The Spirit Level

The Spirit Level Podcast Season 3 Episode #4

Season 3 Episode 4

(00:30) Join Mel & Mr M for another episode, which has a celebratory feel to it. During the week,  22.2.22, is not only an incredibly significant date, as it signifies a significant portal to usher in a change to a more positive and gentler energy, but it is also the date of Mel's birthday & wedding anniversary.

Coming up on todays episode -:
(04:19) MOLDAVITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(06:36) We scuttle across the sand with CANCER in COSMIC CRUISE.
(11:29) There will be some more of your Listener questions, with just the one question this week from Gary in Huddersfield, who is seeking some help in trying to connect with his mum who passed away.
(14:54) In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE LEGEND OF KING ARTHUR is being discussed.
In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, the power of nature is harnessed with STORM MAGIC.
(28:12) In the second episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda Parnell discusses SELF-LOVE.
In STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have some points to alleviate stress, anxiety and heart palpitations, REN17 & HT7.

Coming up in next week's show -:
TURQUOISE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We tickle the chin of the King of big cats, LEO in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE BILDERBERG GROUP is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some manifestations to coincide with the MARCH NEW MOON. In the 3rd  episode of MARIA’S MAGICAL SUPER 6, Maria discusses the fascinating subject of THE GENE KEYS, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, one of the 10 Golden Points, SP6 (THE THREE YIN INTERSECTION) is discussed.

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00:00 Mel – INTRO 

Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some, or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.  

00:30 Mel – WELCOME 

Hello, hello, hello and what an exciting week we have lined up. It’s the 22nd of the 2nd 2022 on Tuesday and the 22222 energy portal will be with us and available to us for all of this week!! How exciting but what does it mean? Well after all the major and often times quite difficult energy shifts that we have all experienced over the last 2 years.  The 22222 portal is ushering in a much more positive and gentler energy.  

The 22222 portal energy is all about diplomacy, love, companionship, balance, harmony, patience, increased spirituality and a much more nurturing vibe for yourself and others. It’s also about goals and life purpose. Now is the time to manifest your dreams in this potent energy field as our vibration level gets a total glow up and our collective frequency rises. How exciting! 

It is also a very personally important date for me and for Mr M as it is not only my Birthday on the 22nd of the 2nd 22 but it is also our wedding anniversary! I will post a couple of photos on the Spirit Level Facebook group page in celebration of the best day of my life so far!  

Now I don’t measure folks by what they do when everything is fine and dandy – that’s easy – I measure my relationships by what folk do when the going gets tough. Well, we’ve been through some truly character testing times over the past 11 years- Mr M and I and he has proved many times over to be my rock, my guide, my conscience sometimes, my best friend and my truly loved and adored life partner. And do you know until he met me he had absolutely no interest or experience of anything spiritual or spooky! But he’s supported all my crazy ideas and notions and look what we’ve created together – it’s amazing. Thank you darling and here’s to many more adventures to come. Love you to the stars and back. 

So, my birthday wish, this year, is for you too to experience the love of the universal energy that is coming our way this February. Know you are loved by not just me but the whole universe!! 

Enough or you’ll set me off crying…. on with the show 

Coming up on this week's show -: 

MOLDAVITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We scuttle across the sand with CANCER in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE LEGEND OF KING ARTHUR is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, the power of nature is harnessed with STORM MAGIC. In the second episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda Parnell discusses SELF-LOVE, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have some points to alleviate stress, anxiety and heart palpitations, REN17 & HT7. 

So, if you’re ready, here we go. 



We have an extra-terrestrial visitor to crystal corner this week in the guise of MOLDAVITE. Moldavite is the result of a giant meteor hitting the Earth and fusing the energies of the rocks of Mother Earth with the properties of the Universe and so this crystal is very special indeed. Named after the location of the Meteor in Moldavia, it is green and Crystalline in structure, think Superman’s Kryptonite on the original films with Christopher Reeves and you get the idea of what it physically looks like, perhaps the film nicked the idea too!  

A very, very high vibrational stone the cosmic Moldavite is all about compassion and expansion breaking free from earthly ties and boundaries and seeking new horizons and new adventures.  To boldly go...I’m joking but I’m also not.  

This “seeking new life and new civilizations” could be here on Earth or out there in the galactic realms because Moldavite can assist you to connect with the ascended Masters, and your Star family.  

Moldavite can help with all aspects of ascension both physical and spiritual and works in all dimensions, helping to facilitate downloads of information from the universe and the Akashic Records. It holds the blueprint if you like of why we are here and what our purpose is individually and spiritually.  

It is a great crystal for us sensitives and those who struggle with this incarnation on Gaia, those of us who are desperately trying to manifest the 5D whilst still having to cope with 3D living. It assists in integrating the two and releases attachments to very 3D systems and beliefs, particularly around notions of security and money.  

So that was Moldavite folks, for me it’s the true Star Trek crystal and I love it. 



Welcome to this week’s COSMIC CRUISE, and this week our focus is on CANCER. Cancer, the Crab, falls between the 22nd of June and 22nd July and is ruled by the Moon and is a planet of emotions and is a Water sign. Water signs are very deep and emotional and just about always go with their gut feelings rather than with their head. Protective, nurturing, sympathetic, tenacious and loving, Cancer is the homebody of the Zodiac and loves to entertain. Even if you’re not a traditional Cancerian, you have the ability to make other people feel at home almost immediately. On the flip side and due to them sensing emotions so deeply, they can be a tad over sensitive and moody sometimes, often out of fear and can retreat into their shells, alone, if hit with any negativity.  

The soul lesson for Cancerians is not to manipulate out of fear and to know you are a creator Goddess/God of your universe because you can literally manifest what you think about, negative as well as positive, so be careful to keep a positive mindset please. Great careers for Cancerian folk are anything to do with homes, nurturing and caring so Estate agents, Interior designers, Nursing, any cooking or entertainment related jobs like Chef or wedding planner stuff like that. Famous Cancerians include, the incomparable - Meryl Streep, Tudor reprobate - Henry the VIII, the legendary Cricketer - WG Grace , the genius - Alan Turing and the one and only - Princess Diana.  

The crystal for the Moon ruled Cancer is of course MOONSTONE. It is an inspiration inspiring stone, which brings success in all its forms to all aspects of life. Great for advancing the personal development of anyone but especially those under the sign of Cancer. It also levels the emotions and is a great stress reducer. Great again for emotional and deep feeling Cancerians.  

The Tarot card for Cancer is THE CHARIOT, standing proud as they steer through life with their highly developed intuition, hoping to ride above by constantly moving forwards.  

OK then, so we have a three-card tarot reading for our Cancerian friends, cousins to me the Piscean's. I'm going to do it for March, April and May. 

Considering that we're right at the very end of February, so for March we've got the SEVEN OF CUPS, so there's a lot of choices coming your way. My little Cancerian friends in the next month, but you need to be careful that some of these aren't just pipe dreams and that there is some substance to them. So, if it seems too good to be true, it generally is, so there's a lot of hope though there, and I'm seeing a lot of freedom coming your way. and that's interesting because the second card out is the SIX OF SWORDS. Now the SIX OF SWORDS is all about coming out of choppy waters, so where you've had a bit of an emotional upset or there's been a lot of ups and downs and a lot of disappointments, we're coming out of that phase now. So, you've got to be careful though, with the SIX OF SWORDS, that you don't take your emotional baggage with you, leave it behind. You are going into smoother waters. It's going to be fine. 

And your final card is the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, so that is an interesting one, because it's basically saying that yes, while we're coming out of this these choppy waters, there is a still an element of chance going off. 

So, the universe is stepping in here, so it may be offering you some opportunities that you haven't seen before. They may be good, or they may be bad. That depends on the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, so things aren't quite settled. 

There are still some energies at play, but the WHEEL OF FORTUNE means that cycles are coming to an end. If things have been down things will be on the positive and they'll be on the up again, but if you're on the downward cycle, don't worry, it's not going to be long before you come back up the other side and the things are feeling a lot more positive. 

So, that's your three-monthly reading for my Cancerian friends. 


Mel - Now it's time for listeners questions. How many have we got this week darling? 

MR M - Thank you, Mel. Hello again everyone just one question this week Mel. 

Mel – Okay 

MR M - Which comes from Gary in Huddersfield who asks -: I was very close to my mum and when she passed away early last year it really affected me. A few months after she passed, I went to a medium to see if I could connect with her. There was a connection with other relatives but not my mum. Again, my mum didn't come through, although other relatives did as in the previous reading. Is there something stopping my mum from coming through and connecting with me? 

Mel - Hi Gary, I'm sorry for your loss, darling, that's awful to lose somebody so close, especially your mum. So, I'm sending love to you and healing. Now, this is an interesting question because I've experienced this myself. Spirit will only come through if they are needed to, and I know you desperately, desperately want to hear from your mum, but it's not always the right time. 

They have to settle in over on the other side and it takes an awful lot of energy to get a message through and you've got to learn the ropes, really.  

What I've tended to find happens is an older relative or another guide who's been over for some time, knows how to do it, basically helps them come through, so when the time is right your mum and she's been taught, your mum will hopefully come through. 

I had my grandma, one of my grandmas came through regularly. The other one didn't. But then she was quite quiet, and it took about 10 years before I got a message through from my maternal grandmother because other people kind of got in the way and their energy was more powerful. So don't give up, but Spirit, it's not like a telephone exchange. We can't, we can't just dial in, it has to be the right time and the right connection and the right energy level for that message to come through. So, I hope that gives you a bit of peace. 

It's not that she doesn't want to talk to you, it could just be that at the moment she just can't get through. 

MR M - Thank you Mel and thank you Gary for your question. I hope that has given you some solace and some peace and so you can move forward. Now if you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a three-card tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, including suggestions for show content, guests or just to get in touch then here is how to do so. 

Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us. 

You can get in touch with us via email and the address is 

On Facebook, on the groups, search for The Spirit Level. 

On Twitter search for 

We have a Twitter handle which is @ thespiritlevelU which is a capital U 

On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or 

Or you can click on the SpeakPipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge. 

In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge at we look forward to hearing from you. 



Welcome to MR M’s MENAGERIE. Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s episode. Today, I am going to be taking a look at the legend of KING ARTHUR. KING ARTHUR, the noble king, who galvanised the populace, created a great royal court, and surrounded himself with great knights and people of mystery. He is a legendary figure. But did he really exist? 

Well before we get to that, here is what the accepted story regarding KING ARTHUR is, and is one I am sure that you will be familiar with -: 

ARTHUR was, according to legend, a leader who galvanised the Anglo tribes in the defence of Britain against Saxon invaders in the late 5th and early 6th centuries. After emerging victorious, he set up a kingdom in Wessex, established a Royal Court at Camelot, married Guinevere, and set up a heraldic order, THE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE, whose purpose was to protect the realm and assist those in distress and need. Later, Arthur is believed to have directed his knights to search for THE HOLY GRAIL. He sought counsel from a mysterious figure, Merlin, and lived a life of chivalry. The tales regarding Arthur are many and varied, and have featured in numerous books, plays, documentaries and films to this day. I think it is fair to say that the legend of KING ARTHUR lives on and will continue to do so. 

So where does the KING ARTHUR legend originate from. Well, the first documented mention of his name comes from the book 'History of the Britons', written in 830AD and attributed to a writer called Nennius, a Welsh monk. Nennius in his writing has Arthur as commander of the Britons who fought against the Saxons. He is portrayed as a leader, but also as being present at numerous battles over a lengthy period of time. A close look at the battles would seem to indicate that Arthur was present at all of them, but there is a fair amount of poetic licence in use here, and he simply could not have been in attendance at all the battles as, they spanned a great many years and are mentioned in earlier works by writers who make no mention of his name. So, by attributing Arthur in this way, the first seeds of a legend appear to have been sown. 

There does not appear to be a great deal of literature about Arthur following Nennius’s book for a significant amount of time, but this began to change after the Norman invasion of Britain in 1066. For a time, the Celtic tribes of Britain experienced a type of Rennaissance, with literature being at the forefront. New histories were made, and there were stories of a great leader who was at the head of the battle against the Normans. The defiance to the Normans needed a leader, a figurehead, and this is where the writers of the time used Arthur as that figurehead. 

But it wasn’t until the publication in the 12th century of the book ‘The history of the Kings of Britain’ that the legend of King Arthur really came to the fore. The book was written by another Welsh writer, Geoffrey of Monmouth. Geoffrey claimed that his writings were based on a secret Celtic manuscript that only he could translate. In reality, it is a total myth, with Geoffrey inserting certain details as facts, among them, for the first time, the life of Arthur is told, from his birth at Tintagel, his marriage to Guinevere, his reliance on the counsel and wisdom of Merlin, the legend surrounding the sword Excalibur, and mention of Arthur’s final resting place at Avalon. At the time of the publication of Geoffrey’s book and certainly immediately afterwards, it had a great influence, not only in Britain but in Europe as well, and as with the very best of legends, the deeds and acts attributed to its leader, Arthur, grew and grew. 

However, it took the writings of French authour Chretien de Troyes to really bring the story of King Arthur into the mainstream of European literature and folklore. Troyes, in his writings added Lancelot and The Holy Grail to the legend and introduced the dynamic of The Knights of The Round Table, and the various stories surrounding these knights. As a result, Arthurian literature thrived during the Middle Ages, with more and more embellishment being added to the various tales. 

By the time that King Henry VII came to the throne in 1485, there were a number of tales of King Arthur and the Round Table. But it was the writings of Troyes that roused British writers to pen their own versions of the stories, to portray Arthur as a well-established British hero. Thomas Malory in his book the Death of Arthur, published in 1486, identifies the city of Winchester as Camelot, and it was here that Henry VII eldest son was baptised as Prince Arthur, to galvanise the populace and herald in a new age. 

For the next few hundred years, the tales around King Arthur became fewer and fewer, and it was not until the Victorian age that the legend once again came to the fore. In the early 19th century, the Gothic revival was taking place, where interest was once again focussed on King Arthur and the tales of heroic deeds. In 1816, Malory’s book was reprinted for the first time since 1634, and the tales in the book became inspiration for poets such as William Wordsworth who penned ‘The Egyptian Maid’ in 1835, a poem that is an allegory of The Holy Grail, Alfred Tennyson who in 1832 published ‘The Lady of Shalott’ a lyrical ballad telling the story of a noblewoman imprisoned in a tower near Camelot, which led to him writing ‘The Idylls of The King’, published in 1859 in which he reworked Arthur’s life. As I mentioned earlier, the writings of Troyes & Mallory proved to be very popular in Europe, but the Victorian era gave rise to the stories and legend of King Arthur extending around the globe, particularly in the United States, where the story provided inspiration for the Mark Twain satire ‘A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court’. Not only was the legend of King Arthur available in print form, but other forms of the arts also drew inspiration from the stories, the most famous of these being Wagner’s opera ‘Parsifal’. 

So, I think it is fair to say that King Arthur has continued to be an inspiration to authours, musicians, poets and film makers to this day. But is there any evidence that he actually existed? 

Well, let’s briefly take a look at some of the key elements of the legend. 

Is there any record of a King Arthur? From what I have been able to research the answer is no. There are recorded accounts of warriors from the time, who were engaged in conflict with the Saxons, but the only record I could find was one relating to a warrior who was fighting the Picts of Scotland, and even then, much of what I found doesn’t really tally up with the Arthurian legend. 

What about Tintagel, Arthur’s supposed birthplace? Well, Tintagel certainly does exist. It is a medieval fortification located on the peninsula of Tintagel Island in the county of Cornwall here in the UK. There are artefacts that have been recovered from within and around its location that seem to indicate occupation from the Roman era, but no structure of a Roman type has ever been found, and the castle ruins and fortifications have been examined and found to be from the 13th century, some 6 centuries after the time of King Arthur. 

How about the fabled Camelot? Again, no such place has been discovered, although there are many places that lay claim to being the site of the great Royal Court. Speculation and conjecture have led to historians, archaeologists and those with an interest in the King Arthur story to suggest Cadbury Castle in Somerset & Caerleon in South Wales to be prime candidates, but the truth is that no-one has any definitive proof that this is the case. 

How about the Knights of the Round Table? Well Britain and Europe have a long-established tradition of heraldic and chivalric knights, engaged in good deeds and indeed bearing arms. Think of The Knights Templar. The notion of a group of men engaged in good deeds, serving a beloved ruler is certainly a romantic one, and history does indeed tell us of many knights engaged on noble endeavours, but no records can be found of the knights in the Arthur stories. 

So, the legend of King Arthur is just that, a legend, embellished and expanded on over time. But the real power behind King Arthur is the message that he sends out, in that in times of strife and conflict, a leader is able to galvanise his people, protect them from those who would try and harm them, lead a life of duty and instil in his entourage a set of codes and practices that teach and demand service, discipline and duty, and to be honest those ideals are what we want from our leaders.  

At the time of me recording this episode, the news about the Russian invasion of the Ukraine has just been announced. Now this is not a political show, but I hope that the people of the Ukraine can find their own ‘King Arthur’ in their time of need, and my thoughts and prayers are with them. 

Well, that’s it for this episode, I hope you enjoyed it. Please get in touch and let me know your thoughts on King Arthur. In the next episode, I will be looking at The Bilderberg Group, so until next time, thank you for listening, and it's now back to Mel for the rest of the show. 



Now I love a good storm, don’t you? The palpable rise in the energy the power of lightening and that amazing fresh Ozone smell after a really good clear out of the energies. Now my Great Grandma apparently HATED storms especially the thunder and lightning variety. She would apparently open all the windows and go and hide in the coal cellar! So, I don’t think I take after her, bless her.  

Now STORM MAGIC is not about creating bad weather a popular and old misconception but is about harnessing the energy and natural power of a storm to then use it to charge your magical tools and crystals and to put a voltage charge into any rituals or spell work. It really is very powerful stuff but a word of warning the element of Storm is Air and Air is at best unpredictable and at worst totally chaotic and can deliver way more than you bargained for. You cannot control it either so do not think that this is the aim, it is not. The aim is to focus a little of that power into your works. 

It is essential when performing this kind of magic that you are fit to do so, both physically and emotionally as it is strong stuff, and you need to be up to being able to focus the energy. Also be safe please, do not put yourself at unnecessary physical risk trying to do any storm magic work. You do not have to stand out in a lightning storm, waving anything at the sky. You can perform this kind of works safely indoors just as well. So please be safe. 

Now you can use any type of storm to assist your magical rituals, however, some storms work better for some types of works than others so here are a what each type of storm relates to. 

A good blowy kind of storm is great for change. We’ve all heard of the winds of change, yes? Well, this is why a good windstorm can affect great movement of energies. So, any movement types of actions, new starts, lifestyle changes and breaking old patterns of action and behaviour are great to focus on in this type of weather. 

A good heavy downpour of rain kind of storm is great for cleansing type of work, obviously with all that water! It is also great for any personal growth, relationship, romance and communication type of work.  

Finally, snowstorms, which can be gentle or wild but are great energies to focus on for works involving harmonising, balance, purifying, regeneration and anything requiring a creative type of energy.  

I hope you found this useful and next time you feel the desire to splashing about in the rain, remember you can use that energy! 

Next time we will be looking at MARCH NEW MOON MANIFESTATIONS



Hello and welcome to this week’s self-care session. My name is Amanda Parnell and as a life coach I am passionate about helping people move forward in their life and uncover their true potential. Throughout these sessions I will share practical skills and techniques to support your wellbeing and help you to find new ways to practice self-care. To create a life you love, the journey always starts with you!   

In today’s session we’ll be talking about how SELF-LOVE is an essential part of self-care and how you can learn to truly love yourself.  

There are many people on social media who fill their pages with self-love quotes such as ‘to love others, you must first love yourself’ and ‘love yourself as much as you want to be loved by others’ these are seen to be positive and motivational affirmations but can often lead to a sense of lack when we are unable to reach these goals. 

I once read a quote that said, ‘How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you’ this got me thinking about how I have been loved in my life and I realised that in times when I may have given up on myself, others did too.  

It also made me realise that we often search for someone to support our needs rather than doing more to care for our own and we do this because it feels like the easier option. 

So, what does SELF-LOVE mean? 

The meaning of self-love is quite straight forward, to truly love ourselves means that we have a high regard for our own wellbeing and that we care for our own needs. Simple in theory but often more difficult in practice.  


Self-love involves self-acceptance, and this means as you are now. Not how you would like to be in the future, or how successful you want to be, but right now in your life as you are.  

It also means being kind to yourself. This isn’t just a hot bath or a home cooked meal. Being kind should mean that you spend time focusing on your emotional, spiritually, physically and mentally wellbeing. 


An important part of self-love is how kindly we speak to ourselves Take a moment to think about some of the internal conversations you may have had. How kind was the language you used? Was it kind, loving and supportive or was it harsh, critical, or even destructive?   

Loving yourself is definitely not selfish and there are many ways to start the process of loving yourself more. Firstly, start each day by telling yourself something positive. You can write this in a journal or say it out loud, just hear the words and allow yourself to smile. 

Take some deep breaths to calm your mind and think about something you are grateful for. Feeling grateful helps us to feel abundant and more able to receive.  

Surround yourself with people who love and support you. Let them remind you just how amazing you are. 

Don’t be so hard on yourself. When things go wrong or you make a mistake keep your internal talk gentle or as you would to a friend, you are human and are allowed to make mistakes, and it is only through our mistakes that we learn. 


Share your uniqueness with the world and celebrate who you are. You have one life go live it to the full and love yourself as much as possible along the way. 


Thank you for your company today. If you would like any further information or support in any of the areas discussed, then please feel free to get in touch. All my details can be found on the podcast. Episode notes.  

Join me next time when we will be discussing our SELF-CARE HABITS. Until then, TAKE CARE OF YOU. 



This week I want to give you a really good acupressure point for distress and anxiety, especially the kind that can take your breath away or cause heart palpitations. Anxiety attacks are horrendous. When I first experienced one, I thought I was having a heart attack and this point will help in this situation.  

REN 17 calms and relieves anxiety and depression and calms the emotions and stops hysteria. It also boosts the Immune system. Located in the middle of the breastbone right between the nipples and four finger widths up from the bottom of the breastbone tip. Stimulating this area with deep massage should make you feel better almost instantly, calmer and at peace.  

You could also link this with HT7 the SPIRIT GATE POINT and you then have a really effective quick and easy prescription for palpitations, anxiety, stress and is also really good for Insomnia. I use it a lot for that.  

HT7 is located on the underside edge of the wrist crease on the outer edge, underneath the little finger. It is found in the depression on the outer side of the tendon which runs vertical up in the direction of the little finger. HT7 directly calms the Heart, and the mind so is great for anxiety attacks, anger and stress in general. 

Hope you found that useful and it helps you right now or in the future – as ever let me know how you get on! 

34:38 Mel – CLOSING 

Well, that’s it for this episode folks. Coming up in next week’s show -: 

TURQUOISE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We tickle the chin of the King of big cats, LEO in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE BILDERBERG GROUP is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, we have some manifestations to coincide with the MARCH NEW MOON. In the 3rd  episode of MARIA’S MAGICAL SUPER 6, Maria discusses the fascinating subject of THE GENE KEYS, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, one of the 10 Golden Points, SP6 (THE THREE YIN INTERSECTION) is discussed.  

If you would like to help support the show, there is a link at the end of the episode notes where you can click on the BUY ME A COFFEE link or click on the heart icon on the podcast website. Your support is and always will be appreciated. 

A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and for the technical help and advice from the folks at AUDACITY & AUPHONIC. 

A big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.  

A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.   

Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.   

Please visit the website where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you.  

So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.