The Spirit Level

The Spirit Level Podcast Season 3 Episode #3

Season 3 Episode 3

(00:30) Join Mel & MR M for another episode. The weather is playing havoc in the UK, but in addition to the weather, which effects the Liver Qi, Mel advises some self-care and reflection with the arrival of the Full Moon.

Coming up in this week's show -:
(02:33) SEPTARIAN is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER.
(04:46) We double up with GEMINI in COSMIC CRUISE.
(09:33) There will be some more of your Listener questions.
(13:08) In MR M’s MENAGERIE, MOHENJO-DARO is being discussed.
(28:40) In the second episode of MARIA’S MAGICAL SUPER 6, YOGA & MEDITATION are the topics under discussion.
(39:12) And in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have some points to aid with digestion and sickness, P6 & LI4.

Coming up in next week's show -:
MOLDAVITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We scuttle across the sand with CANCER in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE LEGEND OF KING ARTHUR is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, the power of nature is harnessed with STORM MAGIC. In the second episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda Parnell discusses SELF-LOVE, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have some points to alleviate stress, anxiety and heart palpitations, REN17 & HT7.

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00:00 Mel – INTRO 

Hello everyone, join me a small medium at large as we explore the world of Spirit, energy, tarot, mediumship, psychic abilities, Angels, oracles, paranormal activity and basically anything downright spooky. If any, some, or all of those things interest you, then you've come to the right place my friends, I'm Melanie Mahmood and welcome to the Spirit Level podcast.  

00:30 Mel – WELCOME 

Hello, hello, hello, well folks it’s a bit wild and windy here in soggy Oughtibridge. We have a couple of storms brewing and a Full Moon, so batten down the hatches on the home and emotional front folks. Windy weather causes the LIVER QI to get agitated and hence you might be feeling agitated too.  My advice??? Alcohol soothes LIVER QI out, so treat yourself to your drop of choice, it’s medicinal!! A small Shiraz for me please and thank you. 

The full Moon can raise old issues, especially emotional ones so be reflective, and a bit of extra self-care won’t go amiss either. So please, be kind to yourself and any upsets should be quelled by the time the full Moon passes, so rest on your laurels and wait a wee while before making any big decisions. It could all just be a storm in a teacup. 

Before we start the show proper, just a quick shout out to our friend Alex down in London town. Hope you’re feeling better love and we send you much love and healing all the way from Yorkshire!   

So, coming up in this week’s show -: 

SEPTARIAN is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We double up with GEMINI in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, MOHENJO-DARO is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, FAIRY MAGIC & THE FAE FOLK are our focus. In the second episode of MARIA’S MAGICAL SUPER 6, YOGA & MEDITATION are the topics under discussion, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have some points to aid with digestion and sickness, P6 & LI4

So, if you’re ready, here we go. 



Now this week we are having a look at what I call an amalgam crystal, because its actually a mixture of several crystals all into one. Imagine yellow Calcite crystals and that is what it looks like. 

SEPTARIAN is named so because it forms into a crystalline structure with seven points radiating out in every direction and it is a mixture of CALCITE, CHALCEDONY and ARAGONITE, so it has elements and characteristics of all of these individual crystals but together they are the “reprogramming and communicating” stone.  

SEPTARIAN assists in repatterning and reprogramming outdated and no longer needed behaviours and emotions and harmonises the higher mind with the emotions. SEPTARIAN also supports self-care and caring for others and the Mother Earth.  

Communication wise, SEPTARIAN is great for public speaking and helping groups communicates together and between each other effectively.  

On the healing vibe, SEPTARIAN is useful to healers as it can assist with diagnosis and focuses the body’s own healing abilities. On a physical level is supports and assists with SAD and any metabolic or immune system disorders, and disorders related to sleep and all systems generally imbalance is present. 

Emotionally, SEPTARIAN is very grounding and dissolves negativity so is good for negative thoughts and depressive disorders. 

So that’s SEPTARIAN folks, Mother Nature being bountiful as always and producing a clever crystal and that’s exactly the vibe this crystal has, it’s very clever. 



Welcome to this week’s COSMIC CRUISE, and this week our focus is on Gemini. Gemini the Twins falls between the 22nd of May and 21st of June. Gemini is ruled by Mercury the planet of communication and is an Air sign. Air signs are thinkers, communicators and the action folk of the zodiac. Quick witted and hungry for knowledge. Some people say that Gemini folk are fickle as they can change their mind about things in seconds but really, they are just one step ahead of the rest of us and just sense when it’s time to move on. Life is never boring with a Gemini around. Extroverted, flexible and clever they can be difficult to read as they are often indecisive, and it depends in which way the wind is blowing as to what they may do or decide. On the flip side they can be somewhat two faced, like the twins that represent them, having two sides to their personality, which others may not understand or be able to deal with. They can also be over analytical and get themselves stuck in “overthinking” which they find negative, frustrating and at worst destructive. Communication and technology are the Gemini’s secret super-powers. 

Your soul lesson is to learn to use your communication skills for the greater good and not for manipulative purposes. Great careers for Gemini’s are anything to do with communication, so public relations, teacher, journalist, consultant but also engineering, architect, project management, events management or broadcasting. Famous Gemini’s are musician Stevie Nicks, Actor - Morgan Freeman, Super model -Naomi Campbell and Donald Trump.  

The Planetary crystal for Gemini is TIGERS EYE, a very powerful stone for harmony and prosperity. It empowers and protects to enable you to face fears head on and with confidence.  

Tarot card wise, Gemini is represented by the Major Arcana card of THE LOVERS, like the twin's image, this card is all about duality and deciding on whether to take the high or the low road. It’s also about personal integrity and a constant battle between right and wrong, often with themselves.  

Now onto the 3 card Tarot reading. 

And now it's time for your three-monthly card reading Geminis. So, we are coming sort of to the end of February now, so we'll be looking at March, April, going into May, perhaps, and the cards that have come out for you are the KING OF WANDS, the THREE OF WANDS, and the PAGE OF PENTACLES. Now these are all court cards, so, there's nothing major going on in this next three months, so there's no major shifts or changes. But there is some foundational stuff that is going off.  

So, the KING OF WANDS is about being focused and determined and driven in an idea or a concept or a new project. So, it's got your full attention and all of your energy is going towards that at this time. 

I do feel with the THREE OF WANDS especially coming up behind this card that you are wanting to broaden your horizons, even possibly traveling abroad, that's how far and moving abroad, but it's certainly all about adventure, pushing out of your comfort zone this next couple of months and not being afraid to do so because it's quite freeing and it will actually give you a lot of pleasure and enjoyments as well. 

And then we end up with the PAGE OF PENTACLES, which I think is all linked to this. This all links in nicely because the PAGE OF PENTACLES is all about showing people what you have done, what you have achieved, and the work that you've put in. 

So, you are in the middle of it. It's still in the process. There isn't a conclusion one way or another that's in the next few months, but certainly in the next three months you're working hard, and you are working towards your goals and your New Horizons. 

How exciting and that's Gemini. 



Mel – And now it's time for listener questions. What  do we have this week darling? 

MR M – Thank you, Mel, hello again everyone. Just the one question this week, and it comes from a dear friend of the show, Calre in Barnsley who asks -: 

I have a number of crystals, that I keep together in the same place. By keeping them together, is there any risk that they might not be as effective? 

Mel – Hi Clare bear and thank you. It’s a really good question and its quite a complicated one to answer. So, as you know, each crystal possesses its own different energy and its own meaning and its own use, so in theory their energies can repel and supplement each other.  

But there are some that I wouldn’t put together and you’ve really got to think about what you're using these crystals for. So, to give you an example, I wouldn’t put BLUE LACE AGATE & RED JASPER together. 

So, when people get depressed, they might go to RED JASPER to boost their energy and then go to BLUE LACE AGATE to calm them down and slow their emotions down a bit, dampening things down. But RED JASPER is always stronger than the blue, so it will completely and utterly obliterate the use of the BLUE LACE AGATE. Red crystals as you know amplify, and if you have low energy, red crystals will boost that low energy. But if you’ve got depressed energy, it’ll boost that as well.  So, the BLUE LACE AGATE will slow the process down as well, so, then you’ll end up making yourself feel worse for longer. 

So, the same could be said of putting CARNELIAN & AMETHYST together. So, CARNELIAN boost your energy, whilst AMETHYST calms you down, so to put them together, you’re effectively cancelling each other out and sending a very confusing signal to your energy field. 

So, just remember that red crystals are more dominant than green or blue ones, which means your energy is likely to be amplified or the situation is likely to be amplified, and a quick reminder about CLEAR QUARTZ as well, that’s an amplifier too, so be careful where you use it. 

Use your own intuition as well. Personally, I feel that MALACHITE is a bit of a loner and actually likes it that way. She doesn’t mix easily with other energies because she’s too strong and she can easily whack other crystal’s energies out and render them useless, but you pick that up when you’ve been using crystals for some time. 

So, think about your purpose. Think about the energy of the crystals individually and use your own intuition. 

MR M – Great stuff Mel, thank you very much, and thank you Clare for your question.  If you would like to send Mel a question or have your question feature as a three-card Tarot reading or want to get in touch with us for any other matter, including suggestions for show content guests or just to get in touch, then here is how to do so. 

Mel - Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us. 

You can get in touch with us via email and the address is 

On Facebook, on the groups, search for The Spirit Level. 

On Twitter search for 

We have a Twitter handle which is @ thespiritlevelU which is a capital U 

On Instagram, search for me, Melanie Mahmood or 

Or you can click on the SpeakPipe link in the episode notes and send us a voicemail free of charge. 

In addition, there are a number of resources for you to download and access on our website totally free of charge at we look forward to hearing from you. 



Welcome to MR M’s MENAGERIE. Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s episode. Today’s episode looks at one of the most interesting and perplexing cities from our ancient past. Now, there were a number of ancient cities I could have chosen to speak about today, MACHU PICCHU, GOBEKLI TEPI, ANGKOR WAT & POMPEII to name a few, and they might well feature in future episodes, however the city I’m going to talk about, is probably less well known than those I have just mentioned, but what happened to its inhabitants and the circumstances leading to its demise defy modern day logic or convention. Today, the ancient city of MOHENJO-DARO is our focus. 

MOHENJO-DARO sits on a ridge in the flood plain of the Indus River, in Sindh province, in modern day Pakistan. It is located about 17 miles from the town of Larkana.  

MOHENJO-DARO was built about 2600BC and went onto become one of the most influential cities of the Indus Valley civilizations. It was a centre for trade, business, architecture, engineering, science, agriculture and learning. Its influence stretched far beyond the Indus Valley itself, and the collective cities of the Indus Valley successfully traded and interacted with settlements and cities as far south as the Arabian Sea, as far west as the Iranian border, as far north as the Himalayas and as far east as modern-day Myanmar. 

MOHENJO-DARO was in many respects a remarkable city. It had a planned layout based on a grid of streets, laid out in perfect patterns. At its height the city probably had between 35,000 to 40,000 residents. The buildings of the city show a degree of design, technology and planning that stand out from other discovered cities in the region. The houses and majority of the buildings were constructed out of identically sized sun-dried bricks of baked mud and burned wood. The public buildings, of which there were many, suggest that MOHENJO-DARO operated with a high degree of social organization. 

The houses were specifically designed to protect the inhabitants from noise and odours and showed a level of planning that was far in excess of other cities in the region. The houses had rooms set aside for bathing, with separate and clearly defined reception rooms and bedrooms. There is evidence that each property and civic building had a waste system, and it is probably fair to say that MOHENJO-DARO built and maintained the world’s first urban sanitation system. Wastewater diverted to covered drains, which ran the length of the major streets of the city.  

As the city was in a fertile flood plain, agriculture played a great part in the city’s development. The great granary at MOHENJO-DARO, was designed with bays and received carts delivering crops from the countryside. There is evidence that the granary had ducts, built in to enable air to circulate beneath the stored grain to dry it. There was a large marketplace and buildings for commerce and trade. 

There was a large public bath, with steps down to a brick-lined pool in a colonnaded courtyard. The bath area had been extremely well built, with a layer of natural tar to keep it from leaking, and in the centre stood the pool. Measuring 12m x 7m, with a depth of 2.4m, the pool no doubt was used for religious or spiritual ceremonies. There was also an underground furnace, that provided heated water. 

MOHENJO-DARO was a well-fortified city. Although it did not have city walls in the conventional sense, it did have several towers and defensive fortifications.  

There is evidence that the city had been successively destroyed and rebuilt at least seven times. Each time, the new cities built directly on top of the old one, and it appears that flooding was the cause on each occasion. 

So, all seems good. Commerce and trade are flourishing, the influence of the city is spreading, and the inhabitants are living in a, what for the age was a technologically advanced and well-run city.  

But all that came to an end, suddenly around 1700BC, when it appears that MOHENJO-DARO was abandoned. For almost 3,000 years, MOHENJO-DARO lay undiscovered, that is until 1911, when a member of the Indian Archaeological Survey, conducting a scientific survey in the vicinity, thought he had found a Buddhist temple buried beneath a mound. What he discovered was unlike anything previously seen in the area. 

Excavations started in earnest in the 1920’s and 1930’s, and it some became apparent that this was no ordinary archaeological site. As more and more artifacts and items were found, a better understanding of the culture of the city began to be formed, however what was not and is still not known, was why and for what reason was the city abandoned. To all intents and purposes, this was a prosperous city, with a high level of civic and corporate infrastructure, food was plentiful, and the population was growing.  

So, lets speculate on some of the reasons MOHENJO-DARO was abandoned. 

A natural disaster of some kind –: Well, no evidence of seismic or volcanic activity has been found, and there are no reported instances in ancient texts in respect of this. The city, due to its proximity to the River Indus, was prone to flooding, and there certainly is evidence that the city had been flooded in the past, but the water levels do not extend to submerging the city in total. 

Disease and famine -: Whilst this is harder to discount, a disease that would cause the entire city to abandon it, would no doubt have been recorded. MOHENJO-DARO sits in a fertile flood plain, and again, whilst there may well have been instances of crops failing, it is highly unlikely that this would cause the population to abandon their homes, and such was the reach and influence of the city, that in times of crisis, help could no doubt be sought from other cities in the region and beyond. 

Civil unrest -: MOHENJO-DARO did not have an absolute ruler or emperor. In addition to its layout and engineering and technological achievements, it stood apart as a city that essentially ruled itself. It was autonomous, and again, there are no recorded issues of any type of civil unrest. 

Conflict -: Whilst there is historical and documented evidence of raiders from the northwest, sweeping down and occupying the Indus Valley, there appears to be no sign of any conflict taking place at MOHENJO-DARO. In fact, if some conflict did take place, there is no evidence of weaponry recovered or significant damage to buildings. In addition, if this was the cause of the city being abandoned, there appears to be no cemetery or repository where bodies were buried.  In fact, there is a distinct lack of bodies.  

Whilst the site is vast and not completely excavated, it remains a mystery as to what caused the populace to abandon their city. But there are bodies that have been found within the excavated parts of the city, and this is where things start to become a bit strange.  

To date, from a population estimated to have been up to 40,000, not more than 40 bodies have been recovered. These bodies appear to be in contorted states, and appear in excavated streets and buildings, and it is this fact that makes MOHENJO-DARO so strange. 

There were reports made in the 1960’s that examination of the city revealed larger than normal levels of radiation. This led to a theory that MOHENJO-DARO was subject to a nuclear blast or was subject to weaponry of an advanced technological nature. That would explain the lack of bodies, presumably the theory that the bodies of the dead would have been incinerated. This does have some merit, and there are extensive amounts of ash deposits found nearby. As to the Atomic blast theory, well you would expect to see more damage than is present if this took place. However, there is evidence that rocks have become vitrified at the site, which would require immense heat to cause this to happen. Think of the evidence we have at Pompeii, where great heat from the lava flow of the volcano, vitrified pottery and stones in the city. That eruption was documented and took place. Whatever happened at MOHENJO-DARO appears not to confirm to conventional wisdom or science. 

So is there any evidence that gives us some idea as to what may have taken place. Well, in a word…NO. But that hasn’t stopped speculation and conjecture over the years.  

One of the things that is going to make a definitive explanation about what happened at MOHENJO-DARO difficult, is the disrepair of the site. Little or no care has been made by the Pakistani authorities in terms of upkeep and conservation, and many parts of the excavated site are crumbling. It is estimated that the site could be reduced to dust within the next 10 years or so, if remedial action is not carried out. 

Whatever caused the people of MOHENJO-DARO to leave remains one of the great mysteries of the ancient world, and I’m sure there will be much more speculation, argument and conjecture about it. I’m not sure we will ever really know completely. 

As the great fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes is quoted as saying “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”. 

Well, that brings me to the end of this episode, I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know your thoughts on this episode or any of the other episodes in MR M’s MENAGERIE. Next week, I will be taking a look at the legend surrounding KING ARTHUR, so until then, thank you for listening, and it's now back to Mel for the rest of the show. 



Once upon time, a long, long time ago, we were much more connected to nature, the cycles of the Moon and all things magical, including creatures both magical and natural. Think about it, every single culture and human civilisation, no matter where in the world has a history of, or tradition of magical creatures. Often handed down from generation to generation there are innumerable tales of Dragons, Unicorns, Sprites, Gnomes, Giants and Fairies, nature spirits if you will.  

And I think this is because they existed and, in some cases, still exist to this day. They are there trust me, they just work on a different energetic level to us. Despite our modern world I also think we still crave this connection to nature and magic, its why nature walks, forest bathing and being in the great outdoors does us the power of good and uplifts the emotions and senses. 

It's because it’s where we should be! So, if you too feel that deep rooted ancient connection to the Earth and nature then I invite you to expand your horizons and consider working with the FAE FOLK, FAERIES as we commonly refer to them. 

Working with the FAE can be rewarding but a word of warning also, BE RESPECTFUL at all times and if they reward you, they will want something in return. So, there is a trade to be made. especially at your expense if you displease them.  

The FAE are great for specific areas of work. They hate any imbalances of energy and can help bring order to chaos. They are also very much about protection and if they like you, they will want to look after you. 

They can warn about impending weather issues and also help you to connect to your natural powers, even those you are not even aware of. They can see what you can’t. 

To work with the FAE, first you need to attract them but they are gentle and very shy so you will need to create a welcoming place for them to visit and this means bringing a little of the outdoors, indoors, so it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a garden or outdoor space of your own, you can still make a FAERY garden, an empty fish tank or bowl would be perfect to create an indoor fairy dell! 

If you are lucky enough to have your own outdoor space, pick a position that would normally get the rays of the full Moon on it, to create your fairy space.   

Then let your creativity go wild! The FAE love beauty and shiny, shiny things so add some sparkly jewellery or charms to your creation, and they love natural sounds like a water feature or wind chimes. Also make sure to add magical plants such as Rosemary, Thyme, Foxgloves and Roses. 

Leave them little gifts and let them know they are welcomed, loved and respected. You will know when they are about when you suddenly smell something sweet, like flowers, strawberries or honey. You may feel a fairy kiss, a gentle tickle on your cheek, often as you are just about to fall asleep, and I have just had a ruffle at the back of my hair as I wrote this! Thank you, my Fae friends! I think they like that I am writing about them!  

Animals can see and sense energies that we can’t so if you have a pet, and it suddenly starts playing and jumping about at something unseen to you, the FAE may be paying a visit as they love animals and love to play. 

FAE like to be inquisitive and nosy, and they can move things about, so if you start to work with the FAE they will tinker about with your stuff, things disappear and reappear where you know you haven’t touched it. We get that a lot at Chez Mahmood.  

Finally, there is such a thing as FAIRY DUST. A little trail of sparkles that let you know you’ve had a visit. So, leave little gifts for your new FAE friends and sweet treats and ask them to assist you with your magical works and don’t forget to affirm that magical incantation, “I BELIEVE”. 



Welcome to episode two of MARIA'S MAGICAL SUPER SIX and thank you for coming back. 

When Mel & Rash asked me to make a contribution to their amazing podcast, it seemed like perfect timing to share my spiritual journey over the last six years. 

So, October 2016 was when it all began for me. Only six years ago, it feels like a lifetime, but also a blink of an eye at the same time. 

So as 2022 is a six year NUMEROLOGICALLY represented in the Tarot by the lovers, a card signifying collaborations and partnerships, it seemed fitting to look back over the knowledge and the practices that I have immersed myself in to get to where I am now. 

And I share this with you, lovely listeners, in the hope that it may provide inspiration and some practical examples of how an ordinary wife and mum of three can change their life from the mundane to the magical. So, this week I'm going to be sharing with you some deeper insights into the yoga and meditation practices that I've learned about and worked with, with a practical example of some breathwork and a meditation for you to experience. But first, a little bit of a story for you. 

So, taking things back to basics, last week I spoke to you about KUNDALINI YOGA. I want to speak to you today about the entirety of yoga. So, yoga means yoke or union, the joining of the human and the divine from within us. 

This is practiced in many different permutations or styles that have been passed down since the yoga Sutras of Patanjali from around 300 BC. So, this is an ancient body mind practice which far exceeds the western interpretation of yoga, being just a posture or ASANA-based practice, Patanjali wrote of the 8 limbs or branches of the Ashtanga yoga system. 

Which include the Yamah’s, which are universal codes of conduct on how we relate to the outside world. So, such concepts as AHIMSA, you may have heard off, which means nonviolence. 

SATYA which is truthfulness. 

ASTEYA which is non stealing. 

And there are another couple of concepts as well within this, but these are basic common or natural laws for humanity, so it's really stripping things back to how we behave as human beings on a really basic level he also wrote about NIYAMAH’S, which are personal codes of conduct such as cleanliness, contentment, discipline, self-study and self-reflection and the concept of surrendering to higher powers, so that which sit outside of ourselves, but are also a part of our humanness. 

He wrote about ASANA, the postures of yoga. So, this is what has really been interpreted in the Western world as what yoga means. A series of movements and breathwork and a bit of relaxation and as you're hopefully understanding now, from what I'm sharing with you, yoga is about way, way more than just posture. He talks about PRANAYAMA and teaches about PRANAYAMA, breath development. 

He talks about and shares the concept of PRATYHARA, which is withdrawal from senses. So here we're moving towards meditation. 

So, there's the concept of DHARANA, which is concentration, which then moves towards DHYANA, which is meditation, and then the concept of SAMADHI, which is the integration of all of these aspects, and as a Yogi, if you're following this path in a truly spiritual way, then this would be something that would be an aspirational state to achieve through our devotion to practice, so all schools of yoga have aspects of the above contained in their teachings and to various degrees. But as with all things over time, there have emerged many, many variations. 

KUNDALINI YOGA is a very different yoga altogether and this was the yoga that I studied back in 2017. This was brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan in the late 1960s. So, really, in the grand scheme of things, it is a relatively new yoga strand. His teachings contain aspects of SIKHISM, whereas most other yoga schools are rooted in the SANSKRIT language which is more closely associated with HINDUISM and BUDDHISM. 

So, KUNDALINI YOGA has a structured format with purposeful KRIYAS, or sets of exercises and meditations which focus on particular emotions, energy centres or physical systems within the body. There's a strong emphasis on mantra and music, using sound or NAAD to help shift stuck energy in the various layers of the body. So, anyway, enough of me talking, let's try some meditation now, shall we? 

So, I want to make sure that you're not driving or needing to focus on another task for a few moments now as you're listening. So, it may help if you are working or driving while you're listening, just to make a note of the time on the podcast and maybe come back a little bit later so that you can take the full benefit of this guided meditation. So, getting comfortable in your seat right now. So, finding somewhere to sit, that you can feel supported on your back, maybe cross legged on the floor or on a chair or even sitting on the bed trying to make sure that you've got your feet touching the floor. If you're sitting on the chair, you have some contact with the Earth. 

I just want to guide you now to close your eyes and just take your inner gaze with your eyes closed to the space between your eyebrows. 

You just start noticing the breath and the body beginning to mindfully relax your body now, by taking some deeper belly breaths, you breathe in feeling the belly swell. 

Breathing out and letting the belly come back towards the spine, maybe correcting your posture? Sitting up nice and straight, opening your heart space, your chest area. 

Lifting the crown of your head, dropping your shoulders. Breathing in. Breathing out. 

Each conscious breath is an opportunity to soften, you’re beginning to notice any other areas of tension in the body now maybe the shoulders, the back, the forehead, or the jaw. Just take the breath to these areas wherever there is tension in the body. Breathe into these spaces, noticing if you're allowing any tension to creep across the forehead, softening these muscles, allowing the arms to relax, maybe resting the backs of the hands, on your knees or your thighs. Just having the palms facing upwards just to receive this moment of peace. 

As you breathe in and breathe out, long deep breaths. You might want to sigh your out breath to release tension, feeling everything, slowing down around you now. 

Just making a note of what's coming up for you. Might surprise you what insights you get when you begin to slow things down. 

When you're ready now, just bring your breath back to a normal rate of inhale and exhale, opening your eyes whenever you're ready. 

I hope that you enjoyed that little moment of peace, and I do hope that this story that I'm sharing of my experiences has helped you in some way, either inspiring you on your own healing and spiritual journey, maybe wanting to do something different. So, if you feel called, please, reach out via their usual podcast contacts. 

It would be my privilege to hear from you. Thank you so much for listening. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all, and also to all of my teachers and all of my students from the past six years, as you've all played, such an important part on my own magical journey. 



Have you ever seen those travel bands you can get to stop travel sickness? Well, those bands are using acupressure to stop nausea, vomiting and stomach pain. The point that is being used is P6 or INNER GATE. If you take your three middle fingers and place them horizontally across your opposite wrist with the upper finger resting on the crease of your wrist, P6 lies between the two guider muscles running up to the wrist, on the edge of where the index finger sits.  

It’s a difficult point to needle I can tell you but by placing pressure on that spot, you can prevent and alleviate nausea relating to anything like travel or motion sickness, pregnancy related morning sickness, stomach pain, headache and anxiety. The bands are good because they keep the pressure on, so they are good to have in the first aid kit. I used to stock them at the clinic for pregnancy related sickness and had great results with them. 

Another Master point for anything stomach or digestive related is LI4 or UNION VALLEY. Be careful and a word of warning about this point please DO NOT use this point if you are pregnant as it is an elimination point, during or to induce labour is fine but not during pregnancy please. 

LI4 is located right at the top of the mound of flesh that sits between the thumb and first / index finger. LI4 is used for so many issues I could do an entire show on what it can do but it's really useful for pain management, anything digestive, detoxification and headache. I would use the thumb to stimulate this point as it will hit it as it is quite a big point surface area wise, again pinch or deeply massage this point to gain relief.  

As always let me know how you get on and I hope this helps. 

41:46 Mel – CLOSING 

Well, that’s it for this episode folks. Coming up in next week’s show -: 

MOLDAVITE is the featured crystal in CRYSTAL CORNER. We scuttle across the sand with CANCER in COSMIC CRUISE. There will be some more of your Listener questions. In MR M’s MENAGERIE, THE LEGEND OF KING ARTHUR is being discussed. In HOUSEHOLD HOCUS POCUS, the power of nature is harnessed with STORM MAGIC. In the second episode of TAKE CARE OF YOU, Amanda Parnell discusses SELF-LOVE, and in STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, we have some points to alleviate stress, anxiety and heart palpitations, REN17 & HT7. 

If you would like to help support the show, there is a link at the end of the episode notes where you can click on the BUY ME A COFFEE link or click on the heart icon on the podcast website. Your support is and always will be appreciated. 

A big thank you to BUZZSPROUT for hosting us, and for the technical help and advice from the folks at AUDACITY & AUPHONIC. 

A big thank you to my beloved husband and producer, Mr M for his help and support.  

A massive thank you to you, our listeners, wherever you maybe for your continued support and your lovely messages. Please subscribe and review our podcast. Your feedback will help us improve the show.   

Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox or via your usual podcast provider.   

Please visit the website where you can book a personal reading with me, wherever you are in the world, enrol on one of the courses, browse the online store, for the crystals that we talk about, crystal packs, power bracelets, aromatherapy and scented candles, or just to get in touch, we always love to hear from you.  

So, until next time folks look after each other and love and light to you all.