The Spirit Level
The Spirit Level
The Spirit Level Podcast Season 3 Episode #8
(00:30) Join Mel & MR M for another episode. Mel and our guest speaker this week, Amanda Parnell, went off for some much needed pampering at BODY REVIVE in Silkstone. Thank you to Karen & Yvonne who looked after them both so well. https://body-revive.co.uk/ A busy week ended with Mel taking a trip to Elsecar Mind, Body & Spirit Fair, where unbelievably, no purchases were made.!!!!
Coming up in this week’s show -:
(03:00) ARAGONITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(04:45) We see if there is a sting in the tale of SCORPIO in COSMIC CRUISE.
(09:59) There will be some more of your Listener questions, which this week features a question from Pete in Basingstoke, who is wanting to know why the moon affects us more than the sun.
(13:14) In MR M’s MENAGERIE, APOLLO 11 & THE MOON LANDING is being discussed.
(23:31) In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, the magical properties of THE TRIPLE MOON are highlighted.
(26:20) In the 4th episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda advises how to practice self-care in tough times. https://www.facebook.com/amanda.lee.37051
(30:23) In STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have a couple of points to aid with stomach complaints ST25 & REN12.
Coming up in next week's show -:
SHUNGITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We take aim with SAGITARIUS in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE CODE BREAKERS OF BLETCHLEY PARK are being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, THE APRIL NEW MOON is in our sights. In the 5th episode of MARIA’s MAGICAL SUPER 6, Maria talks about the use and applications relating to CEREMONIAL CACAO, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have a number of points to help with back pain, BL40, KIDNEY3 & BL62.
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Thanks for listening and LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL.
00:00 Mel – INTRO
Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some, or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.
00:30 Mel – WELCOME
Hello, hello, hello. And welcome to the Spirit Level podcast. Well, what a week we had over in Barnsley or T’Tarn as it’s called there. We had a lovely week looking after our Marsee Santosh, Niece Zara and Toby the dog, catching up with old friends and making some new ones too.
We’re home now, back to sunny Sheffield. But whilst we were over Barnsley side, Amanda and I decided to practice what we preach and booked ourselves in for some much-needed self-care. First, we booked a top to toe pamper session with the fabulous ladies at Body Revive at Pot House Hamlet in Silkstone. We had two hours of total bliss and I am not kidding you; I usually don’t feel that relaxed unless I’ve had a fortnight away somewhere very hot and all inclusive. So, thank you Karen and Yvonne, we will definitely be back and thank you for your warmth and caring, we felt truly loved!
So that was the body treated and the next day we went to the ELSECAR MIND BODY AND SPIRIT FAIR and again saw some old friends, made some new and salved the soul a bit with some crystal and jewellery shopping, although for once I didn’t buy anything! It was just nice to be around like minded folk and soak up the atmosphere.
So, I hope you are taking good care of your mind and body and with the Spring Equinox finally here, has this been the longest winter ever or what??? The nights will be getting lighter, and the spirits should be lifting all round. So, on this positive note on with the show -:
Coming up on this week’s show -:
ARAGONITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We see if there is a sting in the tale of SCORPIO in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, APOLLO 11 & THE MOON LANDING is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, the magical properties of THE TRIPLE MOON are highlighted. In the 4th episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda advises how to practice self-care in tough times and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have a couple of points to aid with stomach complaints ST25 & REN12.
So, if you’re ready, here we go.
This week we are meeting another crystal I have also had to learn about today and that is ARAGONITE. It is brown in colour, and has a very definite crystalline structure. This crystal looks like crystalised earth and so it is no surprise that it resonates straggly to the earth itself. Very grounding and linked directly to earth energies such as lay lines, this crystal can actually heal geopathic stresses even if placed on a map apparently. I have not tried this but one to think about when earthquakes are happening perhaps.
ARAGONITE is very grounding and so good to keep your feet on the ground both physically and spiritually especially if your energy is feeling flighty or off with the fairies as we say in Yorkshire. It has a disciplined feel to its energy and is useful for delegation and a pragmatic approach to situations. It is a supportive stone and promotes patience, reliability, and steadfastness. For physical conditions is said to assist with emotional stress, lower back pain, wound healing muscle spasms and night twitches so restless leg syndrome too at a guess and the immune system in general.
An interesting and unusual crystal I’m sure you will agree and join me next week for some more of the more unusual crystals and their uses.
Welcome to this week’s COSMIC CRUISE, and this week our focus is on SCORPIO. Scorpio the Scorpion falls between 24th October and 22nd November and is a water sign ruled by Pluto, the lord of transformation. Deep, mysterious and captivating Scorpios have the power to delve into the furthest corners of their own and other’s souls. Scorpios sizzle personal magnetism and their personal power can be mesmerizing, but they don’t trust folk easily. They tend to watch, wait and collect information ready to pounce and attack if and when needed, you’ll never see that stinging tail coming to be honest. Scorpios like to be in control and know what’s happening, which can have its positives and negatives. On the negative side they can exhibit controlling and jealous behaviours. But on the positive they are naturally curious, passionate, loyal and independent souls.
The Scorpio’s soul lesson is to banish negativity from their mind and to embrace their total magnificence without manipulation. Great careers for Scorpios are anything research based, Chemist, Pharmacist, Forensics, Psychologist, Auditors of any kind, anything requiring delving into things to get to the truth. That’s a Scorpio joy. Famous Scorpios include Bill Gates, Matthew McConaughty, Whoopi Goldberg, Joe Biden, Marie Curie and Marie Antoinette.
The Planetary crystal for Scorpio and Pluto is GARNET, symbol of love and personal strength. This crystal also offers perseverance and prosperity but not with effort it has to be said.
The Tarot card for Scorpio is THE DEATH CARD, all about transformation and Scorpio’s are champion at transformation. If they don’t like it, they change it and are reborn. It all adds to the magnificent mystery that is Scorpio.
Now onto the 3 card Tarot reading.
Now we're onto your three-card general reading for sexy little Scorpios and we have got three cards that we've drawn. So, coz we're coming up to the end of March, I'm going to sort like skip March now. We're going to look at April, May and June, and its very exciting Scorpio. I have to say.
So, April. We've got some opportunities coming your way with THE ACE OF WANDS. You may not see it yet, but the universe is about to plop a very juicy opportunity into your lap. Please accept it. Please jump in with both feet. It may seem small to start with, but it could develop into something quite spectacular, so don't shirk your responsibilities and don't look the other way if somebody offers you an opportunity, it may develop into something quite, quite important.
So, going into May we've got THE JUDGEMENT card. Now THE JUDGEMENT card again is about these new opportunities. There is a fork in the road coming. There is a decision to be made a judgement to be made to which way you're going to go with these new opportunities. It's very exciting. I feel very excited for you and the universe has got your back. There are people who are being supportive of you. So, if you want to make that leap, go ahead. THE JUDGEMENT card is also about legal matters, so if you've been involved in any legal matters, you should be hearing an end or a result.
From that, going into next month and finally we've got April, May, June, and we are going into June with the FOUR OF PENTACLES. Now, the FOUR OF PENTACLES may see you battening down the hatches a little bit and conserving your resources. You may feel that there is a lack, but actually there isn't. You've got plenty of resources at your heed, if you wish. You've got, then you've got the knowledge you've got the finances, and you've got the resources that you need to move forward with this project.
The only question that the FOUR OF PENTACLES always brings up for me is that sometimes it can mean that somebody is being a bit stingy, and that doesn't necessarily mean financially. It could mean emotionally too so that could be either you or somebody else who was around you was a bit a bit tight fisted, not just with their money and their finances and time but could also be being emotionally a little bit cool, so just be careful about if it's you don't worry, it'll pass.
If it's around you, don't worry, it'll pass, but the next three months looks quite exciting, Scorpio.
Mel - Now it's time for your questions in listener questions. What do we have this week darling?
MR M - Thank you, Mel, hello again everyone. Just the one question this week Mel, which comes from Pete in Basingstoke, who asks -:
Why is it that we are affected more by the cycles of the moon then we are the sun? I know if it’s a nice sunny day, it generally makes us feel happier, but from what I’ve read, there are more people affected by mood swings during the moon cycle.
Mel - Oh, now that is a good question, and it's down to the magnetic effect that the moon has on water. As you know, as we all know, the moon controls the tides on the planet that we currently inhabit, and we are a, I can’t remember what percentage of we are water, It's 75, 80% something like that. Quite a high percentage of us is water and we think that that's why the moon affects us in the way that it does. Also, if you understand about female biological cycles, obviously we are also our menstrual cycle is heavily, heavily attached to the moon cycles. Those 28 days, and the effects that that has. So yeah, we are linked naturally to the moon and its cycles.
Coz if you think also about farming, there's a lot of agricultural stuff works around the 28 days as well, so it's a natural cycle that we've had involvement with since we were created. I guess I don't know what do you think?
MR M - I have no clue. I agree with Pete, I would. I've always wanted to know that, but why doesn't the sun do it? Does the sun have any effect whatsoever?
Mel - Well, the sun does have an effect on us. If you think about solar flares, but it's a different kind of energy. If we have a lot of solar flares, it tends to knock out our communications on the planet, so it knocks the satellites out, tends to knock us out, but it's the Yin and the Yang isn’t it.
I mean the Yang is the sun, the Yin is the moon, and so the Yang is all about growth and about that kind of energy, whereas the Yin energy is all about cycles and the underlying stuff. I mean, that's kind of the same as in the tarot cards, actually.
MR M – OK Mel, thank you very much and thank you to Pete for his question if you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a 3-card tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, including suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch then here is how to do so.
MR M - Thank you, Mel, and thank you to Pete for his question. If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a 3 card Tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, including suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch, then here is how to do so.
Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us.
You can get in touch with us via email and the address is thespiritlevel22@gmail.com
On Facebook, on the groups, search for The Spirit Level.
On Twitter search for thespiritlevel.co.uk.
We have a Twitter handle which is @ thespiritlevelU which is a capital U
On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or thespiritlevel.co.uk
Or you can click on the SpeakPipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge.
In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge at www.thespiritlevel.co.uk we look forward to hearing from you.
Welcome to MR M’s MENAGERIE. Hello again everyone, and welcome to this week’s episode.
Veni, Vidi, Vici - I came, I saw, I conquered.
I stand here before you not as a prophet, but as a humble servant of you, the people.
We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
Now these are some of the most famous quotes in history. I’m sure many of you know who they were spoken by, but if you haven’t heard any of them before, or if you are struggling to remember, like in a pub quiz, when the answer is on the tip of your tongue, these quotes are from Julius Ceasar, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill and President Kennedy. Words, and particularly words said at impactful events, stand the test of time, but the following quote, heard by the world at 10.56pm Eastern Standard Time on July 20th, 1969, as astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, must surely go down in history as one of the most iconic, when he said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Today, I will be taking a look at his APOLLO 11 MISSION and THE MOON LANDING.
Now, it is impossible to discuss the whole mission and the events that took place in 10 minutes or so, so I hope you will forgive me. In my introduction, the final quote was from President Kennedy, and was part of a speech he delivered at Rice University in Texas on the 12th September 1962, detailing his intention to get The United States to send a manned mission to land on the moon in that decade. Now, at the time, it should be noted that this was a bold endeavour. Both the US and the then Soviet Union had launched unmanned satellites and manned missions to space, but to try and get man to set foot on the moon, seemed a foolhardy and unattainable goal. However, as the world watched on that day in July 1969, it seemed that the President’s rallying call had been answered. Or was it?
Now, regular listeners of this part of the show, will only be too aware that I do like a good conspiracy theory, and the Apollo 11 mission and the moon landing have given rise, over the years to numerous theories. But why should there be any controversy, when the world witnessed what took place. I hope to give you some examples of why.
First things first though, what we can say for definite is that Apollo 11 was launched by a Saturn V rocket from Kennedy Space Centre, Florida on July 16th at 1.32pm. The Apollo spacecraft had 3 parts, a Command Module, which is where the 3 astronauts taking part in the mission, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were housed, and the only part that returned to earth. A Service Module which supported the Command Module with propulsion, electrical power, oxygen and water, and a Lunar Module, which was used to descend and ascend to and from the Moon surface. So, the rocket did indeed take off, and the astronauts did indeed return to earth, but did it all really take place? Well, here are a few theories that are well known and recorded that maybe need considering, and arguments for them being debunked.
1. The technology needed for this mission to succeed was far in advance of anything else on the planet. Bear in mind that the devices you are listening to this podcast on, have more computing power and memory than the Apollo spacecraft. A modern-day smartphone has over 100,000 times more processing power that the Apollo 11 computer, and most phones have 4GB of memory, more than a million times more memory than the Apollo computer. Add to that that some modern-day phones have 512GB of storage, then we are talking over 7 million times more storage in your phone than aboard the Apollo 11 computer. Just think about that.
This mission, which had never been undertaken before, required accuracy on a scale that is unimaginable, and computing skills and data transfer capabilities that even back then were not widely practiced. It’s one of the main arguments against the Apollo mission taking place at all. Yes, there was a rocket that launched, and yes, the astronauts were in that rocket, but the computing power needed to fly all that way, get into orbit, separate from the Command Module, land on the surface with the Lunar Module, then take off again, and successfully dock with the Service module, with the technology at the time, just doesn’t add up.
Argument against - NASA employed the brightest people, and whilst the technology wasn’t present as in today's world, the level of sophistication, and the computing skills needed, were present for what was being proposed.
2. The Van Allen radiation belt that circles the earth’s magnetic field, contains such highly charged particles, that the radiation emitting from them would be harmful to the crew of the Apollo mission.
Argument against - NASA, whilst admitting the presence of the radiation, stated that such was the speed that the craft was flying, some 24,000 miles per hour, that limited exposure, in the region of 2 hours flight time, in the Van Allen belt would not be detrimental to the crew.
3. The US flag planted on the moon appears to be moving, which is impossible in the moon’s zero atmosphere.
Argument against – NASA state that the flag when planted was twisted to ensure it remained upright, and the subsequent motion of the flag was as a result of this action.
4. The iconic pictures taken of the astronauts on the surface of the moon, show no stars in the photographs at all. With no light pollution or clouds to obscure them from view, why were they not present on the photographs, this surely means the photos were faked.
Argument against – NASA state that to capture the stars would require a shutter setting and aperture adjustment on the cameras used that was not possible.
5. The film director Stanley Kubrick was hired to film the moon landings. His film, 2001: A Space Odyssey released in the previous year created a realistic image of space, and as such NASA hired him to do the same for the moon landing.
Argument against – Kubrick denied all involvement in this. Whilst it is true that some footage of the moon walks do look a little artificial, as though the astronauts' movements were being guided, NASA stated that this was due to the astronauts experiencing this type of climate for the first time, and that despite numerous simulations on earth, the movements on the moon could not be replicated satisfactorily.
6. Moon rocks and samples collected from the moon’s surface are actually from a meteorite in the Antarctic that NASA scientists collected.
Argument against – This one is a little harder to debunk as such. The samples collected are indeed from space, that is not in question. But meteorites have collided with the earth for millennia, it is possible that a crash site was identified by NASA in the Antarctic, and samples collected, passing them off as samples collected on the moon.
7. One of the most famous photos from the moon landings shows a rock in the foreground, with what appears to be the letter “C” engraved into it. The letter appears to be almost perfectly symmetrical, meaning it is unlikely to be a natural occurrence. It has been suggested that the rock is simply a prop, with the “C” used as a marker by an alleged film crew. A set designer could have turned the rock the wrong way, accidentally exposing the marking to the camera.
Argument against - NASA has given conflicting excuses for the letter, on the one hand blaming a photographic developer for adding the letter as a practical joke, while on the other hand saying that it may simply have been a stray hair which got tangled up somewhere in the developing process.
8. The cameras used by astronauts during the moon landings had a multitude of crosshairs to aid with scaling and direction. These are imprinted over the top of all photographs. Some of the images, however, clearly show the crosshairs behind objects in the scene, implying that photographs may have been edited or doctored after being taken. Many objects are shown to be in front of the crosshairs, including the American flag in one picture.
Argument against - Conspiracy theorists have suggested NASA printed the man-made objects over a legitimate photograph of the moon to hoax the landings, although if they really planned on doing this, then why they used crosshairs in the first place is a mystery. NASA simply dismiss this argument, but do not provide a plausible explanation.
Now these are just some of the conspiracy theories regarding the Apollo 11 mission and the moon landing. In truth, we could discuss this for a whole season!!!
There are numerous books, television documentaries, films and articles on the Internet regarding the Apollo mission and the moon landing. Please have a look and make your mind up.
Well that brings me to the end of this episode, I hope you enjoyed it. Please get in touch and let me know your thoughts on APOLLO 11 & THE MOON LANDING or any of the other topics discussed in these episodes. Next time, I will be taking a look at THE CODE BREAKERS OF BLETCHLEY PARK. So, until then, thank you for listening, and it’s now back to Mel, for the rest of the show.
Happy Mother’s Day folks and this week we are going to have a look at the Divine Feminine, the Triple Goddess and the magic of the triple moon that is associated with her. I think it may be a symbol that most folk magical or otherwise recognise ot have at least seen and this is the Triple Moon sign which symbolises the Moon in all of her magnificent phase, Waxing, Full and Waning.
The Waxing Moon is the phase running up to the Full Moon and is associated with the Maiden phase of the divine feminine cycle. This is the time and energy to harness if you are wanting to grow something, start a new project or relationship. New beginnings and learning are all deeply associated with this period of time.
The centrepiece of the symbol is the glorious Full moon. The Mother of the Divine feminine cycle, this is very powerful energy and any magical workings or intentions completed at this time will benefit from the superpower of this phase of the Moon and the Goddess. Deeply nurturing, healing, this phase is all about strength – inner and outer, understanding, knowledge, passion and a deep comprehension of one’s place in the universe. This is the energy and phase to realise and accomplish deep held desires and dreams.
Finally, we have the Waning phase or Crone phase of the divine feminine cycle. I hate that phrase “crone” because it has so many negative connotations when there really should be positive ones as this is the wisdom and total understanding of the Goddess, phase. It marks completion, achievement and experience. This is the time to let go of the toxic and negative, with love. Finding peace and closure and moving on to the new. This is a great time for deep reflection and universal understanding from lessons learned. This is also a great time for doing the shadow work folks, really delving deep into the soul to have a good rummage around and get rid of any old patterns of thinking and behaviour that no longer serve the highest and greatest good for your spirit. We are all works in progress! So, use the Triple Goddess energies and the Triple Moon to assist you on your path.
26:20 Amanda - TAKE CARE OF YOU
Hello and welcome to this week self-care session. My name is Amanda Parnell and as a life coach I'm passionate about helping people move forward in their life and uncover their true potential.
Throughout these sessions, I will share practical skills and techniques to support your wellbeing and help you find new ways to practise self-care. To create a life you love, the journey always starts with you.
In today's session, we'll be talking about how to practise self-care in tough times and look at how we can take care of ourselves when it feels least like a priority.
We've all experienced tough times throughout our life for a multitude of reasons. Whether it's our own health job or relationship, or that of a friend or loved one.
We can feel out of control during these times and feel like we're struggling to get through each day.
During these times, our mental and physical health can both be affected, and our health can begin to suffer. This can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety or physical exhaustion.
We may find that we're not communicating as well with those who support us, leading us to feel isolated and lonely.
We may reach out for coping strategies but end up spending far too much time online to keep our minds distracted or by conflicts in ourselves with unhealthy foods or drink.
We may also have responsibilities to care for others during harder times and managing all of this can end up with us neglecting our own wellbeing over the welfare of others, and we can find ourselves running on empty.
Experiencing burnout was one of those times for me, and the last thing on my mind was looking after myself. I felt like the best I could do was survive and just make it through each day.
There's always a tipping point, and I'm so thankful for mine. I started a wellbeing journal and I decided to do one thing every day just for me to help me feel better.
It was great to do, and I always found something for me, no matter how small from a conversation with a friend to a walk in the park each day I was slowly getting myself back on track and feeling better.
So, when things are hard going, how do we look after our health? Firstly, start small. If you're struggling to find time, then set a timer. Start with one minute and allow yourself some headspace just for you.
During times of stress, we tend to hold up all these differently, so take this time to breathe and let go of any stresses in your body. I can assure you once you start, you'll want to add more minutes.
Journal the power of writing out our thoughts or feelings can be amazing. It often feels like a relief or that you have offloaded to a friend.
You can use more than one journal, doodling them or draw a picture or just bullet point. Any good things that you've done during the day?
Do something to make your body feel good. Whatever works for you, but something to get you moving and your heart pumping 10 minutes of physical movement can have a huge impact on your mental wellbeing.
Think of someone who you can share your feelings with. This can be really useful and it can be a relief to find a trusted friend or person who can offload your thoughts or feelings to it can be the most difficult time to put our self-care needs first, but ultimately essential. And as the saying goes, we cannot pour from an empty cup.
Thank you for your company today. If you'd like any further information or support in any of the areas discussed, then please feel free to get in touch.
All my details can be found on the podcast episode notes. Join me next time and we'll be discussing how to keep positive until then, TAKE CARE OF YOU.
After a lack of sleep, in my humble opinion, tummy troubles rank as the next most troublesome issues that can knock you off your feet. Whether it’s stomach ache or the trots, here are a few points that can help with all of those dreadful tummy times. The first is ST 25, which is located two inches either side of your belly button. Great for those times when your bowels are out of kilter and you’re a bit bunged up. This point regulates both constipation and diarrhoea. If there is pain associated with it too add LI 4 into the mix which also regulates the large intestine and is great for any kind of pain relief. We’ve mentioned LI4 before do just a quick reminder it at the topmost point of the little mound where the thumb meets the hand under the index finger. It’s a large point and pinching this area will definitely hit it right. Massage for a few minutes.
REN 12 helps with indigestion issues you may find you naturally. Head for this point anyway, it's on the mid-line of the body just below the sternum. Deep pressure in this area will relieve acid reflux and indigestion.
So that’s a few acupressure points for your took kit and I hope they give you some relief in the future.
32:31 Mel – CLOSING
Well, that’s it for this episode folks. Coming up in next week’s show -:
SHUNGITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We take aim with SAGITARIUS in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE CODE BREAKERS OF BLETCHLEY PARK are being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, THE APRIL NEW MOON is in our sights. In the 5th episode of MARIA’s MAGICAL SUPER 6, Maria talks about the use and applications relating to CEREMONIAL CACAO, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have a number of points to help with back pain, BL40, KIDNEY3 & BL62.
If you would like to help support the show, there is a link at the end of the episode notes where you can click on the BUY ME A COFFEE link or click on the heart icon on the podcast website. Your support is and always will be appreciated.
Thank you to Amanda Parnell for her episode this week.
A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and for the technical help and advice from the folks at AUDACITY & AUPHONIC.
A big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.
A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.
Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.
Please visit the website www.thespiritlevel.co.uk where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you.
So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.