The Spirit Level

The Spirit Level Podcast Season 3 Episode #9

Season 3 Episode 9

(00:30) Join Mel & MR M for another episode, published earlier than normal, due to a wedding in Camden, London that we are attending.  So, anyone near The Lock Tavern, Camden on Friday from midday, pop in and say hello.  On a similarly joyous note, MR M's mum was finally released from hospital. Welcome home mum!! Sad news this week, with the passing of Taylor Hawkins, the drummer in Mel's favourite band, the FOO FIGHTERS. Our thoughts and prayers are with the band members, their families and friends at this difficult time.

Coming up in this week’s show -:
(03:48) SHUNGITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(06:03) We take aim with SAGITARIUS in COSMIC CRUISE.
(10:41) There will be some more of your Listener questions, which this week feature a question from Danesha in Abingdon regarding telling her family of her recent experiences of sensing her father who died last year.
(23:59) In the 5th episode of MARIA’s MAGICAL SUPER 6, Maria talks about the use and applications relating to CEREMONIAL CACAO.
In STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have a number of points to help with back pain, BL40, KIDNEY3 & BL62.

(37:59) Coming up in next week's show -:
DESIRITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We kid around with CAPRICORN in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE ANNUNAKI are being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, THE PINK FULL MOON takes centre stage. In the 5th episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda talks about how to keep a POSITIVE MINDSET, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have a number of points to help with depression & anxiety, DU20, DU21 & FOUR ALERT SPIRIT.

Please rate and review us if you can, for Android users please visit For Apple users please visit, visit the website, for details of how to book a reading with Mel, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses on offer,  browse the online shop, for crystals, specialist crystal packs, power bracelet and scented candles, or just to get in touch, which you can do via a number of ways, including via the SpeakPipe link below, which is free to use, no download required, and you may well feature on the show if you do
Thanks for listening and LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL.

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00:00 Mel – INTRO
Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some, or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.

00:30 Mel – WELCOME
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to episode 9 of the Spirit Level podcast. Well, its been an up and down, emotional rollercoaster of a ride this last week with the good news that Mr M’s Mother is out of hospital and back with us and then the tragic and absolutely devastating news that Taylor Hawkins, legendary drummer of my favourite band the Foo Fighters passed at the age of 50 whilst on tour. Our love, thoughts and prayers go out to the Foo Fighters families, friends and colleagues at this truly terrible time. Dave a special mention to you, I don’t know if you’ll ever hear this but just in case you do. Please don’t give up my friend. I cannot tell you how many dark times you have got me through, over the years, with your words and music. You are a vital and important figure and role model for a lot of people both in your world and outside of it. We can but only guess the pain and suffering of your grief at this time but know that your fans have your back and take whatever time you need, we’ll still be here.

On to brighter topics. We are sending this episode out quite a bit earlier than usual this week because we are travelling down to Camden Town to a wedding this weekend! Our quite mad and lovely friends Johnny Mac and Selina are coming over from Ireland to get wed in their favourite place and we are going down to celebrate their betrothal and catch up with some of Mr M’s RAF buddies at the same time.

 I’m also hoping to finally get to see the Rosetta Stone in person. The last time we tried the British Museum was closed but this time we have tickets!! So, we’ll hopefully get to view all the stuff we robbed as an Empire before they send it back!!

We’re also looking forward to trying the foodie delights of Camden Market as we watch the boys of Sorted Food on YouTube, and they are always saying what amazing new food experience can be had there so we are going to check a few out. So, if you too are out and about London way this weekend and see a red lace dress wearing chick with a handsome, suave looking fella in a red and black patterned jacket, come and say hello because it’ll be us!!
Right enough of our shenanigans on with the show.

Coming up on this week’s show -:
SHUNGITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
There will be some more of your Listener questions.
In the 5th episode of MARIA’s MAGICAL SUPER 6, Maria talks about the use and applications relating to CEREMONIAL CACAO.
In STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have a number of points to help with back pain, BL40, KIDNEY3 & BL62.
So, if you’re ready, here we go.

I was introduced to SHUNGITE last year by our friend Karen Phoenix of Phoenix Therapy Spa in Doncaster and I have to say it has become a crystal I use everyday thanks to her.
It's not the prettiest of stones I grant you. Its very dark and flinty looking but by the goddess does it pack a punch, so much so its magical properties have been used for centuries in its native Russia.
SHUNGITE is a very rare carbon mineral and is supremely protective and if immersed in water it will purify that water to a point that is becomes a very powerful healing and protective elixir and it is this that the Russians use in their spas and used by their armies, to bathe and drink in order to remain strong, healthy and powerful. And this is how I use it too!
I have a glass pint bottle of it in the fridge as we speak and I try and drink it every day but especially if I feel my energy or physical health dipping a bit.
SHUNGITE is so good at removing toxins from the environment that if you want to make SHUNGITE water as I have described, it has to be done in glass as it will literally pull the toxins out of any plastic vessel it touches. I have SHUNGITE in our living room in the form of a pyramid to remove electro environment negative energies and I also have some with my other crystals as it helps to keep them clean and clear and ready for use.
SHUNGITE has a very powerful link to the earth energies and the lay lines and meridian so it’s a great anchoring stone.
Physically it really is the cure all stone and I would definitely recommend getting hold of some if you are particularly sensitive to environmental or food allergies and the like.
That’s SHUNGITE folks the Russian powerhouse of a crystal.

Welcome to this week’s COSMIC CRUISE, and this week our focus is on SAGITTARIUS. Sagittarius the Archer falls between the 23rd of November and the 21st of December. Saggies are a fire sign ruled by Jupiter the planet of expansion. Sagittarius is perhaps the most adventurous and philosophical sign of the whole Zodiac. Sagittarius folk embrace freedom for all. Wildly unpredictable, these are the adventurers of the Sun signs, and those adventures can be out there in the physical world or delving deep into the inner world.
Saggies are all for the spiritual journey, their own and the journey of others. Uniquely independent, Saggies are generally optimistic, philanthropic, honest and kind. On the flip side they can be distracted easily and fail to follow through, not through deliberate action they just got lost on the way! Getting bored easily, Saggies bless ‘em, can have some highfalutin ideas but then get too caught in pontificating about it than actually getting on and doing it.
Hence the soul lesson for the lovely SAGITTARIUS is to put your philosophy into action and accept and be the unique soul that you are. Good careers for Sagittarius folk are anything travel related, Coach, Life Coach, Teaching, Writer, personal trainer and basically anything supporting people and any cause they believe in. Famous Sagittarians who all walked their own path include Tina Turner – deeply spiritual lady, Winston Churchill, Ada Lovelace, Walt Disney and Bruce Lee.

The Planetary crystal for Saggies is YELLOW TOPAZ, bringer of calm, peace and contentment. This stone is also all about acceptance, especially of the past, learning the lesson and then moving on without the emotional baggage.

The Tarot card for Saggies is TEMPERANCE, again, like the crystal all about the need for balance in life both physical and emotional. By gently balancing all things Saggies ease their way through life like a steady stream.
Now onto the 3 card Tarot reading.

Now it's time for Sagittarius 3 card Tarot spread for the next three months, so April May, June.
The cards literally jumped out of the deck, so we'll go with the ones that have jumped out. Now the first one is THE DEATH card. Now most people panic about THE DEATH card. It's nothing to be afraid of. It doesn't necessarily mean physical death. What it means is the end of a chapter. The closing of a cycle, the end of a relationship, and that could mean work. It could be something that's bad, a bad relationship that you're coming out of. So, there's definitely a closing of a chapter in the month of April. It is a general reading so may not be pertinent to everybody, but there is this sense of end of a cycle. What comes in after that, April, May.
We've got the KNIGHT OF PENTACLES, so in May, don't be worried and don't be surprised if you just need to take a step back and after this event that's happening in April, or this change that you might need to have a little bit of a rest, a little bit of a recuperation, just a little bit of a stand back to let the dust settle and see where you wanting to go, because into June there's some decisions that are going to have to be made and it's going to feel like you have no choice in these decisions.
It's the TWO OF SWORDS, but you do have a choice. You always have a choice, but at the moment it's going to kind of feel like you can't see the wood for the trees. But just sit with it, let things settle and always trust your gut instincts. So that's your three-monthly tarot reading for Sagittarius.

Mel - Now it's time for listener questions. What do we have this week darling?
MR M - Thank you, Mel, hello again everyone. Just the one question this week Mel, which comes from Danesha in Abingdon, who asks -:
My father passed away last year as a result of complications from contracting COVID. Over the past few months, I seem to be able to feel his presence. It’s really hard to describe. I don’t class myself as an overtly spiritual person as such and my relationship with my father was a good one, but I do have a love of crystals and Tarot cards, which I have kept hidden from my family. My family is ultra-religious, and I want to try and tell them of how I am feeling, and what I am experiencing, but feel they will not take me seriously due to their beliefs. Do you have any advice as to how I can make them understand what I am experiencing.
Mel - Oh dear, right? Well, I can assume from your question then that, they wouldn't approve of the Tarot cards and the crystals. However, there seems to be like 3 threads to this.
There's the crystals, there is the Tarot cards and then is what you're feeling in relation to sensing your dad, your father being around, and I think that they'd probably accept that bit more readily than the crystals and the Tarot side of things. So, I would go down that route first and tentatively say something along the lines of you've dreamt about your dad, and he's spoken to you and just test the waters that way. See how that goes across, you might be surprised.

You know other people might be sensing him too. And regardless of religion, there is an afterlife in most religious beliefs, there's heaven or Valhalla or whatever you want to call it. There is an afterlife in most religious belief systems, so I would work with that.
With regards to the crystals, I would go down the healing route. Things are a healing nature. You're not attaching any particular belief to that, and they're very pretty. So, I think that that, again, that is something that is more readily accepted.

Tarot cards I can understand how people can be frightened of those, and certainly with Fortune telling, that is often very frowned upon, so I'd be a bit more careful with those. Perhaps try Oracle cards, something that's a little bit more akin to imagery of your particular religion. They'll be one somewhere. Gods and goddesses. etc. Try going down that route and just try and explain to them that there's nothing spooky or nothing untoward about them, all you are doing is accessing your own higher consciousness to get answers to ideas or avenues of action that could be taken. Just advice, that's all they are. Try down that route and see how you get on. I wish you all the best.

MR M - Thank you, Mel, and thank you to Danesha for her question. If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a 3 card Tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, including suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch, then here is how to do so.

Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us.
You can get in touch with us via email and the address is
On Facebook, on the groups, search for The Spirit Level.
On Twitter search for
We have a Twitter handle which is @ thespiritlevelU which is a capital U
On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or
Or you can click on the SpeakPipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge.
In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge at we look forward to hearing from you.

Welcome to MR M’s MENAGERIE. Hello again everyone, and welcome to this week’s episode. This week, I will be taking a look at some unsung heroes and heroines of the Second World War. The men and women who worked at Bletchley Park, a stately home in the Buckinghamshire countryside, here in the UK, which was the principal centre for the Allied code breaking operation. For many years, their work went without any form of recognition, and it was only after the release of the 2014 film ‘THE IMITATION GAME’ that the outstanding contributions from countless individuals came to the fore. The film focussed on the genius of mathematician Alan TURING, who was a central figure in the code breaking team. More of TURING later on in the episode.
Now one of the requirements of any army or fighting force is the ability to have secure communications, between those directing the actions and those ultimately required to carry them out. It is a fundamental principle of war, that you are able to communicate with your forces, without the enemy being able to decipher what messages you are sending. The Second World War, had many, many theatres of operations, so trying to discover what your enemy was planning, was a task entrusted to the countless individuals at Bletchley Park.
The German High Command had for years been using a machine called ‘ENIGMA’. THE ENIGMA machine had an electromechanical 4 rotor mechanism that scrambles the 26 letters of the alphabet. In typical use, one person enters text on the Enigma's keyboard and another person writes down which of the 26 lights above the keyboard illuminated at each key press. If plain text is entered, the illuminated letters are the encoded CIPHERTEXT. Entering ciphertext transforms it back into readable plaintext. The rotor mechanism changes the electrical connections between the keys and the lights with each keypress, making it almost impossible to decipher, unless you had the requisite deciphering keys. The Nazi’s used this method of communication successfully, for many years between the World Wars. However, just prior to the outbreak of WWII, the code was cracked by Polish mathematicians, but the Germans found out about this and began changing their codes on a daily basis, thus making it impossible to decipher their coded messages.

Enter, the ladies and gents of Bletchley Park, a group of individuals handpicked, to find a way of deciphering the Nazi codes. Now, I briefly mentioned Alan Turing in the introduction to this episode. It was his work specifically, in devising a computer to assist with the deciphering of German Naval codes, that ultimately proved to be successful. TURING was a genius. He developed an electromechanical machine, which derived from the Polish machine used a few years earlier to initially break the Enigma codes. He called his machine the BOMBE.

The BOMBE searched for possible correct settings used for an ENIGMA machine. For each possible setting of the rotors the BOMBE performed a chain of logical deductions based on plaintext or a crib. This crib was typically a word used in the majority of communications, and the BOMBE using its logical deducting capability, detected when a contradiction occurred, and ruled out that setting. In essence, the BOMBE was able to weed out hundreds if not thousands of settings, to leave the code breakers with a few samples to decode. It was so successful, that within a few weeks, TURING and his team were able to decode a number of German Naval signals, which reduced the Allied shipping losses from attacks by German U-Boats significantly. TURNIG’s BOMBE was replicated to decode the signals of Italian and Japanese forces and through his, and the outstanding efforts of the ladies and gents working at Bletchley Park, it is believed that the WWII was brought to an end some 2 –4 years early.
TURING went on to apply himself after the war in other crypto and mathematical engineering problems and was highly successful. However, despite his efforts and those who worked at Bletchley Park, their efforts went largely unreported due to them working under the Official Secrets Act.

There is a sad footnote to TURING. In 1952, he was prosecuted for Homosexual Acts. At the time, sex between men was an offence under the British legal system. On the advice of counsel and family members, TURING pleaded Guilty to the charges, and was given the offer of Probation or imprisonment. TURING chose Probation, a condition of which was that he had to be chemically castrated. In June 1954 TURING was found dead at his residence, the coroner determining his death was by suicide. An unsung hero of the war, TURING remained for many years after his death, one of the countless forgotten, whose efforts at bringing the second World War to an end went largely unnoticed.

However, following an internet campaign in 2009, the then British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, made an official public apology to the TURING family, detailing the appalling way in which he was treated.

In 2013, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth granted TURING a posthumous pardon, and some 4 years later, a law was passed that retroactively pardoned all those men who were cautioned or convicted under historical legislation that outlawed Homosexual Acts.

There is no doubt, that without the efforts of TURING and the other code breakers of Bletchley Park that the Second World War would almost certainly have continued after 1945. His work in Cryptology and the methods he employed and the machines he devised and built, were a forerunner to many of the procedures used by governments, large corporations and Intelligence agencies today. His legacy and that of the other people working at Bletchley Park, thankfully are now preserved and we all owe them a debt of gratitude.

In cracking the ENIGMA code, TURING demonstrated a singular will and determination to succeed, that rightfully now is recognised and celebrated.

Well that brings me to the end of this episode, I hope you enjoyed it. Please get in touch and let me know your thoughts on THE CODE BREAKERS OF BLETCHLEY PARK, or any of the other topics covered in these episodes. Next week, I take a look at THE ANNUNAKI. So, until then, thank you for listening, and it’s now back to Mel, for the rest of the show.

Welcome to Household Hocus Pocus and today we are going to have a look at the New Moon which we have going into Aries on Friday the 1st of April at about 07.24 in the morning. So, what is this energy all about? Well Aries is all about ambition and charging ahead but this New Moon tells us that we may need to slow down a bit and take a bit more care and attention to what we are currently working on.

There may also be feelings of uncertainty at this time and a desire to want to solve any issues as quickly as possible. There really is no rush and no deadline so please, slow down and check the details as this will prevent issues later down the line.

Communications of all kinds but especially the spoken or verbal variety may be a bit more difficult at this time as the head, tongue and muscles are especially affected under this new Moon so you may find yourself a bit tongue tied! Don’t worry it will pass but I’d put off any public speaking until after this New Moon if you are able.

Here’s a little magical oil for this New Moon which may help you move through these tricky energies: as always be careful with any allergies around the base oil and double check that none of the oils affect other medications. If you are pregnant be especially careful, please and check that the oils are not contraindicated for you. Only use 100 percent essential oils please.
30ml Base oil, 6 drops of PATCHOULI, 4 drops of CEDERWOOD, 4 drops of SWEET ORANGE, 2 drops of ROSEMARY and 1 drop of ROSE. Use this oil in a lovely ritual bath and as always, to anoint alters, tools and yourself.
Next week we get ready for the April Pink Full Moon.

23:59 Maria - MARIA’s MAGICAL SUPER 6
When Mel and Rash asked me to make a contribution to their amazing Podcast, it seemed like perfect timing to share my spiritual journey over the last 6 years. October 2016 was when it all began for me – 6 years ago!  As 2022 is a ‘6’ year numerologically – represented in the Tarot by The Lovers – a card signifying collaborations and partnerships – it seemed fitting to look back over the knowledge and practices I have immersed myself in, to get to where I am now. I share this with you lovely listeners, in the hope that it may provide inspiration and some practical examples of how an ordinary wife and mum of 3 can change their life from the mundane to the magical.
My Journey with Mama Cacao
I first experienced the joy of ceremonial cacao in 2017 when I attended a morning of heart healing and embodied movement at Haggler’s Corner in Sheffield. After this, I attended kundalini yoga and cacao ceremonies, as well as a session in Leeds which included meditation, cacao and sound healing. Throughout March to May 2021, I underwent a 3-month immersion to become a Ceremonial Cacao Medicine Carrier. We drank cacao daily, journaled, meditated and healed with her. We sat in ceremony over 3 intense weekend trainings and embedded our personal relationship with Her in-between these sessions. It’s fair to say it was an intense 3 months! Since then, I have introduced cacao into my ceremonial offerings both on a 1:1 and small group basis, as well as continuing to drink her and make yummy raw chocolates with her!
So -what is Ceremonial Cacao?
Experiencing the heart-opening power of this beautiful plant medicine is very much a personal and individual journey. There is no doubt that if Mama Cacao has found her way into your life, that there is intention and personal healing to be embodied.
Ceremonial cacao is different from cocoa and powdered cacao you may have drunk or eaten in the past. She is unadulterated and pure plant medicine, grown and harvested from the Equator belt countries, where she has been nurtured and cherished for centuries amongst indigenous communities.
Ceremonial cacao can be made into a drink or used as an ingredient to make ‘raw’ chocolate or baked goods. She can be taken daily in micro-dose quantities (10-15g) or as part of a ceremony with a higher dose (normally 30-42g).
She is one of the most nutrient-dense super foods you can put in your body and supports our emotional, physical and metaphysical healing and growth.
It’s all about Working with Intention
When we choose to work with ceremonial cacao (or rather, she chooses to weave her way into our lives), there is a purpose. And like friends, she may be with us for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime.
There may be some specific healing to be done in our heart chakra. We may be drawn to work with her to add depth to our meditation, yoga or other spiritual practice. Or she may just become a permanent feature in our lives – destined never to leave and always to be by our side supporting our emotional and physical health while we remain on the Earth plain.
As she is sensitive and an ‘active’ food, she takes on the energy and intention of the people working with her. For this reason, it is important when preparing and consuming her, that these acts are sacred and filled with intention. Just like when we meditate or move our bodies intentionally in yoga or Chi Gong, there is purpose with our practice. We want to shift energy or bring in a certain vibration or connection. Mama cacao works in flow with our intentions and opens aspects of us that need to be seen and felt. It might not always be pleasant too! If emotions have been suppressed, then it’s likely she will unlock them to be revealed and unraveled.
Cacao-Geek Fest! - A bit of Herstory and Science
It’s thought Cacao was first used as a health elixir and ceremonial medicine as far back as 1900 BCE by the ancestors of Central America, the Olmec people, before becoming a ritualistic medicine used by the Aztec and Mayan cultures signifying both life and fertility and often used in blood ritual.
In ritual use, cacao became mostly reserved for the male elite with the understanding that she was intoxicating and sexually stimulating, it was generally forbidden to women and children.
First grown in South America and used by the Aztecs and Mayans thousands of years ago, they would sit together in circle drinking Cacao to commune with their gods. Back then, Cacao was also given sacred status and was used as a trade currency, given to warriors when they returned home, was served in religious ceremonies and appeared on the tables of the royal courts of the day.

It was the Spanish who took Cacao out of those native cultures as they invaded and colonised.  They realised the value of Cacao and brought her back to Europe, sweetening her with sugar and spices.  They kept her a secret for the next 100 years!
She is grown in the ‘cacao belt’ near the Equator and requires very specific conditions in order to grow, including temperature, rainfall and shade. She is sensitive to her environment and will take on the flavours of other plants grown closely to her. She flowers and fruits at the same time. The cacao pod is actually a cherry! The cacao plant is pollinated by midges. There are a maximum of 20 pods on a tree per year, which yields 20-50 beans per pod. A 15g serving requires around 13 beans – this is why she has high value! She is grown in small crop and fair-trade farmers use traditional methods of fermentation, toasting, hulling and grinding.
Cacao is a super food and is now being reintroduced in its purest form, her sacredness being realised once more as the western world is slowly becoming more conscious in how we think, live and want to feel.
So, thank you for listening to my whistlestop tour of Mama Cacao. Maybe I’ve got your tastebuds tingling and you’d like to try some? Why not reach out and book a ceremony if you’re local? I will ask Mr M to put in the show notes some recommended suppliers both in the UK and the US to cover both sides of the Atlantic!
I hope that this story of my experiences has helped in some way to inspire you on your own healing journey. If you feel called, please reach out via the usual podcast contacts – I would love to hear from you! Thank you so much for listening. I would like to take this opportunity to also thank all of my teachers and students from the last 6 years, as you have all played an essential part in my own magical journey!

I think that most people think of acupuncture when it is used to treat back pain and it is really good for this, but the points aren’t always where you think they are! Ah She points in acupuncture. Acupressure are points of pain that we would naturally rub or massage, usually at the exact site of the pain that is being experienced. You know you bang your arm or leg, and you go to rub where you banged it that kind of point. But there are several points on the body that you can easily reach yourself, even if you can't reach the exact site of the discomfort yourself.
For lower back pain BL40 or UB40, no not that UB40, can assist with lower back pain and this point is located right at the back of the knee right in the middle.

For SCIATICA type pain, if you pinch the Achiles tendon from both sides you will hit the points KID 3 and BL62, which relieves both lumbar pain and that horrible shooting toothache pain that is Sciatica.

Finally, and I have used this one so many times in clinic and can completely attest to its efficacy, there are two extra point on the back of the hand that can really shift back pain. It works with either hand, so it matters not if you are right or left-handed.

With your dominated hand put your index and middle fingers in the gaps between the index finger and middle finger and the middle finger and the ring finger of your non dominant hand. Then slide your fingers up the back of the hand so you have one finger either side of the main tendon that works the middle finger. As you reach the middle of the back of the hand your fingertips will naturally locate and fall into two dips on the back of the hand, it is these dips that if massaged will provide pain relief for the back.
I hope you found that interesting and found all the physical lumps and bumps on yourselves! Let me know how they worked for you.

37:59 Mel – CLOSING
Well, that’s it for this episode folks. Coming up in next week’s show -:
DESIRITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We kid around with CAPRICORN in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE ANNUNAKI are being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, THE PINK FULL MOON takes centre stage. In the 5th episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda talks about how to keep a POSITIVE MINDSET, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have a number of points to help with depression & anxiety, DU20, DU21 & FOUR ALERT SPIRIT.
If you would like to help support the show, there is a link at the end of the episode notes where you can click on the BUY ME A COFFEE link or click on the heart icon on the podcast website. Your support is and always will be appreciated.
Thank you to Maria Atherley for her episode this week.
A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and a big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support. 
A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.  
Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.  
Please visit the website where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you. 
So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.