to this week’s Straight to the Point and this week we are having a look at some acupressure points that may assist with weight loss.  

There are five points in total that can assist with weight loss and there are some we have met before so this may be a little refresher as to those points. 

These points can be very effective in not just reducing stress but also boost digestion and improve metabolism, all very useful when one is trying to diet and shed some extra weight. 

First, we have ST36 Zusanli, located on the Stomach Channel or meridian, this point directly influences the organs of the upper abdomen and affects the parasympathetic system which controls digestion and the overall energy of the body, so it’s a useful point to know. Located below the kneecap, roughly 3 inches below and one inch away from the centre of the body, bi laterally on both sides of the body in other words, it’s a large point so if you use two fingers you with definitely hit the point and massage firmly for 2-3 mins on both sides.  

Now that’s the upper abdomen, now for the lower and this point again also effects the parasympathetic system and is another point we have met before SP6 San yin jiao. Located roughly 3 inches above the inner ankle bone, towards the back of the leg bone. Massage this as you did for ST36 to gain the metabolic benefits. 

REN12 – Zhongwan is located along the mid-line of the body, about 4 inches up from the belly button. This is a single point, not a bilateral one and it has a strong effect on the digestive organs and gets them working at peak efficiency.  

GV26 – Renzhong is thought to have a strong effect on weight and assist with weight loss and particularly cravings. So, if you have that sudden urge for whatever it is you crave, try firmly massaging this point for a couple of minutes. It is located in the middle of your philtrum, that grove under your nose which goes down to the lips about 1 inch down from the bottom of the nose.  

And finally, we have SP10 Xuehai, located on the Spleen Chanel. It is believed that this point has an impact on blood sugar levels, particularly if related to Diabetes. This point is located bi laterally, above the kneecap about 2 inches away from the centre of the body at the bottom portion of the thigh muscle. Using two fingers again apply firm pressure and massage for 2-3 minutes.  

So, if you, like Mr M and I are starting to think about dropping a bit of winter weight, ready for our hols, then these points may help you do just that! 


39:33 Mel – CLOSING 

Well, that’s it for this episode folks. Coming up in next week’s show, the final episode in the season -: 

HERKIMER DIAMOND is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We don our budgie smugglers and cozzie’s to take a swim with PISCES in COSMIC CRUISE. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, MR M takes a look back and reviews the past season’s episodes. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, the festival of BELTANE is being discussed. In the final episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda talks about how to remain motivated to achieve your goals, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we discuss AURICULAR ACUPRESSURE. 

If you would like to help support the show, there is a link at the end of the episode notes where you can click on the BUY ME A COFFEE link or click on the heart icon on the podcast website. Your support is and always will be appreciated. 

Thank you to Maria Atherley for her episode this week, and for her episodes throughout this season.  

A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.  

A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.   

Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.   

Please visit the website where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you.  

So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.