The Spirit Level
The Spirit Level
The Spirit Level Podcast Season 3 Episode#6
(00:30) Join Mel & Mr M for another episode, celebrating the 50th episode of the podcast !!! Mel thanks everyone for their continued support. Mel also gives some details about her other passion in life....cricket, and what has been happening to her and what the future holds in that sphere.
Coming up on this week's show -:
(06:31) ANGELITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(08:09) We pay a visit to the virginal VIRGO in COSMIC CRUISE.
(13:42) There will be some more of your Listener questions, which this week feature a question from Stuart in Hartlepool, who is wanting to know the difference between ghosts and poltergeists.
(16:32) In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE DYATLOV PASS INCIDENT is being discussed.
(28:08) In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we look at the WORM FULL MOON.
(30:27) In the 3rd episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda discusses SELF-CARE HABITS, and in (34:47) STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, ACUPRESSURE MATS are reviewed.
Coming up on next week's show -:
AMETRINE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We weigh up the sign of LIBRA in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE TURIN SHROUD is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we look at the festival of OSTARA. In the 4th episode of MARIA’S MAGICAL SUPER 6, Maria discusses SOUND THERAPY, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have a number of points to help with INSOMNIA, AN MIAN, HEART 7 & KIDNEY 1.
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Thanks for listening and LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL.
00:00 Mel – INTRO
Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some, or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.
00:30 Mel – WELCOME
Hello, hello, hello how are we all, good I hope? Well, it’s been pretty manic here at Chez Mahmood and don’t you think things are generally speeding up again? I genuinely do not know where this last week has gone and next week is chocka block too but I have managed to schedule some nice things in to keep the spirits up.
I also have some very exciting news. First of all, it’s our 50th episode!!! Wow how did that happen?? Thank you so much for joining us on this journey of adventure and spiritual discovery. It truly means the world to us that you listen in every week, and we hope you enjoy and learn something new, I know we do!
Now on to other exciting and potential life changing news. Some of you know and some of you don’t know that all things spooky is not my only passion in life. I do have another passion and no not it’s not Mr M, but he has had a lot to do with this and he is involved obviously.
Little did I know when I was younger and sitting with my beloved Grandad Frank, God rest his soul, watching the Test Cricket of an afternoon and having him explain the rules of this strange but wonderful and totally addictive game that one day, many, many, MANY moons, no I’m not telling you how many later I would be taking to the field myself as a player and now as a qualified Umpire.
About 3 or 4 years ago his Lordship Mr M came home with the news that he had been nominated as the Director of Women’s Cricket at his club at Higham in Barnsley and he had been tasked with creating a women’s cricket team and I’ll be honest folks; my heart sank because I knew what that meant, it meant we, the royal we and would be setting up a cricket team and that it would involve nights and weekends totally taken up with Cricket.
Well I’m a very supportive spouse and if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em and then it happened folks, I picked up a cricket bat, first time ever and had a crack at it and blow me turns out I can bat, can’t bowl for toffee but I can catch. That was it folks, totally hooked and then there’s the whole social society, a whole community of mutually cricket mad folks, the drama and the politics, it’s never a dull moment for certain.
But then I got a bit sad because, due to my age and gender I’d never had the chance to play this sport that I love at school because it was a boy’s game and I felt that I had been denied the chance, totally and completely, to play at any great level. An opportunity totally missed. Then the Universe heard me and as it always does and started to set events and people in motion to change this.
And here’s the story. Mr M’s birthday bash at the local cricket club and after a few small glasses of vino collapso, I got to talking to some club members and I complained, loudly, that there were insufficient umpires and certainly not enough female umpires in the game as a whole.
The next day and with a very sore head. Mr M went off back to the club to watch the game and I stayed in bed nursing a substantial hangover. But Spirit stepped in with other ideas and I kept getting this nagging feeling that I needed to go down to the club. I tried to ignore it, but it just would not go away and eventually I got my sorry backside up, got ready and went down to the club.
Looking around for Mr M and before I could I was swept up by the club captain and asked if I would meet a gentleman and have a chat about umpiring. So, still very much worse for wear, I was introduced to Mr B, I love Mr B, a lovely Gent of some senior experience shall we say and we had a walk around the pitch and chat about umpiring and turns out we had a lot of mutual acquaintances and we got on famously and by the end of our chat I’d agreed to have a look at joining the Level ECB Umpiring Course.
I eventually found Mr M and he asked me if I knew who I had been speaking too? I said Mr B, he’s lovely and we had a lovely time. It was at this point that Mr M informed me that Mr B is one of the top Umpiring Trainers in the country and that if he’d expressed an interest in mentoring me then this was something special.
I knew right there, right then, that this. THIS was how I could get involved and contribute to the sport and to the advancement of women in cricket - the level? – well the sky’s the limit right now.
Fast forward a lockdown or two and lots of studying MCC Laws, two courses and I’m finally ready this season to take to the field and start making my mark. I am so excited to see where this adventure takes us, and I’ll keep you posted as to what we’re doing and who knows we may be at a match near you, and you can come and say hello and have a cuppa.
So, coming up on this week's show -:
ANGELITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We pay a visit to the virginal VIRGO in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE DYATLOV PASS INCIDENT is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we look at the WORM FULL MOON. In the 3rd episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda discusses SELF-CARE HABITS, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, ACUPRESSURE MATS are reviewed.
So, if you’re ready, here we go.
Last week we had a look at Turquoise, which was a communication with the Sky Gods stone and this week we have another communication stone and this week we are having a look at the very lovely ANGELITE.
Now ANGELITE is actually CELESTITE which has been put under extreme pressures over millennia. A lovely bluey and sometimes lilac colour, ANGELITE facilitates communication with the Angelic realms. So, it is quite high in vibration in order to get that connection made.
ANGELITE is all about the New Age and about peace and connection to the whole of humankind and transmutes disorder and chaos into peace and wholeness. Great for all healing work, ANGELITE deepens attunement, provides physical and spiritual protection, so you won’t be picking up any of your patient’s negative energies, which is so easily done.
It’s also the stone for all the Astrologers out there and brings a deeper understanding of Mathematics, blimey I could do with that, I am rubbish at maths, and a deeper connection to the energies of the cosmos. So that is ANGELITE folks a truly lovely crystal which can assist with disorders of the Thyroid and throat issues.
Welcome to this week’s COSMIC CRUISE, and this week our focus is on VIRGO. The Virgin falls between the 24th of August and the 22nd Sept and I have two brothers who are both Virgo’s so I know all about this sign. Virgo is an Earth sign ruled by Mercury the planet of communication. As we know Earth signs are very practical and down to Earth and very analytical. Take the first four letters of that last word and you’ll also get another aspect of their character!! Very individual personas, they tend to plough their own furrow in their own way and woe betide anyone who tries to get in their way. Not in any particularly aggressive way but more persistent and will just wear any resistance down. Like water torture! Drip, drip, drip…. As stated earlier, Virgos are analytical and brilliant with details, however, they should try not to be too analytical, especially towards themselves but should trust their intuition and gut feelings more. They won’t though because they don’t believe in it without empirical evidence to prove it!! Virgos are reliable, very observant down-right nosy sometimes, but also patient, creative and kind, they are also funny, quick witted and extreme in their passions and desires.
The soul lesson for Virgos is to learn balance and turn that critical eye into one of unconditional love. Nothing is perfect and never will be so let it go! Great careers for Virgos are, Lawyer, Accountant, Private investigator, any scientific based research kind of job, anything technical and also counsellor which suits their need to dissect folk and problem solve. Famous Virgos include: My favourite Monarch - Elizabeth the 1st, Ivan the Terrible, Keanu Reeves, Pink, Amy Winehouse, my brother in Laws favourite, Idris Elba and legendary cricketer Donald Bradman.
The Planetary Crystal for Virgo is CITRINE, a motivating crystal an inspirator for change and abundance on all levels but particularly in relation to a healthy body and a healthy mind. CITRINE is all about harmony and being one with yourself and accepting the realisation that you can achieve every success you perceive.
The Tarot card for Virgo is THE HERMIT, which indicates that they sometimes need to escape the world and retreat out of shear exhaustion and exasperation. Self-care is very important for Virgos. You need to slow down sometimes and take a breather to go within and explore your inner kingdom for a while.
Now onto the 3 card Tarot reading.
OK, Virgo, so now it's your three-card tarot reading for the next three months, so we're in the middle of March, so we'll call it March, April, May. There’s the ACE OF SWORDS. Now the ACE OF SWORDS came down in reversed, and I don't usually read reverse, but I am going to in this scenario because I just feel it's relevant. I'm trusting my intuition, so the ACE OF SWORDS. Again, the peak of the suit is all about truth, communication, finding out truth so you may get to find something out this month that you didn't know of. But because it came out reverse, it can be using the truth in a destructive manner, so it's kind of like believing a lie. So, just be careful around the end of the month. In particular, there might be somebody who was being a little bit tricky around you, and you might be falling for it. So just be careful.
However, I'm not too worried because the next month is the ACE OF CUPS, so the ACE OF CUPS is one of my favourite cards. Actually, it's literally the cup floweth over card. The universe has got your back. You're overflowing with abundance, love.Pension and security so, I'm not too worried about that initial card so if things are a bit up and down in March, don't worry, by April things will be fine. However, come may April, May then we're going into that final month. We've got the EIGHT OF SWORDS. Now in that month the EIGHT OF SWORDS is all about self-sabotage. It’s all about looking at things in the wrong way. There are other ways that you can look at situation. It's not as bad as you think, so if you weigh that up altogether in the next three months, it could be that there's a bit of a bumpy ride coming, but you are being looked after. You are safe, you are secure, and you need to look at the situation in a different way, because the minute that you do, you'll realise it's not as bad as you've seen.
Mel - And now it's time for your questions in listener questions. What have we got this week, MR M?
MR M - Thank you, Mel, hello again everyone. Just the one question this week Mel, which comes from Stuart in Hartlepool who asks -:
What is the difference between a ghost and a Poltergeist?
Mel – Oh that’s a good one. Well, the traditional ghost as you would imagine it, is your white lady isn’t it, floating around the castle somewhere, but we interchange ghost and spirit quite often but, poltergeist comes from the Germanic word it means noisy spirit.
And they have the capability of making noise, raps, bangs, crash bang wallop's in the middle of the night. Ask Mr M. We have it all the time here, touch physical items on our plane and they have the capability and the energy to move those items. I can't tell you how much energy that takes, it's enormous. However, they can do it, and that's how they make themselves known, so it's just a very specific kind of spirit is a poltergeist.
MR M - Thank you, Mel, they're always portrayed, or from my experience in films and books as bad. Is that accurate?
Mel - I don't think so. I just think maybe they can be mischievous. I'm not saying that they can't be, however, as you know we have one that visits us regularly and he will answer questions through my bedroom light by flickering it on and off, so you know, that's just how they choose to cooperate and communicate so I don't think that they’re bad. I don't think that any spirits are any bad spirits really, just upset ones, perhaps, or stuck in a position they don't want to be.
MR M – Okay,Thank you Mel and thank you to Stuart for his question. If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a 3 card Tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, including suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch, then here is how to do so.
Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us.
You can get in touch with us via email and the address is thespiritlevel22@gmail.com
On Facebook, on the groups, search for The Spirit Level.
On Twitter search for thespiritlevel.co.uk.
We have a Twitter handle which is @ thespiritlevelU which is a capital U
On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or thespiritlevel.co.uk
Or you can click on the SpeakPipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge.
In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge at www.thespiritlevel.co.uk we look forward to hearing from you.
Welcome to MR M’s MENAGERIE. Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s episode. Today, I will be taking a look at an event that took place over 60 years ago, but still remains a mystery. It is an event that started with hope and expectation, but ended in tragedy, and has become to be known as THE DYATLOV PASS INCIDENT.
On the 23rd January 1959, a group of 10 people set off from the city of Sverdlovsk, now called Yekaterinburg, some 880 miles east of Moscow for a hiking and skiing expedition in the Ural Mountains. The group consisted of men and women from the Ural Polytechnical Institute, and the leader of the group was a 23-year-old radio engineering student, Igor Dyatlov. All of the group were experienced hikers and skiers, and the aim of the expedition was gain accreditation to become guides for tourist trips to the area. The ultimate aim, on setting off from Sverdlovsk, was to reach Mount Ortoten, some 190 miles away. The expedition was scheduled to last just over 3 weeks.
Spirits were high as the group set off by train, deep into the unforgiving Ural Mountains. On the 25th January, the group arrived at the small town of Ivdel, where they boarded trucks for the journey to the last inhabited settlement to the north, Vizhai.
On the 27th January, the group set out on the expedition with purpose, and all appears to have been going well. The group had managed to make good time, and were recording their adventures in diaries, however, one of the group became unwell and returned to Vizhai. He was spoken to by Dyatlov, who told him that on their return to Vizhai, estimated to be on the 12th February, that he would send a telegram to the Polytechnic.
On the 20th February, some 8 days after the planned return to Vizhai, there had been no contact with the group, and members of the group's families, demanded that the Polytechnic send out a search and rescue party. Initially this was done, with volunteer students and teachers, but their efforts yielded nothing, and it was not long after, that both the military and police became involved, using planes and helicopters and numerous ground personnel to locate the group.
A base camp was located, at the edge of a highland area and from cameras and diaries left at the location, the groups route was identified. The operation to locate the group intensified, with more personnel being drafted in to help with the search and rescue efforts. The groups diaries made interesting reading, and it appears that a decision was made to traverse the pass, although weather conditions were not ideal.
We can only speculate as to what happened to the group as they began their trek up the pass, but it appears that they somehow got disorientated.
On 26th February, rescuers found the groups badly damaged tent on the side of a steep mountain. What made the group pitch tent on such a treacherous piece of terrain we will never know, as approximately 1.5 kilometres further down, was a forested area, that would surely have provided adequate protection from the inclement weather and made for a more stable base. The tent was half torn and covered in snow. There was no-one inside the tent, but strangely the tent did include all of the group's belongings and their shoes. What made the discovery even more unusual was that the tent had clearly been cut from the inside.
As more personnel arrived at the scene, search patterns were instigated. Not far from the tent, 9 sets of footprints were located, and these were followed which led down the mountain slope to a nearby wood, on the opposite side of the pass, approximately 1 mile away.
Just as the first search teams reached the edge of the wood, 2 bodies were discovered. Both were identified as members of the group, and both were shoeless and dressed only in their underwear. The branches of the nearby trees were broken up to a height of about 5 metres, suggesting that these 2 had attempted to climb the trees for some reason. The other trees in the vicinity had their branches intact.
As the search intensified, 3 more bodies were found, between the wooded area and the camp, at distances of 300, 480 and 630 metres from the location of the first 2 bodies.
It would be another 2 months before the bodies of the remaining 4 of the group would be found on the 4th May, located in a ravine 75 metres into the wooded area. 3 of the 4 bodies recovered were better dressed, and it appears that clothing was shared and or removed from persons in the group when they passed away.
An inquest was convened, which found that of the first 5 bodies recovered none of apparent injuries were sufficient enough to cause death, although one of the victims had a small fracture to his skull, it was not deemed to be a fatal wound, and the official cause of death was listed as hypothermia.
However, the examination of the remaining 4 bodies recovered from the ravine, shifted the emphasis and the direction of the inquest. 3 out of the 4 had fatal injuries. One had major damage to his skull, the other 2 major fractures of their chest. Typically, injuries of this nature require a great force to be present, such as would be consistent with the injuries sustained in a car crash, but in the middle of the Ural Mountains, with no roads and no cars present, well these injuries just didn’t add up. In addition, these bodies had no sign of external wounds whatsoever, it was as if the injuries sustained were due to a high amount of pressure being brought to bear against their bodies. The 4 bodies recovered in the ravine, next to a running stream had signs of soft tissue damage to their heads and faces. One of the victims had extensive damage to her face, as she was discovered with her tongue missing, as well as part of her lip, she had facial tissue injuries and part of her skull was missing. Another victim had his eyeballs missing, and another had no eyebrows present at all. Post-mortem examinations determined that these injuries were all caused after the victims had passed away.
So, the 9 bodies recovered had varying degrees of injury, and the deaths couldn’t be explained. Initially, the police investigation focussed on the indigenous Mansi people who traversed the area with their reindeer herd. It was speculated that the group got into some sort of altercation with the Mansi, and as a result lost their lives. This theory was quickly quashed, as only the groups footprints were found, and none of the recovered bodies showed any sign of hand-to-hand struggle.
Journalists reporting on the available parts of the inquest files claim that it states:
- Six of the group members died of hypothermia and three of fatal injuries.
- There were no indications of other people nearby on the mountain or in the vicinity apart from the nine people in the expedition.
- The tent had been ripped open from within.
- The victims had died six to eight hours after their last meal.
- Traces from the camp showed that all group members left the campsite of their own accord, on foot.
- Some levels of radiation were found on one victim's clothing.
- To dispel the theory of an attack by the indigenous Mansi people, the Chief Forensic Pathologist stated that the fatal injuries of the three bodies could not have been caused by human beings, "because the force of the blows had been too strong, and no soft tissue had been damaged".
- Released documents contained no information about the condition of the skiers' internal organs.
- There were no survivors.
At the close of the inquest, it was determined that the group members had dies as a result of a compelling natural force, although that force was never documented of expanded upon. The inquest closed at the end of May 1959, and as no guilty party could be attributed, all the case files were removed to a secret archive. It should be noted however, that the Chief Investigator did not hold with the prognosis of hypothermia being the primary cause, and such was his indignation that this was being listed, he resigned his post.
Over the years, investigators, journalists and those with an interest in the events have speculated as to the cause of the 9 deaths. As I’m sure you can imagine, the theories proposed range from the highly plausible to the farfetched. But, like many things, as time passes and new advances in technology emerge, more plausible theories begin to surface. In addition, leaked parts of the investigative report have surfaced which although welcome, create even more mystery.
For example, a number of the victims had burn wounds. Burn wounds, in the middle of the Ural Mountains, with temperatures down to minus 20!!!! How is that possible.
It appears that those victims in the ravine showed excessive decay. The temperature would have preserved the bodies, so what could have caused such a decay to happen?
Released pictures of the bodies at the morgue seem to show that the bodies had a tinge to them, something like a tan, but again, how is this possible in the freezing Ural Mountains.
No sign of any animal or other human tracks were ever found, which seems to suggest that there was no other interaction with any animal or person, and that the group decided of their own volition to venture into the freezing expanse. What could have caused them to do so?
You see, this is a mystery that still baffles and confuses. Of the theories put forward, the one that surfaces most often is that the group were disturbed by an avalanche and that they had to escape their tent quickly. No sign of any avalanche taking place is recorded, and there were no signs of one taking place. The trees remained intact and there was no covering up of the footprints.
Katabatic winds have also been suggested. These are high powered winds that carry dense air from a higher region down a slope at near hurricane speeds. Again, if this were the case, the damage inflicted would be evident from the treeline.
Another hypothesis popularised by Donnie Eichar’s 2013 book Dead Mountain is that wind going around the mountain created a Karman Vortex Street, which can produce infrasound capable of inducing panic attacks in humans. The infrasound generated by the wind as it passed over the top of the mountain was responsible for causing physical discomfort and mental distress amongst the group, as it causes an imbalance to the bodies fluids, which can lead to disorientation, and that the bodies discovered were as a result of the group once clear of this distortion field, trying to get back to the tent, but ultimately failing to do so.
Whatever was the cause of the 9 young people losing their lives on a bleak and desolate mountain side in the Ural Mountains will probably never be fully explained.
Well that brings me to the end of this episode, I hope you enjoyed it. Please get in touch and let me know your thoughts on THE DYATLOV PASS INCIDENT or any of the other topics discussed in these episodes. Next time, I will be taking a look at THE TURIN SHROUD. So, until then, thank you for listening, and it’s now back to Mel, for the rest of the show.
Its Household Hocus Pocus time and this week we are having a look at the Worm Moon, which is the Full Moon which is at its zenith at 0718 hours on Friday the 18th of March this year.
The Worm Moon refers to the time when Nature begins to wake up from its Winter sleep and the growth of spring begins, when the Earth worms begin to surface and reappear. So, it is no surprise that the magical intentions of this Moon are all around new beginnings, fertility, rebirth and growth but it is also about new pursuits and explorations. So, shake off those Winter blues and let's get cracking with the Spring mood and spring clean the house both physical and spiritual.
Now this full Moon lands in the sign of Virgo and so you Virgoians will be particularly sensitive to the energies of this Moon. Use its energies to clear your mind and to focus on what you want to achieve as even what could appear to be impossible is quite possible with the energy of the Worm Moon, allow your wildest dreams to surface and they can become a reality. Supercharge your intentions with the crystals AQUAMARINE and BLOODSTONE and use this supercharged energy to promote your self-love and to heal and grow.
A great Worm Moon practice is to paint hard boiled eggs, the universal symbol for growth and fertility, for Ostara or Easter and whilst painting your egg focus on your magical manifestations for the year and then eat them! But be careful do not discard the shells carelessly though, they must be burned or thrown into flowing running water to avoid bad luck.
Next week we are going to take a closer look at the festival of Ostara, The Spring Equinox, join me then.
30:27 Amanda - TAKE CARE OF YOU
Hello and welcome to this week’s self-care session. My name is Amanda Parnell and as a life coach I am passionate about helping people move forward in their life and uncover their true potential. Throughout these sessions I will share practical skills and techniques to support your wellbeing and help you to find new ways to practice self-care. To create a life you love, the journey always starts with you!
In today’s session we’ll will be talking about how to add new self-care habits and practices into your daily routine. I will be help you find ways to identify habits that are no longer serving you and look at how you can implement new healthy habits into your life.
We hear people talking about wellbeing and how to stay well and are told by professionals to eat well, keep active and look after our mental health. The words and phrases banded around sound great, and although we know we should work on our own wellbeing we often don’t.
We seek out advice from people online or public figures who show us how easy it is to achieve results and although we buy into their results, we are rarely told how to make the changes ourselves. Have you ever tried to give something up or use will power to start a new task? It can be tricky!
Humans are creatures of habit and when left to our own devices we often take the path of least resistance, I’m sure we all have an example of when we have realised that we are doing something habitual without even thinking about it.
We all have daily habits and many of us, especially at this time of year look at either changing an old habit that is no longer serving us or start a new habit to bring something extra into our lives.
So, how we do we change our habits?
If you were to score yourself right now from 1-10 on a scale of where you feel your overall wellbeing is, what would you score? Do you have any habits you would like to change or add into your life?
A helpful exercise you can do is to grab a pen and paper and draw a line down the centre. On the left had side jot down a list of all your current bad habits or ones that no longer support your wellbeing then on the right-hand side note down all the habits you would like to have, don’t overthink this just let your ideas flow.
Then, from your list on the right, choose one thing that you can add into your diary for the week ahead. Write it down, think about it, tell your friends, or google it. Get invested and excited about the new thing that is just for you and your wellbeing.
Some questions that I find helpful to ask yourself is:
Who will benefit from this new habit? Is this something you are doing for yourself or something you are doing to please someone else.
How will I feel once I have this new habit in my life? Will I feel happier or more content, challenged or excited or proud of myself for taking action?
And what will my life look like once I have this new daily habit? Who will be around me, what will they be saying?
Once you have made the decision to take action, it is helpful to understand what may get in the way. Just ask yourself: what could stop me taking action or what has stopped me before? You will feel more in control if you take the time to navigate any obstacles before, they arise.
Finally ask yourself: How committed am I to taking action? Remind yourself of the new habit you want to start practicing and think about what it will bring to your life, think about how it will make you feel and what changes you will see.
Thank you for your company today. If you would like any further information or support in any of the areas discussed, then please feel free to get in touch. All my details can be found on the podcast. Episode notes.
Join me next time when we will be discussing how to manage our self-care when going through tough times. Until then, TAKE CARE OF YOU.
Welcome to Episode 6 of straight to the point and this week I'm not going to do a specific point this week, but I'm going to share my experiences of acupressure mats with you now.
I was a bit sceptical about these to be totally honest, but then I tried one and I totally changed my mind and I've since bought quite a few for family and friends who have all reaped the benefits too.
So, if you've never heard of them or have thought you might want to try one, here's my honest review for you. Now, if you haven't seen one before, an acupressure mat is like a foam-based yoga type mat that has lots and lots of hard plastic discs or sometimes it's flowers, and then you lay on the mat and the plastic stimulates the acupuncture points and the relief is forthcoming.
Now there are loads of these types of mats online and some come with a hefty price tag, but I got a £20 one off of eBay, and it came with a neckroll type pillow and I have to say this pillow is an absolute must because it's so versatile and as well as using it on my neck for tension headaches. I use it as a spine rock.
Now what I mean by this is that I lay with it going vertically straight down my spine, and the reason I do this is that the bladder Meridian channel, which runs either side down the spinal column has acupuncture or acupressure points along the down the entire spine. So, by laying on the pillow in this fashion, I'm not only hitting the direct area that usually causes me great pain, but I'm also stimulating all the other points and getting the benefits through my system. So, my advice is make sure you get the pillow.
The mat and the pillow together are great for relieving muscle pain, stiffness and soreness from exercise overexertion, but they're just great for relaxing and feeling the blood and energy flow. It's quite uncomfortable to start with, but totally bearable. And then as you lay their clothed or unclothed If you’re wanting some hard-core pain relief, you begin to feel the brains natural painkilling endorphins kick in and then the area becomes warm as the blood and the Qi rushes in.
And what I've found, it acts a little bit like a natural 10s machine whereby the manageable discomfort of the mat confuses the brain just enough for the nerve messages to get a wee bit scrambled and cancel out the original pain, if that makes sense. It's also incredibly relaxing and calming, but definitely works for pain, I would not be without mine, and I've even been known to take the pillow at least on holiday with me.
So, I hope you found that review useful. I hope it may just help someone who may be suffering to get some peace and relief.
Packages 8 stress or pain in a joint. Then let's break their needles out and get straight to the point.
38:11 Mel – CLOSING
Well, that’s it for this episode folks. Coming up in next week’s show -:
AMETRINE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We weigh up the sign of LIBRA in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE TURIN SHROUD is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we look at the festival of OSTARA. In the 4th episode of MARIA’S MAGICAL SUPER 6, Maria discusses SOUND THERAPY, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have a number of points to help with INSOMNIA, AN MIAN, HEART 7 & KIDNEY 1.
If you would like to help support the show, there is a link at the end of the episode notes where you can click on the BUY ME A COFFEE link or click on the heart icon on the podcast website. Your support is and always will be appreciated.
A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and for the technical help and advice from the folks at AUDACITY & AUPHONIC.
A big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.
A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.
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Please visit the website www.thespiritlevel.co.uk where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you.
So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.